United Nations              
Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Bolsa Familia (2003-)



Date: 2003-
Description: The largest conditional cash transfer programme in the region in terms of coverage. It was created in 2003 with the unification of the sectorial conditional cash transfer programmes (Bolsa Escola, Bolsa Alimentação, Cartão Alimentação, Auxilio-Gas). In 2005, it also unified the Child labour Eradication Program (PETI) including specific conditionalities to families in situations of poverty that present situations of child labour. Since 2012, it includes a grant to overcome extreme poverty, which covers the difference between the per capita family income and the value of the extreme poverty line. The programme was temporarily suspended between 2021 and 2023 and replaced by Auxílio Brasil.


Target population: Families in poverty and extreme poverty
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: 1) Families with per capita income below the poverty line, according to household surveys.
2) Set quotas on the number of recepient families at the municipal level, as a result of the analysis of the number of families with per capita income below the poverty line according to household surveys
3) Municipalities register families that, according to the CadÚnico, have a per capita income lower than half the minimum wage or families whose total income is lower than three minimum wages.
4) Means test and comparative analysis with other databases and administrative datasets
Instrument of selection: Household surveys from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and information in the Unified Registry (Cadastro Único para Programas Sociais do Governo Federal or CadÚnico).
Registry of recipients: Unfied registry for social programmes (CadÚnico)
Exit strategies or criteria: When household loses eligibility. Recertification every two years. The program Bolsa Familia allows for a temporary stay in the program of two additional years if the household per capita monthly income exceeds the threshold stablished by the program but not the the average minimum monthly wage per capita.
Links with employment and training programmes
Comments: Recipients have access to "complementary programmes" administered by each municipality in matters of vocational training, education, microcredit, among others. Households that voluntarily inform a level of income higher than the threshold of eligibility can enter the program in the future if their socioeconomic level worsens in the following 36 months (retorno garantido)


Legal framework: Law 10836 (2004), Decree no. 5209 (2004), Decree no. 6135 (2007), Decree no 6157 (2007), Decree no 6917 (2009), Decree no 7447 (2011). Ordnance GM / MDS No. 321 of September 29, 2008. Provisional Measure no. 407 (2007), Decree Nº 7.758, (2012)
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger (MDS)
Executing organization(s): National Secretariat for Citizen is Income (SENARC) and Management Council of the Bolsa Familia Program - CGPBF
Responsible organization(s) for the registry of recipients: The Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger (MDS) is the body responsible for the CadÚnico and the Caixa Econômica Federal is the body responsible for its operation.
Source of funding: Federal Government of Brazil, World Bank (WB)

1) Bono básico (Basic Bonus)

Recipient(s): Families in extreme poverty (monthly income less than BRL$89 per capita)
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Magnetic card
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Mother
Maximum per household: One transfer per household
Conditionalities: Education: Minimum school attendance of 85% for children and adolescents between 6 and 15 years old. For children and adolescents at risk, or removed from child labour, minimum attendance of 85% to social and educational services
Health: Compliance with the vaccination schedule and the control of growth and development for children under 7 years, prenatal care and monitoring of breastfeeding mothers between 14 and 44 years old.
Sanctions: First register of failure: Household receives a warning, but it does not affect or alter the perception of the benefit
Second register of failure: Household will have a penalty, benefit blocked for 1 month
Third register of failure: Benefit suspended for 2 months
Fourth register of failure: The household can have the benefit canceled.
Amount : BRL$89 (in 2019); see Data Excel format


2) Bono variable (Variable Bonus)

Recipient(s): Children under age 15 living in poor families (monthly income less than BRL$178 per capita)
Mode of transfer: Transfer according to family composition (number of children)
Mode of delivery: Magnetic card/debit card
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Mother
Maximum per household: Five beneficiaries per family
Conditionalities: Education: Minimum school attendance of 85% for children and adolescents between 6 and 15 years old. For children and adolescents at risk, or removed from child labour, minimum attendance of 85% to social and educational services
Health: Compliance with the vaccination schedule and the control of growth and development for children under 7 years, prenatal care and monitoring of breastfeeding mothers between 14 and 44 years old.
Amount : BRL $41 (in 2019), with a maximum of five beneficiaries (BRL$205); see Data Excel format


