Last Update: October 2021
Institutional Framework Database for Social Policy
in Latin America and the Caribbean
Persons with disabilities
The Social Development Division has amongst its goals to contribute to the diagnosis of the social situation of the Latin American and Caribbean population and to focus its interest in specific groups in different countries in the region.

Latin America (19 countries): primary national law for protecting the rights of persons with disabilities
Country and year Type Law
Argentina (1981) Law Law 22431, Comprehensive protection system for people with disabilities
Bolivia (Plur. State of) (2012) Supreme decret Law 223, General for people with disabilities
Brazil (1989) Law Law 7,853 on support for people with disabilities and their social integration
Chile (2010) Law Law 20,422 that establishes norms on equal opportunities and social inclusion of people with disabilities
Colombia (1997; 2013) Law Law 361 by which mechanisms of social integration of people with limitations are established and other provisions are enacted
Colombia (1997; 2013) Law Law 1618 through which the provisions are established to guarantee the full exercise of the rights of persons with disabilities
Costa Rica (1973) Law Law 5.347 by which the National Council of Rehabilitation and Special Education was created in 1973
Cuba (1996) Resolution Law 4/96 establishing the National Council for Attention to Persons with Disabilities
Ecuador (2012) Law Organic Law on disabilities
El Salvador (2000) Legislative declaration Law on equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities
Guatemala (1996; 2008) Decret Law 135 of attention to people with disabilities
Guatemala (1996; 2008) Decret Law approving the national policy on disability and plan of action
Honduras (2005) Decret Law 160 on equity and integral development for people with disabilities
Mexico (2011) Law General law for the inclusion of people with disabilities
Nicaragua (2011) Law Law 763 on the rights of persons with disabilities
Panama (1999) Law Law 42, which establishes the equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities
Paraguay (2012) Law Law 4720 that creates the National Secretariat for the Human Rights of persons with disabilities (SENADIS)
Peru (2012) Supreme decret General Law 29973 of the person with disability
Dominican Republic (2013) Law Organic Law 5 on the equal rights of persons with disabilities
Uruguay 2010) Law Law 18.651 of Integral protection of persons with disabilities
Venezuela (Bol. Rep. of) (2006) Law Law for people with disabilities

Source: own elaboration based on Stang (2011) and a search in the pages of disability institutions of the countries in the region.
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), based on official information reported by governments of the region.
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