United Nations              
Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Improve yourself (Ex- Progressing with Solidarity) (2012-)



Date: 2012 -
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: It is a social protection programme that links families living in extreme poverty to conditional cash transfers, targeted subsidies, socio-educative support, and promotes the access to public services to achieve an integral family development. Also, this programme operates through seven components seeking for capabilities building, values and empowerment. Finally, this programme looks for opportunities fpr income generating, employment, and entrepreneurship in order to create a full realisation of citizenship rights and to achieve a greater access to public services.


Target population: Families in extreme (ICV-1) and moderate poverty (ICV-2).
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: 1) Proxy means test: Families in condition of poverty according to the Quality of Life Index (ICV) of the Unique System of Beneficiaries (SIUBEN).
Instrument of selection: Quality of Life Index (ICV) of the Unique System of Beneficiaries (SIUBEN).
Registry of recipients: Unique System of Beneficiaries (SIUBEN).
Exit strategies or criteria: Due to reiterated breach of conditionalities in health and / or education.
SIUBEN recertifies the ICV score to families recipients of PROSOLI. Recertification every 4 years.
Comments: The family counseling lengths two and a half years, and seeks to develop skills to exercise rights and duties, also to facilitate the access to public services. During the process, families should fulfill different requisites, such as: signing a contract to meet conditionalities and participation in other actions, attendance to training sessions to achieve new skills, and participation on organised groups and comunitarian activities.
As part of the measures to face the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and social isolation, on March 25, 2020, the "Stay Home" measure was implemented. The programme increases the "Comer es Primero" component for users of the Progresando con Solidaridad (PROSOLI) in DOP $ 5,000. Likewise, the "Comer es Primero" component was extended to people who receive the "BonoGas Hogar" component, who will now receive both. Additionally, it will also reach families part of the Unified System of Beneficiaries (SIUBEN) that do not have the solidarity card. Program also applies to older adults and people with disabilities or critically ill. Households with people over 60 years of age the initiative will add DOP $ 2.000, reaching DOP $ 7,000.


Legal framework: Decree 488-12; Decree 536-05; Decree 377-21
Responsible organization(s): Vicepresidency of the Republic
Executing organization(s): Directorate General of Progressing with Solidarity
Responsible organization(s) for the registry of recipients: Cabinet of Coordination of Social Policies (GCPS), whose leadership falls on the Vice Presidency of the Republic.
Source of funding: Government of the Dominican Republic

1a) ILAE (Incentivo a la Asistencia Escolar / Incentives for School Attendance)

Recipient(s): Families with children and adolescents between 5 and 13 years of age, enrolled up to the sixth grade.
Mode of transfer: Transfer according to family composition (number of children)
Mode of delivery: Magnetic Card (Solidarity Card)
Periodicity of delivery: Bimonthly
Recipient of the transfer: Head of household
Maximum per household: DOP $ 1,200 (4 transfers maximum)
Conditionalities: * Education: Enrollment and school attendance of at least 80%
Sanctions: Definitive suspension if there is non-compliance of the conditonalities
Comments: The age bracket was of 5 to 21 years until 2013.
Description: Incentive with the objetive of reducing school dropout and increase the average years of schooling in the country.
Amount : DOP $300 for every child or adolescent.


1b) Improve yourself Program (Programa Supérate)

Recipient(s): All participant households of the programme
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Magnetic Card (Solidarity Card)
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Head of household
Maximum per household: One transfer per household
Conditionalities: * Health: Attendance of health controls for children under 5 years old.
Sanctions: Definitive suspension if there is not an attendance to health controls.
Comments: During the Covid-19 pandemic, the "Comer es Primero" component of PROSOLI users was increased, for a value of DOP $ 5,000, twice a month (biweekly) for two months. Households with people over 60 years of age, dissabilities or critically ill, the initiative will add DOP $ 2,000, reaching DOP $ 7,000.
The programme aims to facilitate the labour reintegration to those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and people in a condition of extreme poverty. It also has the objective of improving the food security of households affected by the pandemic.
Description: Programme of conditional monetary transfers aimed at the most vulnerable population, that replaced the programme "Comer es Primero". The central aspect of the programme is to improve the recipients' integration into the formal labour market, so they can get a decent and quality job that contributes to their personal development and exit from poverty.
Amount : DOP $1,650


