Date: | 2012- |
Web: | Official website of the programme |
Description: | Chile Securities and Oportunities -SSyOO- (also known as Ethical Family Income programme -IEF) consists of a group of cash transfers that supplement the autonomous incomes of households living in extreme poverty. The programme combines both unconditional and conditional transfers. The Ethical Family Income has been designed around three basic pillars: 1) the dignity pillar, which provides unconditional transfers for all persons living in extreme poverty; 2) the duties pillar, which provides conditional transfers to households in extreme poverty whose children attend regular health check-ups and meet school attendance requirements; 3) the achievement pillar, which provides conditional transfers for the 30% poorest households (the rewarded achievements are school performance and women's labour insertion). The programme also provides psychosocial support to participating families, as well as socio-labour programmes. |
Target population: | Households living in extreme poverty. In the case of the achievement pillar it is extended to households belonging to the 30% most vulnerable part of the population. |
Geographic scale: | National |
Targeting method: | Proxy means testing (Socioeconomic Classification) |
Instrument of selection: | Social Household Registry (Decree 22, 2015) |
Registry of recipients: | Integrated Social Information System (SIIS) |
Exit strategies or criteria: | Graduation scheme with time limit and decreasing transfers. Family support: maximum of 24 months in the programe (recipient households stop receiving transfers but remain linked to the program, their socio-economic situation is re-evaluated after a year and those found as eligible are re-admitted, and payments are resumed for a new period of two years) and 48 months for the Women Employment Subsidy. No recertification. |
Comments: | As part of the measures to face the socioeconomic effects of the social isolation imposed by the covid-19 pandemic, the government of Chile granted a monetary transfer, called Covid-19 Allowance, as part of the Economic Emergency Plan. This transfer was non-postulable and was delivered only once, in April 2020, to the recipients of the Single Family Allowance (SUF), recipients of the Securities and Opportunities Subsystem (SSyOO), and to people without formal work that were in the 60% of the poorest households according to the Social Registry of Households and who were not recipients of the SUF or the SSyOO, who did not receive any family or maternal allowance or any pension from the social security system. Subsequently, the Chilean government granted other cash transfers to families economically affected during the pandemic, including users of the SUF and the SSyOO. Among these cash transfer measures there was the Emergency Family Income (IFE), delivered monthly from May to October 2020; the Covid Christmas Bonus (December 2020); the Covid Bonus (January, February and March 2021); the Extended IFE (April and May 2021), and the Universal IFE (June, July, August and September 2021). For more information on these measures, see the observatory of social protection measures to face COVID-19 of the Social Development Division of ECLAC ([online] .php? country_id = chl) and the reports of the Emergency Family Income of the Ministry of Social Development and Family of the Government of Chile ([en línea] |
Legal framework: | Law 20.595 of the 05-11-2012 |
Responsible organization(s): | Ministry of Social Development and Family |
Executing organization(s): | Ministry of Social Development and Family |
Responsible organization(s) for the registry of recipients: | Ministry of Social Development and Family |
Source of funding: | Government of Chile |
1) Bono de Protección (Protection Allowance)
Recipient(s): | Flat transfer per household or individual recipient, which depends on the period of execution of the APS. |
Mode of transfer: | Flat transfer per household or individual recipient, which depends on the period of execution of the APS. |
Mode of delivery: | Electronic deposit or withdrawal of cash. |
Periodicity of delivery: | Monthly |
Recipient of the transfer: | Mother (preferably) |
Maximum per household: | One transfer per family |
Conditionalities: | Acording to the family contract. |
Sanctions: | The transfer is cancelled in case of reiterated breach of the participation commitments or the lack of claim of the allowance for 6 cosecutive months. |
Comments: | This allowance is provided during the period of family support (maximum 2 years) |
Amount : | In 2021, the amounts vary depending on the following time brackets: i) The first 6 months the amount is CLP $18,400; ii) From the 7th to the 12th months, the amount is CLP $14,003; iii) From the 13th to the 18th months, the amount is CLP $9,627; iv) From the 19th to the 24th months, the amount is CLP $13,401. These values are adjusted yearly using the Consumption Price Index of the previous year. |
2) Subsidio a la cédula de identidad (Allowance for the identity card)
Recipient(s): | All families users of the Intersectoral System of Social Protection, which includes all individuals in the Chile Securities and Opportunities. |
Mode of transfer: | Flat transfer |
Mode of delivery: | The allowance is applied automatically in the Civil Registry and Identification Service when presenting the Electronic Identification Form (FEI) requested to the Family Intervention Unit of the municipality. |
Periodicity of delivery: | Single transfer |
Recipient of the transfer: | Direct participant |
Maximum per household: | None |
Conditionalities: | None |