3) Bono variable adolescente (Variable Bonus for Adolescents)

Recipient(s): Adolescents between age 16 and 17 in poor families (monthly income less than BRL$178 per capita)
Mode of transfer: Transfer according to family composition (number of adolescents)
Mode of delivery: Magnetic card/debit card
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Mother
Maximum per household: Two beneficiaries per family
Conditionalities: Education: Minimum school attendance of 75%
Sanctions: First breach: warning
Second breach: the benefit will be suspended for 60 days
Third breach: the benefit is canceled.
Amount : BRL$48 (in 2019) with a maximum of two beneficiaries (BRL$ 96); see Data Excel format


4) Bono variable embarazadas (Variable Bonus for Pregnant Women )

Recipient(s): Pregnant women between 14 and 44 years old living in extreme poverty (monthly income less than BRL$178 per capita) .
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Conditionalities: Prenatal check-ups attendance during pregnancy
Sanctions: If the beneficiary does not attend to prenatal check-ups, the benefit can be canceled.
Comments: The nine transfers will be paid independently of the month in which the women has been identified by the programme as pregnant.
The pregnant benefit is compatible with the adolescent benefit for pregnant adolescents.
Amount : BRL $41 (in 2019) during nine months


5) Bono variable niños lactantes (Variable Bonus for Lactating Children )

Recipient(s): Lactanting children between 0 and 6 months living in extreme poverty (monthly income less than BRL$178 per capita).
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Maximum per household: Five beneficiaries per family
Conditionalities: Compliance with the vaccination schedule and the medical controls (weight and height)
Sanctions: In case the beneficiary does not comply with the vaccination schedule or the medical controls, the benefit can be canceled
Amount : BRL$41 (in 2019) during six months


6) Bono para la Superación de la Extrema Pobreza (Benefit to overcome extreme poverty)

Recipient(s): Households that have an income per capita under BRL$89 after receiving the other benefits of the programme.
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Maximum per household: Does not have
Conditionalities: Does not have
Sanctions: Does not have
Description: The benefit to overcome extreme poverty complements the household's income in order to make their monthly income per capita overcome BRL$89 (in 2019). This benefit, which was first targeted to households with children between 0 and 6 years old (through Brasil Carinhoso), was widened in 2013 to all the beneficiaries households even if they do not have children.
Amount : The amount is equal to the difference needed by households to exceed a monthly per capita income of BRL$85.


7) PAIF (Programa de Atención Integral a la Familia / Comprehensive Family Support Programme)

Recipient(s): All beneficiary households of the programme
Description: Social and educational service that monitors households that do not meet the conditionalities of Bolsa Familia. Monitoring is case by case and depends on the type of failure:, vulnerabilities and strengths of targeted households to implement a monitoring plan. This component is executed by the Social Assistance Reference Centres (CRAS), which are about 3,800 nationwide.


8) Brasil Carinhoso

Recipient(s): Children between 0 and 6 years in extreme poverty.
Mode of transfer: Delivery of cash and food complements (Iron and A vitamin)
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Maximum per household: One benefit per family
Description: This component seeks to extend health and nutrition coverage for children under 6 years and to improve access to nurseries.


The intergenerational relationship between conditional cash transfers and newborn health

Author: Lucas, A. D. P., Ferreira, M. O., Lucas, T. D. P., and Salari, P.
Date: 2022
Publication info: BMC Public Health, 22:201
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Conditional cash transfers and child labor

Author: Cepaluni, G., Chewning, T. K., Driscoll, A., and Faganello, M. A.
Date: 2022
Publication info: World Development 152 (2022) 105768
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


A focalização do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF) no período 2012-2018, a partir dos dados da pesquisa nacional por amostra de domicílios contínua (PNAD contínua)

Author: Paiva, L. H., Fernandes de Souza, M., and Nunes, H. M. P.
Date: 2020
Publication info: Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (ipea). Texto para Discussão No. 2567.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Analysis of program results


Social Programs and Formal Employment: Evidence from the Brazilian Bolsa Família Program

Author: Fruttero, A., Ribeiro, A., and Paiva, L. H.
Date: 2020
Publication info: International Monetary Fund. Working Paper No. 20/99
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation


Effect of the Brazilian cash transfer programme on suicide rates:Effect of the Brazilian cash transfer programme on suicide rates: a longitudinal analysis of the Brazilian municipalities

Author: Alves, F.J.O., Machado, D.B. and Barreto, M.L.
Date: 2018
Publication info: Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 54, 599–606
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation


The effects of Brazil’s Bolsa Família programme on poverty and inequality: an assessment of the first 15 years

Author: Ferreira de Souza, P. H. G., Guerreiro Osorio, R. Paiva, L. H., y Soares, S.
Date: 2019
Publication info: International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth. One pager 429
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation


Os Efeitos do Programa Bolsa Família sobre a Pobreza e a Desigualdade: um balanço dos primeiros quinze anos

Author: Ferreira de Souza, P. H. G., Guerreiro Osorio, R. Paiva, L. H., and Soares, S.
Date: 2019
Publication info: Texto para discussão No. 2499, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Efeito do Programa Bolsa Família sobre a oferta de trabalho das mães

Author: Albuquerque, P.
Date: 2010
Publication info: Economia e Sociedade, Campinas, v. 19, n. 3 (40), p. 613-635,
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation


Programas Focalizados de Transferência de Renda No Brasil: Contribuições o debate

Author: Medeiros, M., Britto, T. and Soares, F.
Date: 2007
Publication info: Texto para discussão No. 1283, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information and impact evaluations


Sumário Executivo Avaliação de Impacto do Programa Bolsa Família

Date: 2007
Publication info: Secretary of Evaluation and Information Management, Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Transferencias monetarias condicionadas y políticas de desarrollo rural en Brasil: posibles sinergias entre Bolsa Familia y el PRONAF

Author: García, F., Helfand, S. and Portela-Souza, A.
Date: 2016
Publication info: Protection, production, promotion: Exploring synergies between social protection and rural productive development in Latin America, chapter 2, J. Maldonado and others (comps), Bogotá, Universidad de los Andes.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information and impact evaluations


Bolsa Família and household labour supply

Author: De Brauw, A. Gilligan, D., Hoddinott, J. and Roy, S.
Date: 2015
Publication info: Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. 63, N° 3, Chicago, University of Chicago Press
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Bolsa Família, occupational choice and informality in Brazil

Author: Barbosa, A. and Corseuil, C.
Date: 2013
Publication info: Working paper, N° 118, Brasilia, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth/ United Nations Development Programme (IPC-IG/UNDP)
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Is the effect of conditional transfers on labor supply negligible everywhere

Author: Ribas, R. and Soares, F.
Date: 2011
Publication info: Unpublised [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Assessment of the implications of the bolsa família programme for the decent work agenda

Author: Machado, A.,Fontes, G., Antigo, M., Sieczkowski, R. and Soares, F.
Date: 2011
Publication info: Working paper, N° 85, Brasilia, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth/ United Nations Development Programme (IPC-IG/UNDP).
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information and impact evaluations


A heterogeneity analysis of the Bolsa Família programme effect on men and women’s work supply

Author: Teixeira, C.
Date: 2010
Publication info: Working Paper, N° 61, Brasilia, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth/ United Nations Development Programme (IPC-IG/UNDP).
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Efeitos de elegibilidade e condicionalidade do Programa Bolsa Família sobre a alocaçao de tempo dos membros do domicilio

Author: Pedrozo, E.
Date: 2010
Publication info: Doctoral Thesis, São Paulo, Getúlio Vargas Foundation
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information and impact evaluations


Primeiros Resultados da Análise da Linha de Base da Pesquisa de Avaliação de Impacto do Programa Bolsa Família

Author: Oliveira, A., Andrade, M., Resende, A., Ribas, R., Rodrigues, C. and Rodrigues, L.
Date: 2007
Publication info: Avaliação de políticas e programas do MDS: Results, vol. 2, J. Vaitsman and R. Paes-Sousa (coords.), Brasilia, Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Coordenação do Bolsa Família nos sistemas de políticas públicas

Author: Licio, E. C.
Date: 2019
Publication info: Working paper Nº 2455, IPEA
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Bolsa Familia 15 Anos (2003-2018)

Author: Viana, I., Kawauchi, M. and Barbosa, T.
Date: 2018
Publication info: Document from ENAP
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General and historical information about the programme and its impacts


