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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
More and Better Work for Young People (Jóvenes con Más y Mejor Trabajo) (2008-)



Date: 2008-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: The More and Better Work for Young People programme aims to generate social and labour inclusion opportunities through actions that allow youths: to identify the professional profile they would like to develop; to support the conclusion of their education; to provide them with training and professional internship experiences; and to train them for starting a productive activity as an independent worker or as an employee.


Target population: Young people from 18 to 24 years of age, with permanent residence in the country, who have not completed their primary or secondary education and are unemployed.
Area of intervention: Remedial education and school retention programmes
Technical and vocational training
Support for independent work
Labor intermediation services
Indirect job creation
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: 1) Categorical: Young people aged between 18 and 24 years, unemployed and with incompleted studies.
Instrument of selection: ...
Registry of recipients: Through the Employment Office in the IT Platform.
Exit strategies or criteria: The participant leaves the programme upon turning 25 years old.
For those who exceed the maximum age limit: they can continue up to 24 months from their incorporation to complete their training.
Those who have completed their secondary education under the Programme, could remain up to 12 months. The young people may request the suspension of their participation due to illness, illness of a relative, and / or because of maternity or paternity. The period of suspension may not exceed 6 continuous months.
Comments: It forms part of the of the Integral Employment Plan "More and Better Jobs", which promotes active employment generation policies and seeks to transform assistance policies into social and productive inclusion policies for the unemployed population. The different services are organized under the "Local Scheme of Support Benefits to Training and Labor Inclusion".
Programme compatible with the "Labour Insertion Programme" and with PROGRESAR Programme (except when both payments are granted due to the participation in the same training activity).
The programme is incompatible with the entitlement to:
Transfers ofrom the Universal Child Allowance and Training and Employment Insurance; paid work such as wages or income from independent work; benefits for other programs, unemployment benefits, pension contributions or non-contributory pensions, except in the case of disability.
Sanciones: ...


Legal framework: Resolution N°497/2008 MTEySS (programme's creation)
Resolution N°708/2010 MTEySS
Resolution Nº 764/2011 (modified by the Resolution N°2370/2014)
Resolution Nº 622/2014
Resolution N°261 Secretariat of Labour
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Production and Labour
Executing organization(s): Secretariat of Government, Labour and Employment (Ministry of Production and Labour)
Responsible organization(s) for the registry of recipients: ...
Source of funding: Government of Argentina; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)

1) Basic cash transfer

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Mode of delivery: Bank transfer through the Banco de la Nación
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct recipient
Conditionalities: Attendance to courses
Comments: Financial assistance can have a maximum of 36 continuous or discontinuous months.
Description: For participants who join the programme.


2) Introduction to Work Course

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct recipient
Comments: Allowance up to 3 months.
Once the course is completed, and for those participants who are not involved in any paid work. Those who attend the Employment Office at least twice per month, will receive ARS $ 300 (in 2014) for assistance during the job search which will have a maximum of six continuous or discontinuous months.
Description: This course aims to support young people in updating, reviewing or building their training and occupational project. Through the tools provided, participants will be able to identify their interests, needs and priorities, the particularities of their social and productive environment, and the appropriate strategies to plan and develop their training, job search and employment insertion.
This course will be the first activity that young people develop in the framework of the Programme and its completion is mandatory. Young people can take the Introduction to Work course simultaneously with other activities.
Amount : ARS $1,600 (in 2019)


3) Certification of Compulsory Education (primary and / or secondary)

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly during the school period
Recipient of the transfer: Direct recipient
Comments: Young people who participate, at least 6 months, in certification courses of formal studies and complete their primary or secondary education will receive in a single payment the sum of ARS $ 2,000 per level concluded.
The payment of this incentive will not proceed if the youth left the Programme at the time of the completion of the studies.
Description: The benefit is generated through the "Continuing Training Plan" (Plan de Formación Continua). Through this component, services are provided for the training and certification of general studies for adults, and a system of incentives and benefits for young people will be promoted.
Amount : ARS $1,600 (in 2019)


4) Labour and Social Inclusion Support Courses

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct recipient
Comments: Allowance for a maximum of 4 months.
Description: The course aims to increase the possibilities of young people to resume their compulsory formal studies or to be involved in technical and vocational training.
The Labour and Social Inclusion Support courses will cover topics related to generic labor competencies, human rights, health, violence, addictions, among others.
Amount : ARS $1,600 (In 2019)


5) Vocational Training Courses

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct recipient
Description: Under the "Continuing Training Plan" (Plan de Formación Continua) recipients could participate in professional training courses that allow them to acquire or strengthen the skills and abilities required for the exercise of the occupation defined during the development stage of their training and occupational project
Amount : ARS $1,600 (in 2019).