1c) BonoLuz (Energy consumption subsidy)

Recipient(s): Poor households receiving the allowance Bonogas and identified by the SIUBEN.
Conditionalities: The transfer is not associated to any conditionality
Comments: The targeting method goes from the identification of slums to the identification of poor households, improving the efficiency of the targeted allowance, reducing errors of inclusion and exclusion. To remedy the error of exclusion, a head of household may request the application of the SIUBEN to qualify for this allowance in the next period of extension to new recipient households.
Description: BonoLuz began in 2010, replacing the "Blackout Reduction Programme" (PRA). This allowance is paid through the magnetic card (Solidarity Card), covering 100 kilowatts per month. In case of higher consumption, the user will pay the difference.
Amount : The amount is variable and corresponds to the value of the energy that the recipient household consumes with a maximum of 100 kilowatts: between DOP$4,44 and DOP$444 per month; see data Excel format


1d) BonoGas Hogar (Gas consumption allowance)

Recipient(s): Poor and lower middle class
Conditionalities: The transfer is not associated to any conditionality.
Comments: One of the objectives of the programme is to reduce the deforestation that occurs when poor people chop down trees used for charcoal and firewood for cooking. Also, to improve the living conditions, safety and quality of cooking with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the "Comer es Primero" component was extended, the "Comer es Primero" component was extended to reach the people who receive the "Home Bonogas" component, that is, they will receive both. The allowance lasted two months and a fortnightly delivery was made.
Description: This component is a measure of the Dominican State to protect poor families from the high cost of fuel for cooking. The transfer is done via the magnetic card (Solidarity Card) and is equal to 6 gallons of gas of 25 pounds (5.5 kilos) per month.
Amount : DOP $228 per month in 2020; see data Excel format


1e) Studying Progress School Grant

Recipient(s): Household with members enrolled in secondary education under 21 years old.
Mode of transfer: Transfer according to educational level
Mode of delivery: Magnetic Card (Solidarity Card)
Periodicity of delivery: Bimonthly
Recipient of the transfer: Head of household
Conditionalities: * Education: Enrollment and an 80% of attendance minimum for students in seventh grade to fourth year of baccalaureate.
Sanctions: The incentive is suspended when there is an attendance less than 80% in a two-month period until the next verification.
Comments: Started in 2013
Description: Promotion of obtaining birth certificate, identity and electoral cards
Amount : In 2020, DOP $ 400.00 per month for 7th grade supplements, DOP $ 500.00 for 8th grade. DOP $ 600.00 per month for each member up to 21 years of age who is in 1st year of high school, and DOP $ 800.00 for those in 2nd grade. DOP $ 1,000.00 per month for those who are enrolled and attend the 3rd and DOP $ 1,200.00 for those in 4th year of high school. DOP $ 1,400.00 per month for those who take the professional technical modality.


1f) Supérate Mujer

Recipient(s): Women who were victims of gender-based violence participating in the Prosoli programme.
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Magnetic Card (Solidarity Card)
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant (Woman)
Conditionalities: i) Learn a labour or trade, or to create an entrepreneurship, for which they will recieve counselling and financing via Banca Solidaria.
Comments: One of the programme's objectives is for the women to leave shelter homes.
Description: Programme that offers economic aid, protection, and security to women who were victims to gender-based violence.
Amount : DOP $10,000


2) Identification

Recipient(s): All recipient households of the programme.
Comments: Its a compromise between the recipients and the programme, that is consigned by the family support agents.
Description: Promotion of obtaining birth certificate, identity and electoral cards.


3) Integral Health

Recipient(s): All recipient households of the programme.
Description: Provides information about preventive health to detect chronic diseases, virals, among others. It aims to reduce the maternal and child mortality, spread of sexually transmitted diseases, detection and treatment of chronic diseases and promote healthy eating, breastfeeding and vaccination.


4) Human Training and Citizen Awareness

Recipient(s): All recipient households of the programme.
Comments: There is a strong emphasis on preventing and reducing violence against women and domestic violence.
Description: Seeks to provide more training on citizens rights and duties, through the generation of soft capabilities, such as peaceful conflicts resolution, participation in social and comunitarian organisations, and the execution of cultural and sports activities.