Conditional cash transfer programme: Impact on homicide rates and hospitalisations from violence in Brazil

Author: Machado DB, Rodrigues LC, Rasella D, Lima Barreto M, Araya R.
Date: 2018
Publication info: Research article PLoS ONE 13(12): e0208925
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


The power of lump sums: Using maternity payment schedules to reduce the gender asset gap in households reached by Brazil’s Bolsa Família conditional cash transfer

Author: Morton, G. D.
Date: 2018
Publication info: World Development 113 (2019) 352–367
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Cash transfer in Brazil and nutritional outcomes: a systematic review

Author: Martins, A., D. Canella, L. Baraldi, & C. Monteiro
Date: 2013
Publication info: Rev. Saúde Pública 47 (6)
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Analysis of changes in diet and nutrition among recipients of the Bolsa Familia


Family violence and body mass index among adolescents enrolled in the Bolsa Família Program and treated at a primary care clinic.

Author: Silva, A.; Taquette, S. & Hasselmann, M.
Date: 2014
Publication info: Cad. Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro , v. 30, n. 3, p. 645-656
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Analysis of family violence and nutrition for adolescents in the Bolsa Familia program


Política social, paradigma de bem-estar e prática política: análise comparativa de programas de transferências condicionadas.

Author: Ruscheinsky, A. & Mendizábal, D.
Date: 2014
Publication info: Revista Katálysis, 17(1), 31-40.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Comparative analysis of policy implementation between the programs Bolsa Familia in Brazil and Oportunidades in Mexico.


Métodos de análise em programas de segurança alimentar e nutricional: uma experiência no Brasil.

Author: Carvalho, A., E. Almeida, E. Nilson, J. Ubarana, I. Fernández and M. Immink
Date: 2013
Publication info: Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 18(2), 309-321.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Analysis of food security methods in Brazil


Salário mínimo, Bolsa Família e desempenho relativo recente da economia do Nordeste

Author: Barros, A. R. and D. Athias
Date: 2013
Publication info: Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 33(1), 179-199
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Analysis of the relation between changes in the minimum wage and the Bolsa Familia program with the economy of the Northeast of Brazil.


Programa Bolsa Família e segurança alimentar e nutricional no Brasil: revisão crítica da literatura

Author: Cotta R. M. M., and J. C. Machado
Date: 2013
Publication info: Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2013:33(1):54–60
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Literature review about the effect of the program Bolsa Familia on food and nutrition security.


Política de segurança alimentar e nutricional no Brasil: uma análise da alocação de recursos

Author: Battaglia Custódio, M., T. Yuka Yuba, and D. Cavallini Cyrillo
Date: 2013
Publication info: Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2013;33(2):144–50.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Analysis of budget allocation for food security and nutrition policies in Brasil


Formas sutis de dominação hierarquizada: Corpo e feminização da pobreza

Author: Lucas, L., and T. Hoff
Date: 2008
Publication info: Ex aequo. 2008, n.17, pp.133-154.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Analysis of empowerment of women after Bolsa Familia


Processos de exclusão social e iniquidades em saúde: um estudo de caso a partir do Programa Bolsa Família, Brasil

Author: Alves, H., and S. Escorel
Date: 2013
Publication info: Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2013;34(6):429–36
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Analysis of health exclusion processes and inequality of the Bolsa Familia program


(In)segurança alimentar no Brasil: uma análise das políticas públicas dos governos de Lula+D11:D13

Author: Lopes Ferreira Vinhas, A.
Date: 2010
Publication info: Cuadernos de Geografía - Revista Colombiana de Geografía. No. 19
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Analysis of public policies implemented during president Lula's terms.


Effects of a conditional cash transfer programme on child nutrition in Brazil

Author: Paes-Sousa, R., L.M. Pacheco Santos and E.Shisue Miazaki
Date: 2011
Publication info: Bull World Health Organ 2011;89:496–503 | doi:10.2471/BLT.10.084202
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Analysis about relation between the reception of the transfer and child nutrition


Changes in food consumption among the Programa Bolsa Família participant families in Brazil

Author: De Bem Lignani, J., R. Sichieri, L. Burlandy and R. Salles-Costa
Date: 2011
Publication info: Public Health Nutrition, 14(5), 785-792. doi:10.1017/S136898001000279X
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Analysis about changes in nutrition of programm recipients


La difícil articulación entre políticas universales y programas focalizados. Etnografía institucional del programa Bolsa Familia de Brasil

Author: Hevia de la Jara, F.
Date: 2011
Publication info: Gestión y Política Pública, Vol. 20, No. 2.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Analysis about the articulation between universal policies and targeted programs.


