United Nations              
Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Progredir Plan (2017- )



Date: 2017-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: Progredir is a set of actions of the federal government to promote autonomy, through the generation of employment and income, of families enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government and recipients of the Bolsa Família Program. The plan gathers professional qualification, support to entrepreneurship and referral to the labor market, in order to contribute to strengthen individual capacities and generate socioeconomic independence. Progredir is based on the coordination of public and private partners’ productive inclusion programs. It is built upon an information system that promotes the cooperation of all actors involved, from policymakers to participants.


Target population: “Progredir” actions prioritize the most vulnerable Brazilian population, namely the people registered in the Unified Registry (approximately the 40% poorest of the Brazilian population) and Bolsa Familia's participants.
Area of intervention: 1. Technical and professional training
2. Labour mediation
3. Support to self-employed work
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: Categorical
Instrument of selection: Single Registry (Cadastro Unico)


Legal framework: Decree Nr. 9.160, 26th September of 2017
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Citizenship - National Secretariat of Social and Productive Inclusion
Executing organization(s): Ministry of Social Development of Brazil, Network of Social Development Partners (A group of public and private institutions that work together with the Ministry of Social Development)
Source of funding: Government of Brazil and Network of Social Development Partners (A group of public and private institutions that work together with the Ministry of Social Development)

Professional education

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Description: Vocational courses and workshops chosen after productive sector surveys. And in addition matching education, skills, and jobs. The main aim is to obtain better outcomes in the labour market and therefore, the offered courses are expected to meet the enterprises needs. The training includes courses on Digital Inclusion, Pronatec courses and Financial Training. (“Programa Futuro na Mão” is a program example).


Job offers

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Description: Mediation between private sector job offers and candidates in order to shorten the distance between productive sector opportunities and low-income population. Monitoring labor market performance of the “Progredir” target public. Lastly, labor market monitoring provides very useful information for determining “Progredir”’s professional education supply.


Entrepreneurship support

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Description: It includes: management assistance and courses, financial education, microcredits, reduction of financial inclusion’s gap. Moreover, participation in “Programa Microcrédito Productivo Orientado” (loan up to 15.000 reales aimed at business owners with low incomes who want to improve, expand or set up a business) is offered as well as the consolidation of business trades through the program: Microemprendedor individual (MEI).


Addressing Inequalities and Challenges to Social Inclusion through Productive Inclusion Policies: Brazil’s Experience

Author: Vinícius Botelho
Date: 2018
Publication info: UN DESA
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General Information




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