Last Update: October 2021
Institutional Framework Database for Social Policy
in Latin America and the Caribbean
Dominican Republic



Legal and regulatory dimension
Adherence, signing, and ratification of covenants, conventions, and agreements related to economic, social, and cultural rights
Ratified/Adhered to     Signed     Without Signature / Ratification
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racism Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women Convention on the Rights of the Child International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families Constituent Agreement of the Development Fund for Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean
4 January 1978 25 May 1983 18 August 2009 2 September 1982 11 June 1991 7 July 2024 7 July 2024
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The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and its Optional Protocol are the international instruments for the Universal Protection of Human Rights of the United Nations that regulate the protection of economic, social, and cultural rights. The Covenant was approved by the United Nations General Assembly with resolution 2200 A (XXI) on December 16th, 1966 and became effective in 1976.

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The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racism is the international instrument of the Universal System for the Protection of Human Rights of the United Nations, explicitly directed towards the elimination of any kind of racial discrimination. It was approved by the United Nations General Assembly with resolution 2106 (XX) on December 21st, 1965 and became effective in 1969.

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The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the international instrument of the Universal System for the Protection of Human Rights of the United Nations that regulates the protection of human rights for persons with disabilities, explicitly mentioning a social development perspective. In this Convention a broad classification of persons with disabilities are considered, and it reaffirms that all people with all kinds of disabilities should be able to enjoy all their fundamental human rights and liberties. It was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on December 13th, 2006.

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The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women is the international instrument of the Universal System for the Protection of Human Rights of the United Nations that regulates the protection of rights of women. It defines acts that constitute discrimination against women and describes the nature of State obligations through laws, public policy, and programs that the State should develop to eliminate discrimination. It was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on December 18th, 1979.

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The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the international instrument used by the Universal System for the Protection of Human Rights of the United Nations that recognizes the articulated rights of the child on the basis of four fundamental principles: no discrimination, best interests of the child, the right to life, livelihood and development, and the respect of the child’s opinion. It was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on November 20th, 1989.

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The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families is the international instrument used by the Universal System for the Protection of Human Rights of the United Nations that regulates the protection of rights of migrant persons and their families, regardless of their migration status. It was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on December 18th, 1990.

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The Constituent Agreement of the Development Fund for Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean is the international instrument used by the Universal System for the Protection of Human Rights of the United Nations that advises governments in assuming responsibility for developing, with the participation of indigenous populations, a coordinated and systematic action plan with the aim of protecting the rights of these populations and guaranteeing the respect of their integrity. It was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on June 27th, 1989.

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Constitutional Mention of Sectoral Topics
Explicit Mention      Indirect/Implicit Mention     Does not mention

Year of Latest Observed Constitution

Social Housing

Work and Social Security

Public Health

Public Education

Social Development

Children and Adolescents

Youth/Young Adults


Older Persons

Persons with Disabilities

Afrodecendants and Indigenous Peoples


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Articulo 59.- Derecho a laviviencla. Toda persona tiene derecho a una vivienda digna con semicios bhicos esenciales.

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Articulo 60.- Derecho a la seguridad social. Toda persona tiene derecho a la seguridad social. El Estado estimulari el desarrollo progresivo de la seguridad social para asegurar el acceso universal a una adecuada proteccibn en la enfermedad, discapacidad, desocupaci6n y la vejez.

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Articulo 61.- Derecho a la salud. Toda persona tiene derecho a la salud integral. En consecuencia:

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El Estado velari por la gratuidad y la calidad de la educaci6n general, el cumplimiento de sus fines y la formaci6n moral, intelectual y fisica del educando. Tiene la obligaci6n de ofertar el nlimero de horas lectivas que aseguren el logro de 10s objetivos educacionales;

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The latest constitutional text revised for this country does not present any explicit on indirect mentions for this sectoral topic in particular.

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Articulo 56.- Protecci6n de las personas menores de edad. La familia, la sociedad y el Estado, harin primar el interts superior del niiio, niiia y adolescente; tendrin la obligacibn de asistirles y protegerles CONSTITUCI~ND E LA REPI~BLICDAO MINICANA para garantizar su desarrollo arm6nico e integral y el ejercicio pleno de sus derechos fundamentales, conforme a esta Constituci6n y las leyes. En consecuencia:

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The latest constitutional text revised for this country does not present any explicit on indirect mentions for this sectoral topic in particular.

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La mujer y el hombre son iguales ante la ley. Se prohibe cualquier act0 que tenga como objetivo o resultado menoscabar o anular el reconocimiento, goce o ejercicio en condiciones de igualdad de 10s derechos fundamentales de mujeres y hombres.