Comments: | This is an indirect monetary allowance intended for all members of a recipient household of Chile Securities and Opportunities, who do not have a valid identity card and need to obtain it or renew it. |
Amount : | The recipient pays only CLP $500 and the State finances the difference in the cost of the identity card at the time of obtaining it. |
3) Subsidio al pago del consumo de agua potable (Allowance to the consumption of drinking water)
Recipient(s): | All households participants of the programme |
Mode of transfer: | Flat transfer |
Mode of delivery: | Discount on the monthly bill |
Periodicity of delivery: | Monthly |
Maximum per household: | One transfer per household |
Conditionalities: | Being registered as recipient of Chile Securities and Opportunities. |
Amount : | The allowance covers 100% of a maximum of 15 cubic meters monthly. |
4) Bono Base Familiar (Basic Cash Transfer per Household)
Recipient(s): | All households recipients of the programme |
Mode of transfer: | Transfer in function of the family composition (number of children) |
Mode of delivery: | Electronic deposit or withdrawal of cash. |
Periodicity of delivery: | Monthly |
Recipient of the transfer: | Mother (preferably) |
Maximum per household: | One transfer per family |
Comments: | It is a unconditional transfer. The amount of the transfer depends on the income that the family needs to overcome the extreme poverty line. The method of calculation to estimate the income that households need in order to move above the extreme poverty line is based on the ‘household income contribution index’. According to the law, this index corresponds to 85 per cent of the difference between the extreme poverty line, which is determined by the 2009 National Social and Economic Survey (Encuesta de Caracterización Socioeconómica Nacional, CASEN), and the potential household income per capita, provided that such a difference is positive. The potential income per capita amounts to the grand total of the sum of the following components: the national average of monthly autonomous income per capita for households living in extreme poverty; the average monthly expenditure per capita on imputed rent for persons and households living in extreme poverty; and the per capita monetary support with a fiscal cost that are regularly paid to each household member. On the 15th day of each month, compliance with these requirements is verified to identify who is entitled to receive this grant. |
Amount : | The amount varies monthly depending on the economic situation of the household or individual recipient of the program, and covers 85% of the monthly income gap to overcome the threshold of extreme poverty (CLP $42,821 in 2021). The average monthly amount of 2018 was CLP $5,000 (variable amount). As a reference, the maximum amount deliered during the first quarter of 2021 was CLP $28,096. The amount decreases a sixth per month starting from the 17th month of payment. |
5) Bono por Control Niño Sano (Healthy Children Control Allowance)
Recipient(s): | All recipient households with children between 0 and 6 years of age |
Mode of transfer: | Flat transfer |
Mode of delivery: | Electronic deposit or withdrawal of cash. |
Periodicity of delivery: | Monthly with a lag of 3 months regarding attendance. |
Recipient of the transfer: | Mother (preferably) |
Maximum per household: | Does not have |
Conditionalities: | * Health: Health checks attendance. Differentiated regulation for children under 2 years. Household participation in the activities of psychosocial support (APS) or socio-labor support (ASL). |
Comments: | The allowance is delivered for 24 months, as far as the conditions are fulfilled. |
Amount : | In 2019 is CLP $6,000 monthly for each child younger than 6. See selected figures. |
6) Bono por Asistencia Escolar (School Attendance Allowance)
Recipient(s): | All recipient households with children aged between 6 and 18 years. |
Mode of transfer: | Flat transfer |
Mode of delivery: | Electronic deposit or withdrawal of cash. |
Periodicity of delivery: | Monthly |
Recipient of the transfer: | Mother (preferably) |
Maximum per household: | Does not have |
Conditionalities: | Education: Children must be enrolled in an educational institution recognized by the Ministry of Education, in Basic or Medium education levels, and must have a monthly assistance to class of at least 85%. Household participation in the activities of psychosocial support (APS) or socio-labor support (ASL). |
Comments: | In order to fulfill the condition of class assistance during January and February, the program considers the average assistance of the period July-December of the previous year. The allowance is delivered for 24 months, as far as the conditions are fulfilled. |
Amount : | In 2021 is CLP $7,000 monthly for each child that fulfill the requirements. See selected figures. |
7) Bono por Formalización (Formal Labor Allowance)
Recipient(s): | Individuals in households recipients of Chile Securities and Opportunities, who participate in the activities of socio-laboral support (ASL). |
Mode of transfer: | Flat transfer |
Mode of delivery: | Electronic deposit |
Periodicity of delivery: | Annual |
Recipient of the transfer: | Every member of a recipient household of the SSyOO, who fulfills the requirements. |
Maximum per household: | Does not have |
Conditionalities: | To effectively participate (i.e. in all activities) in the socio-laboral support program. To register at least four continuous contributions of health and pension, or of the insurance of severance, declared and paid within the period of effective participation in the socio-laboral support program. |
