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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Temporary Employment Programme (PET) (Programa de Empleo Temporal) (2000-)



Date: 2000-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: The Temporary Employment Programme (PET) is a programme that operates community projects in exchange for a cash transfer for eligible households residing in municipalities with high levels of marginalisation, high levels of unemployment or residing in settlements that have been affected by a natural disaster or other crisis. Thus, the programme seeks to implement infrastructure projects, improvements in conditions for sustainable agriculture and disaster mitigation works. The PET contemplates its operation in the following areas: 1) Improvement of health; 2) Preservation of historical heritage; 3) Improvement of local infrastructure; 4) Conservation and reconstruction of the network of rural and feeder roads; 5) Conservation of ecosystems and natural resources; 6) Citizen educational communication; 7) Food attention to groups at risk and Food Banks; 8) Actions to mitigate the impact of Climate Change; and 9) Productive Projects.


Target population: Persons 16 years of age or older who reside in municipalities with High Employment Loss (MAPE) and in which there is a high level of informality in their activities due to Very High, High or Medium Marginalisation (MMAM) indices. In order to meet the objectives of the National Crusade Against Hunger, households and their members living in extreme food poverty will be selected. It will also define individuals and households living in the polygons located in the municipalities targeted by the National Programme for the Social Prevention of Violence and Crime.
Area of intervention: Direct job creation
Support for independent work
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: 1) Cathegoric: priority to PROSPERA and Food Support recipients
Instrument of selection: Cuestionario Único de Información Socioeconómica (CUIS) y Cuestionario Complementario (CC)
Registry of recipients: Single Beneficiaries Registry
Exit strategies or criteria: When the project finishes.
Comments: As part of the Crusade against Hunger, the Programme will also support actions aimed at providing access to food, including those aimed at the operation and functioning of food banks.
Sanciones: Cancellation of support in the following cases:
1) Simultaneous participation in more than one PET project
2) Detection of deviations of money or default in the performance thereof.
3) Failure in works executions


Legal framework:
Responsible organization(s): Bienestar, SCT, SEMARNAT and STPS
Executing organization(s): Bienestar, SCT, SEMARNAT and STPS, in addition of other entities of the federal public administration, state and local governments, and civil society organisations.
Source of funding: Federal Government

1) Social participation support

Recipient(s): recipients of the programme
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Description: It seeks to encourage participation in personal, family and community development, implemented according to the particularities of each project. In addition, the support includes training for the formation of the Social Network, economic compensation and the delivery of identification and dissemination support materials for the Volunteer Managers.


2) Direct support

Recipient(s): recipients of the programme
Mode of transfer: Transfers according to days worked.
Mode of delivery: 1) Deposit in bank account
2) Cheques withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Depending on the duration of the work
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Conditionalities: Participation in projects of family and comunitarian benefit
Comments: Consists of daily wages equivalent to 99% of the general minimum daily wage in force in the geographical area where the project is carried out or where emergency response tasks are performed.


3) Project execution support

Recipient(s): recipients of the programme
Description: Financial support may be granted for the purchase or lease of materials, tools, machinery or equipment, including protective equipment for participants, as well as transport costs necessary to carry out the authorised projects.


4) PET immediate

Recipient(s): People older than 16 years old, regardless of targeting criteria such as income level, participants of other programmes, or another priority criterion.
Description: This corresponds to the creation of a budgetary reserve for the attention of areas that require the priority application of resources in the event of natural, social or economic emergencies.




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