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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Single Family Allowance (1981-)



Date: 1981-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: Single Family Allowance (SUF, by its acronym in Spanish) for persons with limited resources who cannot receive the Family or Maternal Allowance because they are not workers affiliated to a pension system. The Single Family Allowance is part of the supports provided by the Family Allowance System.


Target population: Children younger than 18 years old, pregnant women, mothers with SUF causers and people with disabilities.
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: Proxy means test
Instrument of selection: Household Social Registry (RSH)
Registry of recipients: Integrated Social Information System (SIIS)
Exit strategies or criteria: A user renounces the allowance when he or she starts working and can choose to receive a Family or Maternal Allowance. A user can also resign when he/she starts receiving a pension that is incompatible with the SUF.
The duration of the allowance is for 3 years.
The support is derogated when the participant fails to fulfill any established requirement for its granting or maintenance; when the participant does not provide background information regarding the allowance; or when the participant dies.
Comments: The recipients of the program can access to free medical and dental assistance.
Recipients of the allowance cannot opt ​​for the other services of the Unique System of Family Assistance (Family Allowances), Basic Solidarity Pension (PBS) or the Mental Disability Allowance.

As part of the measures to face the socioeconomic effects of the social isolation imposed by the covid-19 pandemic, the government of Chile granted a monetary transfer, called Covid-19 Allowance, as part of the Economic Emergency Plan. This transfer was non-postulable and was delivered only once, in April 2020, to the recipients of the Single Family Allowance (SUF), recipients of the Securities and Opportunities Subsystem (SSyOO), and to people without formal work that were in the 60% of the poorest households according to the Social Registry of Households and who were not recipients of the SUF or the SSyOO, who did not receive any family or maternal allowance or any pension from the social security system.

Subsequently, the Chilean government granted other cash transfers to families economically affected during the pandemic, including users of the SUF and the SSyOO. Among these cash transfer measures there was the Emergency Family Income (IFE), delivered monthly from May to October 2020; the Covid Christmas Bonus (December 2020); the Covid Bonus (January, February and March 2021); the Extended IFE (April and May 2021), and the Universal IFE (June, July, August and September 2021). For more information on these measures, see the observatory of social protection measures to face COVID-19 of the Social Development Division of ECLAC ([online] https://dds.cepal.org/observatorio/socialcovid19/listamedidas .php? country_id = chl) and the reports of the Emergency Family Income of the Ministry of Social Development and Family of the Government of Chile ([en línea] https://www.desarrollosocialyfamilia.gob.cl/informacion-social/informe-ingreso-familiar-de-emergencia/descargar-informes-de-ingreso-familiar-de-emergencia).


Legal framework: Law 18.020
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (MINTRAB)
Executing organization(s): Institute of Social Welfare (IPS)
Responsible organization(s) for the registry of recipients: Ministry of Social Development and Family
Source of funding: Government of Chile

1) Single Family Allowance

Recipient(s): Children under 18, pregnant women, mothers with SUF causers and people with disabilities.
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Bank deposit
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Woman with minors in her charge. If there are no women, it is assigned to the father or guardian.
Conditionalities: Minors (8 years old or younger) and people with disabilities of any age must participate in health programs established by the Ministry of Health for child care.

Families must prove that children over 6 years old are regular students of basic, secondary, higher education or other equivalent, in establishments of the State or recognized by it. This condition does not apply to people with disabilities.
Comments: People with disabilities receive double the amount
Amount : The single family allowance corresponds to CLP $13,401 per month. People with disabilities receive CLP $26,802 per month, in 2021.


2) Emergency COVID-19 Allowance

Recipient(s): Children under 18, pregnant women, mothers with SUF causers and people with disabilities.
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Bank deposit
Periodicity of delivery: Single transfer
Recipient of the transfer: Woman with minors at charge. If there are no women, it is assigned to the father or guardian of the minor.
Comments: As part of the measures to face the socioeconomic effects of the social isolation imposed by the covid-19 pandemic, the government of Chile granted the Emergency Covid-19 Allowance, as part of the Economic Emergency Plan. This transfer was non-postulable and was delivered only once, in April 2020, to the recipients of the Single Family Allowance (SUF), recipients of the Securities and Opportunities Subsystem (SSyOO), and to people without formal work that were in the 60% of the poorest households according to the Social Registry of Households and who were not recipients of the SUF or the SSyOO, who did not receive any family or maternal allowance or any pension from the social security system.

After the delivery of this cash transfer, the Chilean government granted other cash transfers to families economically affected during the pandemic, including users of the SUF and the SSyOO. Among these cash transfer measures there was the Emergency Family Income (IFE), delivered monthly from May to October 2020; the Covid Christmas Bonus (December 2020); the Covid Bonus (January, February and March 2021); the Extended IFE (April and May 2021), and the Universal IFE (June, July, August and September 2021). For more information on these measures, see the observatory of social protection measures to face COVID-19 of the Social Development Division of ECLAC ([online] https://dds.cepal.org/observatorio/socialcovid19/listamedidas .php? country_id = chl) and the reports of the Emergency Family Income of the Ministry of Social Development and Family of the Government of Chile ([en línea] https://www.desarrollosocialyfamilia.gob.cl/informacion-social/informe-ingreso-familiar-de-emergencia/descargar-informes-de-ingreso-familiar-de-emergencia).
Amount : CLP $ 50,000 for each family causer


Ley 18020. Establece subsidio familiar para personas de escasos recursos y modifica normas que indica.

Author: Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (MINTRAB)
Date: 2019
Publication info: Biblioteca del Cogreso Nacional de Chile, Ley 18020
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Law




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