The impact of Brazil's Bolsa Família conditional cash transfer program on children's health care utilization and health outcomes.

Author: Shei, A., F. Costa, M. G. Reis and A. I. Ko
Date: 2014
Publication info: BMC International Health and Human Rights, 14:10.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation on children's health outcomes


Impacts of the Bolsa Família Program

Author: Wolrd Without Poverty
Date: 2017
Publication info: World Without Poverty [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation


Avaliando o Impacto do Programa Bolsa Família sobre a Freqüência Escolar: o Caso da Agricultura Familiar no Nordeste do Brasil

Author: Duarte, G.B. and Silveira Neto, R.M.
Date: 2008
Publication info: Reports of the 36th National Economy Meeting (Encontro Nacional de Economia), ANPEC
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation on school attendance


Do Public Income Transfer to the Poorest affect Internal Inter-Regional Migration? Evidence for the Case of Brazilian Bolsa Família Program

Author: Silveira Neto, R.M.
Date: 2008
Publication info: Reports of the 36th National Economy Meeting (Encontro Nacional de Economia), ANPEC
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation on migration


Uma próxima geração de programas de transferência de renda condicionada

Author: Neri, M.
Date: 2017
Publication info: Revista de Administração Pública v.51 n.02, FGV
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation


Uma Metodologia para Simular o Programa Bolsa Família

Author: de Souza, P., Osorio, R. and Soares, S.
Date: 2011
Publication info: Discussion Paper No. 1654, IPEA
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Simulation


 Os efeitos das transferências de renda sobre a duração do emprego no mercado formal

Author: Santos, D.B., Leichsenring, A.R., Filho, N. and Mendes-Da-Silva, W.
Date: 2016
Publication info: Working Papers Series No. 05/2016, FGV/EAESP (School of Business Administration of Sao Paulo)
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation


 Uma análise do efeito do Programa Bolsa Família sobre o desempenho médio das escolas brasileiras

Author: Camargo, P. and Pazello, E.
Date: 2014
Publication info: Economia Aplicada, v. 18, n. 4, 2014, pp. 623-640
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation


The Social Card of the Bolsa Família Program

Author: Wolrd Without Poverty
Date: 2017
Publication info: World Without Poverty [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


How does communication with BFP beneficiaries work?

Author: Wolrd Without Poverty
Date: 2017
Publication info: World Without Poverty [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


How are Bolsa Família cash benefits granted?

Author: Wolrd Without Poverty
Date: 2017
Publication info: World Without Poverty [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


What are the economic impacts of conditional cash transfer programmes? A systematic review of the evidence

Author: Kabeer, N., Piza, C. and Taylor, L.
Date: 2012
Publication info: Technical Report 2013, Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPICentre)
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation


Conditional cash transfer and informality in Brazil

Author: Neves de Holanda Barbosa, A.L. and Leite Corseuil, C.
Date: 2014
Publication info: Journal of Labor & Development (2014) 3:37, IZA
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


The Long-term Effects of Conditional Cash Transfers on Child Labor and School Enrollment

Author: Peruffo, M. and Cavalcanti Ferreira, P.
Date: 2015
Publication info: Ensayos Económicos No. 769, FGV
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


How are Bolsa Familia Program (BFP) benefits defined?

Author: Wolrd Without Poverty
Date: 2017
Publication info: 2nd article in the BFP coverage, targeting and eligibility series
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


How does the Bolsa Família Program target and identify people in a situation of poverty and extreme poverty?

Author: Wolrd Without Poverty
Date: 2017
Publication info: 1st article in the BFP coverage, targeting and eligibility series
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Enforcement aspects of the Bolsa Família Program

Author: Wolrd Without Poverty
Date: 2017
Publication info: 3rd article in the BFP Control and Oversight series
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


How is the Bolsa Familia Program (BFP) monitored and controlled?

