United Nations              
Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Bolsa Verde Programme (2011-2018)



Date: 2011-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: The Bolsa Verde programme is part of the "Brazil without misery" (Brasil sem Miséria) plan. The official name is Programme of Support to Environmental Conservation. This programme aims to promote the conservation of ecosystems (caring for the environment and sustainable use of resources), encourage the practice of citizenship, improve the living conditions of households in situations of extreme poverty, and promote the participation of the recipients into environmental, social, educational, technical and professional actions. From 2018 to 2022, the programme was suspended with no allocated budget. It was resumed in 2023.


Target population: Households living in extreme poverty that conduct activities of conservation of natural resources in the areas defined by article 5 of Decree 7.572/11.
Geographic scale: National. In 2011 it began covering the Amazonia Legal region. In 2012, the programme will be expanded to the rest of the country.
Targeting method: 1) Geographical. Families that live in areas and carry out activities of conservation and sustainable use, identified by the Chico Mendes Institute for the Conservation of Biodiversity (ICMBio), the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA) and the Secretary of the Patrimony of the Union (SPU).
2) Means test: Households living in extreme poverty (Monthly per capita income below R$ 85.00), registered in CadÚnico as recipients of the Bolsa Familia Program.
Instrument of selection: Registry of families from ICMBio, INCRA and SPU, as well as information in the Single register for social programmes (CadÚnico)
Registry of recipients: Single register for social programmes (CadÚnico)
Exit strategies or criteria: Loss of eligibility
Failure to perform environmental conservation work
Signing up into another environmental conservation programme
Maximum duration: 2 years, renewable.


Legal framework: Law Nº 12.512/11, of October 14, 2011; Decree Nº 7.572, of September 28, 2011.
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Environment
Executing organization(s): Ministry of Environment
Responsible organization(s) for the registry of recipients: The Ministry of Social Development (MDS) is the body responsible for the CadÚnico and the Caixa Econômica Federal is the body responsible for its operation.
Source of funding: National Treasury

1) Basic Grant

Recipient(s): All the households participating of the programme
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Magnetic card
Periodicity of delivery: Quarterly
Recipient of the transfer: Head of household
Maximum per household: One transfer per household
Amount : The amount of the transfer is BRL $300 every three months; see also data Excel format




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