Comments: | This allowance seeks to strengthen the integration of people into the formal labor market, by encouraging contributions in the pension system and thus contributing to the protection of the worker and his household. |
Amount : | Transfer of CLP $226,967 (value in 2021), once a year. This value is adjusted every 1st of February using the total annual variation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of the previous year. |
8) Bono por Graduación de 4to Medio (Middle School Graduation Allowance)
Recipient(s): | Members of recipient households of the SSyOO older than 24, who have obtained their degree of middle school or equivalent from an educational institution recognized by the Ministry of Education. |
Mode of transfer: | Flat transfer |
Mode of delivery: | Electronic deposit. |
Periodicity of delivery: | Once |
Recipient of the transfer: | Direct participant |
Maximum per household: | Does not have |
Conditionalities: | To obtain the degree of middle school or equivalent during the period of effective participation of the recipient in the SSyOO, from an educational institution recognized by the Ministry of Education. |
Comments: | This transfer seeks to encourage the completion of middle school studies in the adults of the more vulnerable households. |
Amount : | The transfer corresponds to CLP $56,747 (value in 2021), delivered once. This value is adjusted the 1st of February every year using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of the previous year. See also Data in Excel Format. |
9) Bono Logro Escolar (School Achievement Allowance)
Recipient(s): | Children and adolescents under 24 years of age attending school between the levels 5th of basic education and 4th of middle school, and whose grades are in the top 30% of their cohort. |
Mode of transfer: | Flat transfer |
Mode of delivery: | Electronic deposit. |
Periodicity of delivery: | Once at each academic year |
Recipient of the transfer: | Mother (preferably) |
Maximum per household: | Does not have |
Conditionalities: | To iobtain grades in the top 30% of their promotion or cohort, in an educational institution recognized by the Ministry of Education. |
Comments: | The recipients of this allowance belong to the 30% poorest part of the population. |
Amount : | The amounts of the allowance depend on the academic performance of the student: - CLP $63,842 (value in 2021) for students with grades in the top 15% of their cohort. - CLP $38,307 (value in 2021) for students with grades in the second top 15% of their cohort. These amounts are adjusted every year with the variation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of the previous year. |
10) Bono al Trabajo de la Mujer (Women Employment Allowance)
Recipient(s): | Women between 25 and 59 years of age that are working as employees, governed by the Labor Code, or as self-employed with their contributions up to date. They must be part of the Social Registry of Households and must belong to households at the bottom 40% of income or classified as in socio-economic vulnerability according to the Socio-economic Classification. Their gross monthly profits must be inferior to CLP $501,545 or gross annual profit inferior to CLP $6,018,539 (2021 values). These values are adjusted yearly using the variation of the Consumer Price Index of the previous year. |
Mode of transfer: | Cash transfer |
Mode of delivery: | Transfer to bank account. |
Periodicity of delivery: | Annual. Dependent workers (employees) can request monthly (provisional) advances that will later be reliquidated in the annual calculation. |
Recipient of the transfer: | Direct participant |
Conditionalities: | To work as employees, governed by the Labor Code, or as self-employed with their contributions up to date. |
Comments: | This allowance is incompatible with the Youth Labour Allowance and any other government program of employment generation. For more information, see the Labour and Productive Inclusion Programmes database ( |
Amount : | The amount of the allowance depends on the income of the worker; see also Data Excel format. |
11) Permanent Family Contribution (March Allowance)
Recipient(s): | Recipient families of Single Family Allowance, Chile Solidario, Chile Securities and Oportunities (Ethical Family Income), Family Allowance or Maternal Allowance. |
Mode of transfer: | Flat transfer |
Mode of delivery: | Cash withdrawal |
Periodicity of delivery: | Annual. In March |
Recipient of the transfer: | Mother |
Maximum per household: | One |
Comments: | It is a transfer that makes part of the Social Protection System, consisting of a cash payment, especifically in March of every year, for the families of lowest incomes. |
Amount : | The transfer in 2021 was CLP $49,184 per family. The amount is adjusted every 1st of March using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of the previous year |
12) Programas de alimentación, vivienda, apoyo psicosocial y educacional (Food, housing, psychosocial and education support programs)
Recipient(s): | All households participants of the programme |
Comments: | These programs are: the School Feeding Program; Habitability; Support to families for self-consumption; Support for Mental Health Care; Technical help; the Family Dynamics Support Program; the Program Familie; Educational and cultural centers of childhood; Child Care Improvement Program; and the Know Your Child Programme. |
Description: | Strategies of intervention through the action of professionals (family supports) in charge of working with the participants for the development of their capacities and the achievement of goals related to the improvement of their lives conditions. |
13) Programas de acompañamiento sociolaboral (Socio-labour support programmes)