Author: Wolrd Without Poverty
Date: 2017
Publication info: 2nd article in the BFP Control and Oversight series
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Control and oversight of the Bolsa Familia Program: Institutional arrangements

Author: Wolrd Without Poverty
Date: 2017
Publication info: 1st article in the BFP Control and Oversight series
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Bolsa Família, Autonomia Femenina e Equidade de Gênero : O Que Indicam as Pesquisas Nacionais?

Author: Bartholo, L., Passos, L. and Fontoura, N.
Date: 2017
Publication info: Discussion Text Nº 2331, IPEA
Topic: Impact evaluation on gender equality


Mulheres e mães presentes no mercado de trabaho

Author: Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger, Brazil
Date: 2015
Publication info: Technical Study Nº 12/2015, MDS Brasil
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation on female employment


The effects of conditionality monitoring on educational outcomes: evidence from the Bolsa Familia programme

Author: Paiva, L. H., Veras Soares, F., Cireno, F., Azevedo, I., and Duran, A. C.
Date: 2016
Publication info: Discussion Paper No. 213, IPEA
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


The impact of the expansion of the Bolsa Familia Program on the time allocation of youths and their parents

Author: Chitolina, L., Foguel, M., and Menezes-Filho, N.
Date: 2016
Publication info: Revista Brasileira de Economia, 70(2), 183-202.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


O que se sabe sobre os efeitos das transferencias de renda sobre a oferta de trabalho

Author: Oliveira, L. and Soares, S.
Date: 2012
Publication info: Working paper No. 1738 of IPEA
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Liquidity constraints, informal financing, and entrepreneurship: Direct and indirect effects of a cash transfer program

Author: Ribas, R.
Date: 2014
Publication info: Documento de trabajo No. 131 del Centro de Política Internacional para el Crecimiento Inclusivo
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


No Child Left Without: a Universal Benefit for Children in Brazil

Author: Sergei Soares and Pedro H. G. F. de Souza
Date: 2012
Publication info: International Policy research brief n˚27 Aug 2012
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Descriptive


Brazil’s Bolsa Família: A Review

Author: Veras Soares, F.
Date: 2011
Publication info: Economic & Political Weekly, vol. XLVI, No 21
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Descriptive


¿Cómo funciona Bolsa Familia?: Mejores prácticas en la implementación de programas de transferencias monetarias condicionadas en América Latina y el Caribe

Author: Gazola Hellman, Aline
Date: 2015
Publication info: Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, División de Protección Social y Salud [on line]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information, Evaluation of impact and focalisation


La construcción de pactos y consensos en materia de política social. El caso de Bolsa Família en el Brasil

Author: Vargas, L. H.
Date: 2014
Publication info: Social Policy Series n. 209. ECLAC
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information. Policy analysis


Efeito do Programa Bolsa Família sobre a oferta de trabalho das mães

Author: Tavares, P.
Date: 2010
Publication info: Economia e Sociedade, Vol. 19, N. 3
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation on female employment


Bolsa Família, Its Design, Its Impacts and Possbilities for the Future

Author: Soares, S.
Date: 2012
Publication info: Working Paper No. 89, International Policy Centre of Inclusive Growth
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation on poverty, inequality, nutrition, gender and labour


Bolsa Família: Avanços e desafios. Vol 1 y 2

Author: Castro, J. A., and Modesto. L.
Date: 2010
Publication info: IPEA
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information and impact evaluations


Bolsa Família, poverty and inequality: political and economic effects in the short and long run

Author: Sánchez-Ancoechea, D., and Mattei, L.
Date: 2011
Publication info: Global Social Policy 11.2-3
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation on poverty and inequality


Effect of a conditional cash transfer programme on childhood mortality: a nationwide analysis of Brazilian municipalities

Author: Rasella, D., Aquino, R., Santos, C., Paes-Sousa, R., and Barreto, M.
Date: 2013
Publication info: The Lancet 382(9886)
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation on childhood mortality


The effects of conditional cash transfer programmes on adult labour supply: an empirical analysis using a time-series-cross-section sample of Brazilian municipalities

