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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
I Work (Yo Trabajo) (2009- )



Date: 2009-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: The programme seeks to insert to the workforce to people living in situation of vulnerability or poverty, unemployed, as dependent workers or self-employed. Furthermore, the programme operates through the development of occupational and personal skills, and an active support on job seeking. Finally, the design and implementation of the programme was suported by Chile Foundation. For people aged between 17 and 29 years old, exists the programme "I Work Young", that complements these actions with funding for transport, certificates, procedures, appropiate clothing, among other items.


Target population: People over 18 years of age, who are among the 40% most vulnerable, who are inactive or unemployed and are in a situation of poverty and extreme poverty, reside in a commune where the program is being developed.
Area of intervention: Vocational and professional training
Labour intermediation services
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: 1) Proxy means test 2) Categoric: unemployed people or with precarious works
Instrument of selection: Social Household Registry (Decree 22, 2015)
Registry of recipients: Social Household Registry and Security and Opportunities Subsystem.
Exit strategies or criteria: Priority is given to people with disabilities, heads of household, indigenous people and other regional criteria. In addition, the Socio-labor Diagnostic Instrument (IDS) is applied to indicate the areas of labor competencies and skills to be developed during the intervention period.
Comments: People who have a disability, head of households, indigenous people and other regional criteria are prioritized. In addition, the Social and Labour Diagnostic Instrument (IDS) is applied in order to identify skills and abilities to be developed during the intervention period.


Legal framework: Excempt Resolution No. 02460 (2012)
Responsible organization(s): FOSIS/ Ministry of Social Development and Family
Executing organization(s): Se ejecuta por terceros: Organismo privado sin fines de lucro (Fundación, organización social, comunitaria, territorial, deportiva, corporación cultural, educacional, federación, otro), Organismo privado con fines de lucro (Bancos/OCAS/OTEC/PSAT/EP/otros), Municipio.
Source of funding: Subsecretaria de Servicios Sociales

1) Social and labour training

Recipient(s): All programme beneficiaries
Description: Execution of personalised plans for labour inclusion, which includes workshops, counsellings and individual assistance, in order to develop personal and labour skills.


2) Labour intermediation services

Description: This component is implemented via the Municipal Offices for Labour Inclusion, that are those responsible to manage an intensive job seeking and facilitate the contact between the employers and the potential worker.


Evaluación de Impacto de los Programas de Empleabilidad del Fondo de Solidaridad Social (FOSIS) del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social

Author: Centro de Microdatos
Date: 2017
Publication info: Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Chile
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation




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