6) Labour Skills Certification

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct recipient
Description: Through the procedures provided by the "Línea de Certificación Sectorial" of the Continuing Training Plan, the competencies that have been develop during the exercise of previous work experience can be evaluated and certified.


7) Support for the creation of Independent Entrepreneurship

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct recipient
Comments: Generated through the Independent Employment Promotion Line of the "Programa de Empleo independiente y entramados productivos locales"
Description: In the case in which the youths are already independent workers and have their own job, or just after training programme compleition and fulfilling the requirements of an entrepreneurial profile, the program offers them technical and economic assistance to develop their own entrepreneurship, individually or associatively.


8) Training actions for labour (internships in work environments)

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Recipient of the transfer: Direct recipient
Comments: 75% monthly assistance.
Description: Practical training period in the workplace within public or private companies. The workload may not exceed six hours per day (or thirty hours per week).
These internships can last between 3 and 8 months. Extensible period in case of a project linked to a social service.


9) Job Search Support Workshops

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct recipient
Comments: Allowance can last a maximum of 4 months continuously or discontinuously.
Description: Participants receive assistance periodically to develop appropriate strategies for job search. It is intended that young people can assess the progress, difficulties and contingencies that may occur during the search process, taking into account their profile, training and occupational projects as well as their participation in other components of the Programme.
Amount : ARS $1,600 (in 2019).


10) Employment Clubs

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct recipient
Comments: Allowance can last a maximum of 4 months.
Description: Their main objective is to accompany and assist young people in the design, execution and monitoring of a job search plan that allows them to increase their chances of finding a job, establish short and medium term objectives and acquire tools that facilitate their compliance.
Amount : ARS $1,600 (in 2019).


11) Support for labour inclusion

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Description: The hiring of young people from the public or private sector is promoted, offering benefits provided by the "Programa de inserción laboral"


12) Orientation

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Description: The counselors will be responsible for accompanying the recipients throughout their participation in the Programme. For this, the counselor will hold periodic, individual or group meetings with each young person in order to:
a) propose and agree on the activities to which the participant will be referred in accordance with the training and occupational project expectations;
b) track the training and work paths developed by the young person during their participation in the Programme,
c) promote the participation of the youth in activities and / or services that improve their opportunities for employment, such as workshops, employment clubs, job training actions, labor intermediation or other actions of the Employment Office.


"El revés de la trama en los dispositivos de apoyo a la inserción laboral juvenil

Author: Roberti, Eugenia
Date: 2016
Publication info: En: Protección social y formación para el trabajo de jóvenes en la Argentina reciente : entramados, alcances y tensiones, Claudia Jacinto y otros (Eds.), Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social, Buenos Aires
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Programme analysis


Jóvenes:Formación y Empleo. Estudio sobre los participantes del Programa Jóvenes con Más y Mejor Trabajo

Author: Mazorra, Ximena; Schachtel, Lila; Schleser, Diego and Soto, Clarisa
Date: 2013
Publication info: In "Trabajo, ocupación y empleo. Investigaciones 2013: Estudios sobre multinacionales y evaluación de políticas públicas"; pp 111-138
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Evaluación del Programa Jóvenes con Más y Mejor Trabajo. La mirada de los participantes

Author: Ministerio de trabajo, empleo y seguridad social de la Nación, Ministerio de trabajo de la provincia de Buenos Aires
Publication info: el caso de San Nicolás y de Mar del Plata
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Qualitative evaluation


Trayectoria hacia el trabajo decente de los jóvenes en Argentina : contribuciones de las políticas públicas de educación, formación para el trabajo y protección social.

Author: Bertranou, Fabio; Casanova, Luis
Date: 2015
Publication info: International Labour Office -Geneve: ILO
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


La implementación del Programa Jóvenes con Más y Mejor Trabajo en ámbitos subnacionales

Author: Paula Forteza
Date: 2012
Publication info: Work Document N. 94 - CIPPEC
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Programme description, evaluation




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