United Nations              
Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
National Programme for the Promotion of Access to the World of Work "Acessuas Trabalho"(Programa Nacional de Promoção do Acesso ao Mundo do Trabalho "Acessuas Trabalho") (2012-)



Date: 2012-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: The Programme Acessuas Trabalho aims to the independence of social assistance policy from the recipients´ households, through their integration to the labour world. This programme is closely linked to thePlan Brasil Sem Miséria -BSM, through the promotion of strategies, actions and measures to fight against poverty, for the mobilization of the participants, monitoring of the programmes`actions and the articulation with different actors and public policies.


Target population: Persons and households in situation of vulnerability, aged between14 and 59
Area of intervention: Vocational and professional training)
Labour intermediation services
Geographic scale: National (1,556 municipalities and the Federal District)
Targeting method: Proxy Means test
Categorical (People in socially vulnerable situation aged between 14 and 59)
Instrument of selection: CadÚnico
Registry of recipients: CadÚnico
Comments: Acessuas Trabalhois works in association with the PRONATEC/BSM, the programme Mulheres Mil, Yhe National Employment System SINE, the Popular and Solidarity Economy, the Individual Micro-entrepreneurship (MEI), the National Programme of Micro-credit, the Brasilian Association of Supermarkets (ABRAS) and the Brasilian Chamber of Civil Construction Industry (CBIC).


Legal framework: Resolution CIT Nº 02 (2016); Resolution CNAS Nº 24/2016; Resolution CNAS Nº 25/2016; Resolution CNAS Nº 27/2014; Resolution CNAS º 18/2012 ; Portaria MDS nº 143/2012; Resolution CIT Nº 02 (2013); Resolution CNAS nº 5/2013
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Social and Agricultural Development (MDSA)
Executing organization(s): Ministry of Social and Agricultural Development (MDSA) and Social Assistance Secretary in the municipalities
Source of funding: Government of Brazil



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