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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
National Employability Program (Ex Productive Youth and "Impulsa Perú") (2011-)



Date: 2011-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: Jóvenes Productivos (since 2014) is a program created by the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE) in August 2011 (under the name Jóvenes a la Obra) to improve the training of young people in specific areas of work, according to labor market demand. The program seeks to facilitate young people's access to the formal labor market through job training, technical assistance for entrepreneurship and labor intermediation. It focuses on agronomy, commerce, construction, industry, fishing, services, transportation and communications. It also offers courses in self-employment management. It is aimed primarily at young people between 15 and 29 years of age who are unemployed or living in poverty and extreme poverty, both in rural and urban areas. The program lasts 6 months, the first 3 months the participants attend training courses and the last 3 months they have an internship in a company, factory or workshop.


Target population: Young persons between 15 and 29 years unemployed, in poverty and extreme poverty
Area of intervention: 1) Technical and vocational training
2) Support for independent work
Geographic scale: National


Legal framework: Supreme Decree N°013-2011-TRABAJO
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion (Ministerio del Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo MTPE)
Executing organization(s): Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion (Ministerio del Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo MTPE)

1) Urban

Recipient(s): Young people aged 15 to 29 in urban areas
Description: In urban areas, the program focuses on training and job placement, promoting wage employment and self-employment.


2) Rural

Recipient(s): Young people from 15 to 29 years old in rural areas
Description: In rural areas, it is more focused on training for self-employment and the promotion and implementation of economic and productive development activities.




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