Red de Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe
Plataforma virtual para la difusión de conocimiento sobre desarrollo social

Publicaciones ( 445)

Popular support for a universal basic income– still sensitive to playing the immigration card?
European Journal of Social Security - 2024 (pp.1–19), 2024-11-01
Informe de Coyuntura Nº28. Distribución del ingreso, pobreza e indigencia en Argentina
Centro de Estudios de Ciudad - Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2024-10-15
Can social protection programs reduce opposition to carbon taxes? Evidence from a conjoint experiment in Sweden
Paper prepared for the Annual Conference of the ISA Research Committee 19 in Oslo, 3-6 September , 2024, 2024-09-15
Between Emancipation and Social Control: The Equivocal Potential of Universal Basic Income (UBI)
Critical Society Studies, Issue 03, Institute for the Critical Study of Society, 2024-10-30
Women’s Work and the Hidden Cost of Cash Transfer Programs
University of California Press, 2018-06-28
Conditional cash transfer program, child malnutrition and school dropout in the high Andean region of Peru
Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (Vol.5, N. 4), 2024-10-01

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