Last Update: October 2021
Institutional Framework Database for Social Policy
in Latin America and the Caribbean



Legal and regulatory dimension
Adherence, signing, and ratification of covenants, conventions, and agreements related to economic, social, and cultural rights
Ratified/Adhered to     Signed     Without Signature / Ratification
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racism Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women Convention on the Rights of the Child International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families Constituent Agreement of the Development Fund for Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean
12 March 1980 15 February 1978 7 December 2007 27 October 1981 5 October 1990 26 October 2005 10 July 1995
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The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and its Optional Protocol are the international instruments for the Universal Protection of Human Rights of the United Nations that regulate the protection of economic, social, and cultural rights. The Covenant was approved by the United Nations General Assembly with resolution 2200 A (XXI) on December 16th, 1966 and became effective in 1976.

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The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racism is the international instrument of the Universal System for the Protection of Human Rights of the United Nations, explicitly directed towards the elimination of any kind of racial discrimination. It was approved by the United Nations General Assembly with resolution 2106 (XX) on December 21st, 1965 and became effective in 1969.

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The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the international instrument of the Universal System for the Protection of Human Rights of the United Nations that regulates the protection of human rights for persons with disabilities, explicitly mentioning a social development perspective. In this Convention a broad classification of persons with disabilities are considered, and it reaffirms that all people with all kinds of disabilities should be able to enjoy all their fundamental human rights and liberties. It was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on December 13th, 2006.

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The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women is the international instrument of the Universal System for the Protection of Human Rights of the United Nations that regulates the protection of rights of women. It defines acts that constitute discrimination against women and describes the nature of State obligations through laws, public policy, and programs that the State should develop to eliminate discrimination. It was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on December 18th, 1979.

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The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the international instrument used by the Universal System for the Protection of Human Rights of the United Nations that recognizes the articulated rights of the child on the basis of four fundamental principles: no discrimination, best interests of the child, the right to life, livelihood and development, and the respect of the child’s opinion. It was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on November 20th, 1989.

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The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families is the international instrument used by the Universal System for the Protection of Human Rights of the United Nations that regulates the protection of rights of migrant persons and their families, regardless of their migration status. It was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on December 18th, 1990.

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The Constituent Agreement of the Development Fund for Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean is the international instrument used by the Universal System for the Protection of Human Rights of the United Nations that advises governments in assuming responsibility for developing, with the participation of indigenous populations, a coordinated and systematic action plan with the aim of protecting the rights of these populations and guaranteeing the respect of their integrity. It was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on June 27th, 1989.

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Constitutional Mention of Sectoral Topics
Explicit Mention      Indirect/Implicit Mention     Does not mention

Year of Latest Observed Constitution

Social Housing

Work and Social Security

Public Health

Public Education

Social Development

Children and Adolescents

Youth/Young Adults


Older Persons

Persons with Disabilities

Afrodecendants and Indigenous Peoples


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ARTICULO 64.- Los nicaragüenses tienen derecho a una vivienda digna, cómoda y segura que garantice la privacidad familiar. El Estado promoverá la realización de este derecho.

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ARTICULO 61.- El Estado garantiza a los nicaragüenses el derecho a la seguridad social para su protección integral frente a las contingencias sociales de la vida y el trabajo, en la forma y condiciones que determine la ley.

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ARTICULO 59.- Los nicaragüense tienen derecho, por igual, a la salud. El Estado establecerá las condiciones básicas para su promoción, protección, recuperación y rehabilitación. Corresponde al Estado dirigir y organizar los programas, servicios y acciones de salud y promover la participación popular en defensa de la misma. Los ciudadanos tienen la obligación de acatar las medidas sanitarias que se determinen.

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Art. 87.- La educación primaria es obligatoria, y la costeada por el Estado y las corporaciones públicas, gratuita y laica. Art. 69.- La educación de la prole es el primer deber y derecho natural de los padres respecto a los hijos, para que éstos alcancen la Mayr capacidad corporal, intelectual y social. Art. 70.- A los padres sin recursos económicos les asiste el derecho de impetrar el auxilio del Estado para la educación de la prole.

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The latest constitutional text revised for this country does not present any explicit on indirect mentions for this sectoral topic in particular.

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ARTICULO 71.- Es derecho de los nicaragüenses constituir una familia. Se garantiza el patrimonio familiar, que es inembargable y exento de toda carga pública. La ley regulará y protegerá estos derechos. La niñez goza de protección especial y de todos los derechos de su condición requiere, por lo cual tiene plena vigencia la Convención Internacional de los Derechos del Niño y la Niña. *Artículo reformado por Ley Nº 192 de 1995.

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The latest constitutional text revised for this country does not present any explicit on indirect mentions for this sectoral topic in particular.

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The latest constitutional text revised for this country does not present any explicit on indirect mentions for this sectoral topic in particular.

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ARTICULO 77.- Los ancianos tienen derecho a medidas de protección por parte de la familia, la sociedad y el Estado.