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Articulo 57.- Protecci6n de las personas de la tercera edad. La familia, la sociedad y el Estado concurrirh para la protecci6n y la asistencia de las personas de la tercera edad y promoverin su integraci6n a la vida activa y comunitaria. El Estado garantizari 10s servicios de la seguridad social integral y el subsidio alimentario en caso de indigencia

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Artículo 58.- Protecci6n de las personas con discapacidad. El Estado promoveri, protegeri y asegurari el goce de todos 10s derechos humanos y libertades fundamentales de las personas con discapacidad, en condiciones de igualdad, asi como el ejercicio pleno y aut6nomo

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The latest constitutional text revised for this country does not present any explicit on indirect mentions for this sectoral topic in particular.

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Artículo 25.- Régimen de extranjería. Extranjeros y extranjeras tienen en la República Dominicana los mismos derechos y deberes que los nacionales, con las excepciones y limitaciones que establecen esta Constitución y las leyes

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Specific national laws
Law present      Official information not available

Children and Adolescents

Youth/Young Adults

Older Persons


Peoples with Disabilites

Afrodescendants and Indigenous Peoples


Public Education

Work and Social Security

Social Housing

Public Health

Social Development

Legal Instrument Código para la Protección de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes Ley General de Juventud (Ley núm. 49) Ley 352-98 - Conape n.d. Ley General de la Discapacidad n.d. Ley Nº 285-04: 'Ley General de Migración' (2004) Ley Orgánica de Educación No. 66-97 Codigo de Trabajo Ley de Vivienda Social Ley General de Salud Ley No. 42-01 n.d.
  Law Law Law Law Law Law Law Law Law Law




Organizational dimension
Main authority for intersectoral coordination


Country Dominican Republic
Main authority Social Policy Coordination Cabinet
Year of creation 2001
Coordinating authority Vice-President of the Republic
Members Secretary of State for the Presidency, Secretary of State for the Armed Forces, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Secretary of State for the Interior and Police, Administrative Secretary of the Presidency, Attorney General of the Republic, Legal Consultant to the Executive Branch, Comptroller General of the Republic, Technical Secretary of the Presidency.
Main authority devoted to social development


Country Dominican Republic
Main authority Social Policy Coordination Cabinet
Year of creation 2004
Mission Articulation instance of the formulation, execution, monitoring and evaluation of the programs included in the Social Protection System of the Dominican Republic, based on three main areas: conditional transfer programs, economic inclusion and human and social development programs. Its functions are: coordinating the formulation, execution and evaluation process of social policies; design, establish and follow up on a strategic agenda of the social sector and inform the President of the Republic about its evolution; know, attend and give effective response social demands in the matters related to its field of action; recommend to the executive preventive action courses for real and potential problems that could affect the sector; analyze and make recommendations about matters of a general nature that are related to the other institutions that comprise it; study the issues that affect the competence of several Ministries related to the social sector and that require the preparation of joint proposals, prior to their resolution. Its mission is to ensure the effectiveness of the strategy and social policies, articulating the programs and actions that in terms of social demand create the institutions that make up the Cabinet, focused on influencing the integral development of Dominican families who live in situations of vulnerability and in the reduction of poverty.
Incumbent Francisco Antonio Peña (2020)




Institutions protecting certain population segments
Official information not available
Population segment

Children and Adolescents

Youth/Young Adults

Older Persons

Persons with Disabilities



Main protection mechanism Consejo Nacional para la Niñez y la Adolescencia (CONANI) Ministerio de la Juventud Consejo Nacional de la Persona Envejeciente (CONAPE) Consejo Nacional de Discapacidad (CONADIS) Ministerio de la Mujer Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería
Legal Instrument Ley 136-03 Código para el Sistema de Protección y los Derechos Fundamentales de los Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes Ley General de Juventud (Ley núm. 49) Ley No. 352-98 sobre Protección de la Persona Envejeciente. Ley 5 orgánica sobre igualdad de derechos de las personas con discapacidad Ley Nº 285-04: 'Ley General de Migración' (2004)




Technical-operational dimension
Management, planning, evaluation, and transparency tools for social programmes
Tool present   Tool not present 

Main Social Protection Actor (Presence and Hierarchy)

Technical-operational dimension
Unique Registry of Participants Sistema Integrado de Administración Financiera /b Sectoral Plan for Social Development Transparence - system for accessing public information from the State

Integrated Social Information System

Evaluation mechanisms for social programs





Cabinet of Coordination of Social Policies of the Vice Presidency




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