5) Food Security, Nutrition and Income Generation

Recipient(s): All recipient households of the programme.
Description: Involves the participation of families in the process of vocational training to facilitate the establishment of microenterprises, cooperatives, self-employment and access to formal employment.


6) Access to Information Technologies and Communications

Recipient(s): All recipient households of the programme.
Description: Participants receive digital literacy courses in Community Technology Centers and Training Centers and Informatics Progressing lNDOTEL, with the goal of training and access to employment opportunities. In children and young people seeking the use of ICT as a strategy for strengthening school.


7) Habitability and Environmental Protection

Recipient(s): All recipient households of the programme.
Description: Promotes individual savings and public support would enable families to live in a decent house, i.e., two bedrooms, cement floors, and drinkable water and sewerage system. Moreover, families have to reduce energy and water consumption, to recycle domiciliary, and to maintain an environment free of debris.


8) Stay Home Programme

Recipient(s): Recipients of the Progressing with Solidarity programme (PROSOLI) and users of the Unique System of Beneficiaries (SIUBEN).
Mode of transfer: According to characteristics of the members of the family group.
Mode of delivery: Deposit in bank account
Periodicity of delivery: Bimonthly (temporary)
Recipient of the transfer: Head of household
Comments: The transfer was recieved by 1,570,000 households, distributed in all 32 provinces of the country, where 60% of those households belonged to participant families of PROSOLI, that recieve the transfer in their cards. The other 40% is composed of households that are not PROSOLI recipients and therefore have to use their ID cards in order to cash the transfer.
Description: Programme designed, starting in March 25 of 2020, to protect the income of informal workers and their households, in addition to assist families in vulnerable situations and PROSOLI recipients, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The program first increased temporarily the “Comer es Primero” component in DOP $5,000 for users of the PROSOLI programme . The "Comer es Primero" component was also extended to reach people who receive the "Bonogas Hogar" component, who will now receive both. Additionally, it will assist families part of the Unified System of Beneficiaries (SIUBEN) that do not have the solidarity card. Program also applies to older adults and people with disabilities or critically ill. For households with persons aged over 60, the "Quédate en Casa" transfer is DOP $7,000.
Amount : DOP $ 5,000. In households with people over 60 years of age, the amount is DOP $ 7,000.


9) Accompanied families programme

Recipient(s): Families where a member has died due to COVID-19
Description: Programme that offers aid to families that have lost a member to COVID-19, through the inclusion and social service provision that aims to alleviate vulnerability. Specifically, the project seeks to integrate families that have been affected by the death of the head of household by COVID-19 into the Social Protection System of the Dominican Government, protecting and guaranteeing food, nutritional, emotional and economic security for these families.


10) National housing plan happy family (PNVFF)

Recipient(s): Families that belong to the most vulnerable groups in the country
Description: "The PNVFF marks the inauguration of the largest process to guarantee the access to dignified housing, security, education and health for the family. PROSOLI has the following responsabilities in this plan:
i) To validate and classify those that apply for housing. The evaluation system seeks to ensure that the recipients of the programme belong to the most vulnerable groups of the country.
ii) To offer on site assitance to the participants when they fill out applications and aid with the compliance of conditionalities.
iii) Via the Supérate programme, the participants recieve financial education, which aims to help them access a bank, which in turn improves the access to financing and economic empowerment. "


11) Progressing united

Recipient(s): Families classified as extremely poor (ICV-1)
Comments: The programme operates in the following provinces: Azua, Pedernales, Bahoruco, Barahona, El seibo, Elías Piña, Independencia, Montecristi, Monte Plata, San Juan de la Maguana, San Cristóbal, Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional and Santiago.
Description: "Programme designed with the World Bank that aims to alleviate extreme poverty. The strategy consists of 4 lines of action:
i) Closing the gap: to reduce the gaps of CMT and the Subsidised Health Insurance (SENASA) coverage for extremely poor households.
ii) Creation of skills: to increase productive opportunities for extremely and moderately poor households, through a series of activities that seek to increase the employability of young people, aged 18 to 29 years, that are PROSOLI recipients.
iii) To enhance habitability: to increase the access to housing improvements for recipients that recieve a CMT through the programme Changing Earthen Floors to Cement.
iv) Participative monitoring (community reports): to detect with oportune timing the inconvenients that may arise in social service provision for the PROSOLI households, and to resolve these issues through Action Plans that are formulated by both participants and service providers."


