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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Protección y Desarrollo de la Niñez y Adolescencia Trabajadora (2007-2008)



Date: 2007-2008
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: Conditional cash transfer programme implemented by the Municipality of Guatemala City with the aim of reducing poverty. The programme originated from a diagnostic carried out in 2004 that identified a lack of basic services in some areas of the city , especially the neighborhoods that surround the landfill (dump). With the support of the Italian Cooperation for Development and the Institute of Economic and Social Research (IDIES) of the Universidad Rafael Landivar the group intervened in that place to reduce child labour as garbage collectors. Thus, the CCT was established as a local management articulated in the academy, the local government and the international cooperation. There is a modality of citizen participation through the "Comités Únicos de Barrio"- CUB (Unique Neighborhood Committees).


Target population: Poor families with children working in the municipal landfill.
Geographic scale: Local
Targeting method: 1) Geographic: 22 settlements in zones 3 and 7 of Guatemala City
Comments: These neighborhoods have been one of the most disadvantaged areas of the city until when gradually they have been transformed with community support. It is important to note that all municipal interventions are targeted and are complemented by the participation of the Unique Neighborhood Committees (CUB) organized in each community.


Legal framework:
Responsible organization(s): Municipality of Guatemala City, Local Technical Unit of the Italian Cooperation
Executing organization(s): Social Development Division of the Guatemala City
Source of funding: Municipality of Guatemala City, Local Technical Unit of the Italian Cooperation

1) Remesas escolares (Remittances for child schooling)

Recipient(s): Children under 18 years old
Mode of transfer: Transfer according the characteristics of the recipient (number of children)
Mode of delivery: Delivery/ Cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Mother
Maximum per household: 3 recipients per household
Conditionalities: Education: School attendance of 80%. Good school performance (passing all subjects and obtain a minimum average of 60 points) and responsibility of parents towards school performance of children by signing the grades report card.
Sanctions: The household assistance would be canceled when the family fails two times the conditionalities.
Comments: The conditionalities verification process has the technical support of IDIES, the Rural Development Bank (Banrural) and public schools of the sectors concerned. In addition, each family has a savings account at the Bank of Rural Development, which enables them to access banking services and create conditions for household savings.


La incidencia de la cooperación internacional en el proyecto de prevención y erradicación del trabajo infantil en el basurero de la zona 3 de Guatemala

Author: Maldonado, Claudia
Date: 2009
Publication info: International Relations undergraduate thesis - Universidad de San Carlos of Guatemala [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


II Seminario Internacional de Políticas Sociales: Transferencias condicionadas como estrategia para la reducción de la pobreza: lecciones aprendidas en América Latina

Author: Universidad Rafael Landívar y Fundación Konrad Adenauer
Date: 2010
Publication info: Guatemala City [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General Information/Evaluation




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