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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
National Youth Inclusion Programme -Projovem (Programa Nacional de Inclusão de Jovens -Projovem) (2005-)



Date: 2005-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: The programme Projovem was created in 2005 and restructured in 2008 becoming Projovem Integrado. It is part of a federal programme of the National Youth Policy and is divided in four modalities, directed to young persons with different profiles. Each of them is managed by a federal organ, but all have the participation of the State and municipalities


Target population: Young persons between 15 and 17 years (Projovem adolescente) and between 18 and 29 years in situation of unemployment and with incomes below 50% of the minimum wage
Area of intervention: Technical and professional training
Remedial education (leveling of studies)
Geographic scale: National
Comments: The young beneficiaries can participate to the different modalities of the Projovem, but they only receive one allowance.


Legal framework: Law n. 11.129/05 and Decree nº 5.557/05
Responsible organization(s): General Secretary of the Presidency of Republic, through the National Secretary for Youth.
Executing organization(s): Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour and Employment and Ministry of Social and Agrarian Development.
Source of funding: Government of Brasil

1) Projovem Trabalhador

Recipient(s): Young persons between 18 and 29 years unemployed with incomes below 50% of the minimum wage living in municipalities over 200,000 inhabitants
Periodicity of delivery: Bimonthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct beneficiary
Conditionalities: Assistance of 75% to the training courses
Description: The programme is composed by clases that prepare young persons to alternative activities of income generation. Is consists in clases of 350 hours divided between social and professional training
Amount : R$ 100


2) Projovem Urbano

Recipient(s): Young people between 18 and 29 years who can read and writte but did not ended secondary education
Periodicity of delivery: Bi-monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct beneficiary
Conditionalities: Assistance of 75% to the training courses.
Comments: Projovem Urban Prison started in 2013 in ten states, thanks to the agreement reached between the Ministries of Justice and the MEC. The goal is to improve education and encourage social participation of young inmates. To participate, you must meet four basic requirements: being between 18 and 29, have identity document, read and write (but not haave basic education) and be sentenced. The program gives priority to female inmates.
Description: It is a programme of study levelling for 18 months. It has 3 components: basic training for young people and adults, professional and tecnical (general and specific) training; training for citizenship participation. The beneficiaries receive an transfer of R$ 100 monthly conditioned to 75% of assistance to activities and delivery of the pedagogic works
Amount : R$ 100


3) Projovem Campo

Recipient(s): Young people between 18 and 29 years who can read and writte but did not ended secondary education
Periodicity of delivery: Bi-monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct beneficiary
Conditionalities: Assistance of 75% to the courses
Comments: The formal organization of the programme is a responsability of each State according to its local agricultural characteristics The course lasts two years and works atlernating capacitation at school and practical work in the communities.
Description: It brings the opporunities for young agricultors excluded from the formal education system to conclude the basic education. The course lasts 2 years, organized between school and community work. The beneficiaries receive an allowance of R$ 100 and a diploma when they end the course
Amount : The beneficiaries receive a transfer of R$ 1.200,00 in 12 times


4) Projovem Adolescente

Recipient(s): Adolescents between 15 and 17 years beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família programme
Description: The programme organizes groups of between 15 and 30 young people called "collectives". The collectives are led by an social orientator and supervized by a professional of the Social Assistance Reference Centre (Centro de Referência de Assistência Social, CRAS), also in charge to attend the young people families through a Integral Family Attention and Protection Service (Serviço de Proteção e Atendimento Integral à Família ,PAIF)




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