12) Solidary comerce project

Recipient(s): All recipients of PROSOLI
Description: The project seeks to promote self-sufficiency, income generation and business administration, through the comercialization of the brands Manos Dominicanas, Delicias de Manos Dominicanas, Línea Textil Cayena, aswell as the sale of these products in the Social Supply Network (RAS). The project also carries out the National Fashion Contest Supérate and the project Progress with Handicrafts.


13) Gastronomic training centre PROSOLI project (CCGP)

Recipient(s): Poor Dominican citizens
Comments: The project operated only in Los Botados and Boca Chica
Description: The project aims to consolidate the technical gastronomic and service skills of people that live in poverty. The centre offers short, medium and long term courses.


14) Citizen culture programme

Recipient(s): All recipients of Prosoli
Comments: The project operates in: San Francisco de Marcoris, Puerto Plata, Santiago, San Pedro de Macorís, Santo Domingo, San Cristóbal, Boca Chica, Higüey, Mao, El Seibo, La Romana, Moca, Monte Plata, La Vega, Azua, Bani, Hermanas Mirabal and Constanza.
Description: Programme that promotes the transformation of problematic beliefs, attitudes and behaviour that represent a risk to the healthy cohabitation of partners, neighbours and citizens in general, targeting good treatment between people and positive masculinity. The main iniciatives are:
i) ""El Real Cariño"" Campaign
; ii) ""El real Cariño"" Workshop
; iii) Training in the prevention of violence in educational centres and a manual of good treatment for teachers;
iv) Tools for anxiety management;
v) "El Hombre que quiero Ser";
vi) Citizen Culture Atention Line;
vii) Manual of good treatment for teachers.


15) Youth progressing with solidarity

Recipient(s): Dominican adolescents and young adults, with special focus on those that are members of Prosoli families.
Description: The programme seeks the empowerment of adolsecents and young adults through a series of strategies oriented towards the develoment of skills. The main iniciatives are:
i) Bebé, piénsalo bien;
ii) Yo decido esperar
iii) Liderazgo Juvenil y Emprendimiento;
iv) Juvenile Debates;
v) Jóvenes que Progresan;
vi) Sensibilization workshops;
vii) Entre Jóvenes: The Podcast;
viii) Jóvenes dominicanos en el exterior.


16) Start Again Project

Recipient(s): Dominican youth that are currently in a penitentiary facility.
Comments: Currently, the project operates in five penitentiary facilities in the country.
Description: The project aims to accompany young people that are involved in any conflict with criminal law, in their process of social reinsertion through the execution of iniciatives that promote their integral development. These iniciatives, in order to produce a change in the behaviour of these young people, are developed via socioeducational activities such as: informative talks, workshops, painting, music, film forums, concerts, talent shows and cultural activities, cultural exchange, sports and recreational activities, training and integration into the labour market, as well as other activities.


17) Programme for the aid to children and adolescents orphaned by family and gender-based violence

Recipient(s): Children and adolescents from families affected by femicide.
Description: The programme ensures the application of protective measures for children and adolescents survivors of families that were affected by femicide.


18) Cross-sectional programme for the reduction of child marriage and early unions (MIUT)

Recipient(s): Dominican girls and teenagers
Comments: Territorial location: Barahona, Higüey and Santo Domingo Norte.
Description: The programme is implemented jointly with the European Union and the United Nations Childrens' Fund (UNICEF). It seeks to explore the knowledge, attitudes and practices associated with child marriage in order to formulate intervention strategies that, in the long run, may promote changes in the social norms that legitimate this practice.


19) Financial education and inclusion project

Recipient(s): All PROSOLI recipients
Description: The project seeks to promote financial education and inclusion through corporate promotion, savings groups and public/private accords for financial inclusion.


20) Family Agriculture

Recipient(s): Poorest PROSOLI families
Description: The project's objective is to contribute to food security, nutrition and stimulate healthy eating habits through the organization and implementation of productive activities of the poorest families that participate of PROSOLI. The families recieve training regarding the farming of vegetables, fruit trees and other agricultural projects.