Recipient(s): | Adults over 18 years who are not studying or whose studies are compatible with the insertion in the programme |
Mode of transfer: | 1) Training sessions oriented to overcome barriers to participants' entering the labour market 2) Training sessions to develop their soft skills 3) Reinforcement and creation of technical competencies through training sessions 4) Labour intermediation to match labour supply and demand |
Comments: | The access to the different socio-labour programmes is within the framework of the Eje Programme. The Eje programme has been created to support the participants in their path within the psychosocial support programmes and the Socio-labour support programmes. It considers the realization of a diagnostic, the elaboration of an intervention plan, the monitoring and assesment of the participation. These programs are: Generación de Microemprendimiento Indígena Urbano (Generation of Urban Indigenous Micro-entrepreneurship); ; Yo Trabajo (I work); Yo Emprendo Semilla (I Start a Business Seed); Yo Trabajo Jóvenes (I Work Youth); Programa de Formación y Capacitación (Training and Capacity Building Program); Programa de Desarrollo de Compentencias Laborales para Mujeres (Program of Development of Labor Competencies for Women); and Programa de Servicios Sociales (Social Services Program). |
Description: | Its objective is to improve the recipients' skills for generating incomes, to improve their employability conditions and their participation in the labour sector. |
14) Emergency COVID-19 Allowance
Recipient(s): | All households recipients of the programme |
Mode of transfer: | Flat transfer |
Mode of delivery: | Bank deposit |
Periodicity of delivery: | Single transfer |
Recipient of the transfer: | Mother (preferably) |
Comments: | As part of the measures to face the socioeconomic effects of the social isolation imposed by the covid-19 pandemic, the government of Chile granted the Emergency Covid-19 Allowance, as part of the Economic Emergency Plan. This transfer was non-postulable and was delivered only once, in April 2020, to the recipients of the Single Family Allowance (SUF), recipients of the Securities and Opportunities Subsystem (SSyOO), and to people without formal work that were in the 60% of the poorest households according to the Social Registry of Households and who were not recipients of the SUF or the SSyOO, who did not receive any family or maternal allowance or any pension from the social security system.
After the delivery of this cash transfer, the Chilean government granted other cash transfers to families economically affected during the pandemic, including users of the SUF and the SSyOO. Among these cash transfer measures there was the Emergency Family Income (IFE), delivered monthly from May to October 2020; the Covid Christmas Bonus (December 2020); the Covid Bonus (January, February and March 2021); the Extended IFE (April and May 2021), and the Universal IFE (June, July, August and September 2021). For more information on these measures, see the observatory of social protection measures to face COVID-19 of the Social Development Division of ECLAC ([online] .php? country_id = chl) and the reports of the Emergency Family Income of the Ministry of Social Development and Family of the Government of Chile ([en línea] |
Informe final: evaluación de Impacto de la Bonificación Ingreso Ético Familiar del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Ex MIDEPLAN)
Author: | UDD (Universidad del Desarrollo) |
Date: | 2014 |
Publication info: | School of Government of Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | History, general information and impact evaluation |
Cómo funciona el Ingreso Ético Familiar? Mejores prácticas en la implementación de Programas de Transferencias Monetarias Condicionadas en América Latina y el Caribe.
Author: | Vargas, L. H., Cueva, P., and Medellín, N. |
Date: | 2017 |
Publication info: | IDB, Social Protection and Health Division. Technical Note No. IDB-TN-1163. |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | General information |
Políticas contra la pobreza: de Chile Solidario al Ingreso Ético Familiar.
Author: | Larrañaga, O., Contreras, D. and Cabezas, G. |
Date: | 2014 |
Publication info: | PNUD working paper |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | General information |
Public Accounting 2014-2015. Summary Document
Author: | Social Development Ministry |
Date: | March 2016 |
Publication info: | |
Link: | |
Topic: | Summary of Social Projects of the Social Development Ministry |
Permanent Family Contribution
Author: | Chile Atiende |
Date: | 2016 |
Publication info: | |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Program description |
Informe Final Evaluación de Impacto de la Bonificación Ingreso Ético Familiar del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (ex MIDEPLAN)
Author: | Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD), Facultad de Gobierno |
Date: | 2014 |
Publication info: | |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Impact evaluation |
Pobreza y protección social: la voz de las mujeres beneficiarias del Ingreso Ético Familiar (IEF)
Author: | Fernández, M.I. and M. Calcagni |
Date: | 2015 |
Publication info: | Catalonia; Santiago de Chile |
Link: | |
Topic: | General information |
The expansion of cash transfers in Chile and its challenges: Ethical Family Income
Author: | Cecchini S. Robles C. and Vargas L.H. |
Date: | 2012 |
Publication info: | International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth, Research Brief n˚26 Agosto 2012 [online] |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | General information |