Author: Foguel, M., and Paes de Barros, R.
Date: 2010
Publication info: Estudos Econômicos, 40(2). Universidad de São Paulo
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation on employment


Bolsa Família and household labor supply

Author: De Brauw, A., Gilligan, D., Hoddinott, J., and Roy, S.
Date: 2013
Publication info: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation on employment


The impact of Bolsa Família on Schooling. Girls' advantage increases and older children gain

Author: De Brauw, A., Gilligan, D., Hoddinott, J., and Roy, S.
Date: 2014
Publication info: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation on education


The impact of Bolsa Família on Child, Maternal, and Household Welfare

Author: De Brauw, A., Gilligan, D., Hoddinott, J., and Roy, S.
Date: 2010
Publication info: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation on child and maternal health, and employment.


The impact of the expansion of the Bolsa Família Programme on the time allocation of youths and labour supply of adults

Author: Chitolina, Foguel and Menezes-Filho
Date: 2013
Publication info: IPC Working Paper No 120
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Programa Bolsa Família, uma década de inclusão e cidadania

Author: Campelo Teresa y Côrtes Neri (coord.)
Date: 2013
Publication info: IPEA
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information; impact evaluation


Bolsa Familia after Brasil Carinhoso: an Analysis of the Potential for Reducing Extreme Poverty

Author: Guerreiro Osório and Ferreira de Souza P.H.G
Date: 2013
Publication info: International Policy research brief n˚41 March 2013
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General Information


Oportunidades and Bolsa Familia: a Comparative Perspective of their Evolution

Author: Fábio Veras Soares
Date: 2012
Publication info: International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth, One pager No 177[online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Conditional Cash Transfers in Brazil: Treatment Evaluation of the “Bolsa Família“ program on education

Author: Schaffland, E.
Date: 2011
Publication info: Courant Research Centre, Discussion Papers n. 84 [on line]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact on education


The Brazilian experience with conditional cash transfers: A successful way to reduce inequity and to improve health

Author: Pacheco, L., Paes, R., Miazagi, E., Falcão, T. and Medeiros, A.
Date: 2011
Publication info: Draft Background Paper, World Conference on Social Determinants of Health [on line]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Measuring the impact of Bolsa Família Program based on data from Health and Nutrition Days (Brazil)

Author: Paes, R. and Pacheco, L.
Date: 2009
Publication info: Working Papers n 07, Iniciativa América Latina y el Caribe sin Hambre, FAO-RLC [on line]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact on nutrition


Uma avaliação do Programa Bolsa Família: Focalização e impacto na distribução de renda e pobreza

Author: Albuquerque, P., Toldo, E., Fernandes, R. and de Sousa, R.
Date: 2009
Publication info: Pesquisa e planejamento economico (PPE) v. 39, n.1 [on line]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Evaluation of impact and focalisation


Síntese do 1º. Relatório contendo os Principais Resultados da Pesquisa de Avaliação de Impacto do Bolsa Família – 2ª Rodada – AIBF II

Author: Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome é Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação
Date: 2010
Publication info: Nota Técnica N110/2010/DA/SAGI/MDS [on line]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impacts on health and education


Bilbioteca virtual Bolsa Familia

Author: International Poverty Centre (IPC-IG)
Date: n/d
Publication info: [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Collection of documents


Impacto de los programas de transferencia condicionada de renta sobre el estado de salud: el programa Bolsa Familia de Brasil

Author: Berta Rivera Castiñeira, Luis Currais Nunes and Paolo Rungo
Date: 2009
Publication info: Revista Española de Salud Pública 83 (1) [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Health impacts


Targeted Cash Transfer Programmes in Brazil: BPC and the Bolsa Familia

Author: Medeiros, Marcelo, Tatiana Britto and Fabio Veras Soares
Date: 2008
Publication info: IPC Working paper (46), International Poverty Center (IPC) [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Targeting evaluation; Poverty impacts


Evaluating the Impact of Brazil’s Bolsa Família: Cash Transfer Programmes in Comparative Perspective

Author: Fábio Veras Soares, Rafael Perez Ribas and Rafael Guerreiro Osório
Date: 2007
Publication info: IPC evaluation note (1), International Poverty Center (IPC) [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Targeting evaluation; Poverty impacts




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