21) Document provision programme

Recipient(s): All Prosoli Families
Comments: The programme is implemented in: Azua, Bahoruco, Barahona, Distrito Nacional, El Seibo, Elías Piña, Independencia, Monte Plata, Montecristi, Pedernales, San Cristóbal, San Juan de la Maguana, Gran Santo domingo and Santiago.
Description: The programme is responsible of guaranteeing the right to identity of all Dominicans that live in a state of vulnerability and extreme poverty. This is done through accompaniment and legal assistance during the processes they have to go through in order to normalize their Civil Regirstry.




22) Programme fraternity between women network

Recipient(s): All Prosoli Families
Description: The programme aims to help women from PROSOLI families that are affected by an elevated level of social and economic inequality, through the training in different issues related to female human rights, with the objective to sensitize them so that, in the future, these womenare are able to identify situations of violence that women and girls from their communities may be going through.


23) Preventive education and health

Recipient(s): All Prosoli Families
Description: The project seeks to promote a healthy lifestyle through strategies of orientation and prevention that aim to establish healthy habits in the recipients.


24) Peaceful families project

Recipient(s): All Prosoli Families
Description: The project's objective is to promote peace within families through educational activities regarding the prevention of violence, with special emphasis on masculinity and to create awareness in men over the construction of their personality and the way they interact with the world. The programme pays special attention to families that live in communities with elevated levels of exclusion caused by factors such as violence, crime, poverty, overcrowding, inter alia.


25) Project of integral intervention for the prevention of teenage pregnancy (KOICA)

Recipient(s): All Prosoli Families
Comments: The programme is implemented in the provinces: Azua, San Juan, Bahoruco and Santo Domingo Norte.
Description: The projects seeks to contribute to the reduction of teenage pregnancy through the arrangement of Korean volunteers that travel to the Dominican Republic for aproximately 10 months to be peers of pervention, social participation and technical training of adolescents and young adults members of PROSOLI families.


26) Cero hunger movement

Recipient(s): All Prosoli Families
Comments: This project is implemented jointly with the World Food Programme (WFP).
Description: The project aims to elevate the nutritional level of the most vulnerable population in the country, with an emphasis on pregnant women, children aged 6 to 59 months, and older persons, recipients of PROSOLI.


27) Strengthening of the National Network of Training and Production Centres

Recipient(s): Extremely poor PROSOLI families that live in Comendador and Elías Piña provinces.
Description: The project seeks to improve the access to technical-professional training, through the strenghtening of public insitutions, bestowing them with adequate facilities in order to develop a training plan oriented towards the extremely poor and with difficult access to education.


28) Capacity development centre for vulnerable groups, Los Ríos

Recipient(s): Extremely poor PROSOLI families in the Los Ríos Municipality.
Description: This project's main objective is to improve the access to technical-professional training in the Los Ríos Municipality in the Bahoruco Province, through the endowment of adequate facilities for the development of a professional training plan, with particular focus on extremely poor women.


29) Construction and equipment project of the capacity and production centre "Progresando con Solidaridad" in Pedernales

Recipient(s): Extremely poor PROSOLI families in Pedernales
Description: The project's main objective is to improve the access to technical-professional training in Pedernales, through the endowment of adequate facilities for the development of a professional training plan, oriented mainly to the extremely poor female population.


30) Capacity and production centre in the Alcarrizos Municipalty

Recipient(s): Extremely poor PROSOLI familes in Los Alcarrizos.
Description: The objective behind the centre's construction is to offer technical-professional training through the endowment of adequate facilities for the development of a professional training plan.


Conditional Cash Transfers and High School Attainment Evidence from a Large-Scale Program in the Dominican Republic

Author: Hernandez, M., Pellerano, J. and Sanchez, G.
Date: 2022
Publication info: International Food Policy Research Institute, Discussion Paper 02109
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation


Informe de hallazgos de la evaluación del estado nutiricional: Seguridad Alimentaria en una muestra representativa de beneficiarios y no beneficiarios del PROSOLI

Author: Representatives of FAO in Dominican Republic
Date: 2017
Publication info: Vicepresidency of Dominican Republic [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evluation


Cómo se distribuyen los recursos públicos en República Dominicana?

Author: Carrasco, H., García, M., Parodi, S., and Vásquez, M.
Date: 2016
Publication info: Report of the Division of Social Protection and Health of the IDB
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Descriptive




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