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ARTICULO 62.- El Estado procurará establecer programas en beneficio de los discapacitados para su rehabilitación física, sicosocial y profesional y para su ubicación laboral.

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The latest constitutional text revised for this country does not present any explicit on indirect mentions for this sectoral topic in particular.

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Art. 22.- Los extranjeros gozan en Nicaragua de todos los derechos civiles y garantías que se conceden a los nicaragüenses, sin más limitaciones que las que establezcan las leyes.

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Specific national laws
Law present      Official information not available

Children and Adolescents

Youth/Young Adults

Older Persons


Peoples with Disabilites

Afrodescendants and Indigenous Peoples


Public Education

Work and Social Security

Social Housing

Public Health

Social Development

Legal Instrument Código de la Niñez y de la Adolescencia Ley de Promoción del Desarrollo Integral de la Juventud Ley de Adulto Mayr Ley de la Policía Nacional No. 228. (1996) Ley de prevención, rehabilitación y equiparación de oportunidades para las personas con discapacidad n.d. Ley Nº 761: "Ley General de Migración y Extranjería (2011) Ley General de Educación Código de Trabajo Ley de Fomento de la Construcción de Vivienda de Interés Social Ley General de Salud n.d.
  Law Law Law Law Law Law Law Law Law Law




Organizational dimension
Main authority for intersectoral coordination


Country Nicaragua
Main authority Presidential Council for Communications and Citizen Affairs
Year of creation 2007
Coordinating authority Presidential Delegate
Members a. A Delegate of the President of the Republic, who will coordinate it. b. The heads of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, and Ministry of the Family, Adolescence, and Childhood, or their delegates. c. The Co-directors of the Nicaraguan Institute of Municipal Development, Nicaraguan Institute of Culture, Ministry of Youth, Ministry of Women, Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism, or their delegates. d. The Communication and Citizenship Secretaries at the departmental, municipal, and autonomous region levels. The Secretariat of Communication and Citizenship for Social Development is the successor without interruption to the Directorate of Communication Coordination, Press Secretariat, Office of Public Ethics, and the Departmental and Regional Government Secretariats. The Secretariat of Communication and Citizenship for Social Development will also have an Executive Secretary, who will be appointed by the President of the Republic. The functions, powers, and competencies of the aforementioned entities are transferred to this Secretariat, and as a result, any decree, resolution, agreement, or regulatory provision that refers to them must be understood as referring to the Secretariat of Communication and Citizenship for Social Development. e. The Coordinator of the Food Security Council. f. The President of the Board of Directors of the Emergency Social Investment Fund (FISE). g. The President of the Association of Municipalities of Nicaragua (AMUNIC).
Main authority devoted to social development


Country Nicaragua
Main authority Ministry of Family, Adolescence and Childhood
Year of creation 2007
Mission To facilitate the execution of integral actions for the benefit of vulnerable population groups, underprivileged and abandoned children, elderly people and people with different abilities, seeking to offer self-supporting solutions. By mandate of the Law 290, it implements social policies for the promotion, prevention and special protection of the rights of girls, boys, adolescents, seniors and families that are in situations of social risk. Its mission is to guarantee the restitution and protection of the fundamental rights of children and adolescents who are in a situation of greater disadvantage, vulnerability or risk. For this, we work with astrategy of shared responsibility with the participation of families; young people; the Cabinet of the Family, Communities and Life and the Solidary Homes.
Incumbent Johana Vanessa Flores (2018)




Institutions protecting certain population segments
Official information not available
Population segment

Children and Adolescents

Youth/Young Adults

Older Persons

Persons with Disabilities



Main protection mechanism Consejo de Atención y Protección Integral a la Niñez y la Adolescencia/ Ministerio de la familia Ministerio de la Juventud onsejo Nacional del Adulto Mayor Consejo Nacional de Promoción y Aplicación de los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad Ministerio de la Mujer Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería
Legal Instrument Ley 287 Código de la Niñez y la Adolescencia (1998) (CONAPINA) Ley 351 de Organización del Consejo Nacional de Atención y de Protección Integral a la Niñez y la Adolescencia y la Defensoría de las Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes y Decreto 63-2000 Reglamento General de la Ley Ley de Promoción del Desarrollo Integral de la Juventud y su Reglamento (Ley núm. 392) Ley No. 720 - Ley del Adulto Mayor (2010) Ley 763 de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad Ley Nº 761: "Ley General de Migración y Extranjería (2011)




Technical-operational dimension
Management, planning, evaluation, and transparency tools for social programmes
Tool present   Tool not present 

Main Social Protection Actor (Presence and Hierarchy)

Technical-operational dimension
Unique Registry of Participants Sistema Integrado de Administración Financiera /b Sectoral Plan for Social Development Transparence - system for accessing public information from the State

Integrated Social Information System

Evaluation mechanisms for social programs





Ministry of Family, Adolescence and Children




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