Date: | 2008- |
Web: | Official website of the programme |
Description: | Conditional cash transfer programme (CCT) targeted to children and adolescents from socio-economically vulnerable households. It is part of the Equity Plan implemented from 2008. The Family Allowances - Equity Plan, expans the cash transfers associated to formal workers who contributed to the social security and is managed by the Bank of Social Security Institute (BPS) in coordination with the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES). The money transfer tries to have a significant impact on the situations of poverty and indigence, and at the same time encourages the permanence of children and youth in the formal education system, or return to it in case of dropouts. |
Target population: | Poor families |
Geographic scale: | National |
Targeting method: | 1) Proxy means test: Families in a situation of poverty according to the Critical Deficiency Index (ICC). 2) Categorical: Households whose income and situation of poverty is verified by members of the Social Security Bank (BPS). It also includes former users of the National Social Emergency Care Plan (PANES). |
Instrument of selection: | Critical Deficiency Index (CCI), calculated from the information in the BPS-MIDES entry form |
Registry of recipients: | Registry of beneficiaries of Asignaciones Familiares - Plan Equidad |
Exit strategies or criteria: | Due to reiterated breach of conditionalities in health and / or education. Different exit criteria according to the compliance of the educational requirements i) Until the recipient is 16 years old, when the recipient has not completed the cycle of primary education for justified reasons (for example, if his/her parents are not able to work or in jail) ii) Until the recipient is 18 years old, if the recipient is taking classes in a level above primary education in public or private authorized institutions iii) If the recipient has a disability, the monetary allowance is for life or until the recipient start receiving another kind of social security transfer, with check ups every 3 years. |
Comments: | Socio-economically vulnerable households are considered regardless of whether the head of household or guardian tutor is in the formal or informal labour market. They must meet technical and statistical criteria, among which are considered: household income, housing and environmental conditions, household composition, characteristics of its members and health status. As part of the measures to face the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and social isolation, on March 30, 2020, the duplication of the Family Allowance - Equity Plan was announced. The first delivery took place in April-May, the second in June-July and the third in August-September. |
Legal framework: | Law 18,227 that repeals Laws 17,139 and 17,758. |
Responsible organization(s): | Ministry of Social Development and Monitoring Unit |
Executing organization(s): | Ministry of Social Development; Social Security Institute (BPS) |
Responsible organization(s) for the registry of recipients: | Ministry of Social Development; Social Security Institute (BPS) |
Source of funding: | General revenues |
1) Transferencia monetaria condicionada (Conditional cash transfer)
Recipient(s): | Children and adolescents under 18 People with disabilities |
Mode of transfer: | Transfer according to family composition (number of sons / daughters, age, disability). The amount of the transfer to children is increased when they attend and pass in the formal education system. |
Mode of delivery: | Cash withdrawal |
Periodicity of delivery: | Monthly |
Recipient of the transfer: | Head of household, preference to the mother |
Maximum per household: | 7 recipients (children per family) |
Conditionalities: | Education: Enrollment and school attendance Health: Conducting regular health checks in public or private premises for people with physical disabilities. For children and young people with mental disabilities, it must be accredited under the registry established by the Law 13,711. |
Sanctions: | If it proves the complete or partial falsity of the information provided by those concerned, or if it cannot verify the conditions that enable the perception of the transfer, the Social Security Institute (BPS) will proceed to the suspension of the component. |
Comments: | "The allowances are differentiated by the number and level of education of the participant. The base transfer is the result of multiplying UYU $700 times the number of recipients raised to the exponent 0.6 and dividing the result by the number of recipients. For middle school students, to the latter are added the result of multiplying UYU $300 by the number of such participants raised to the exponent 0.6 and dividing that figure by the number of participants. For disabled recipients, the allocation will be UYU $1,000. As part of the measures to face the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and social isolation, on March 30, 2020, the duplication of the Family Allowance - Equity Plan was announced. The first delivery took place in April-May, the second in June-July and the third in August-September." |
The anatomy of behavioral responses to social assistance when informal employment is high
Author: | Bergolo, M., and Cruces, G. |
Date: | 2021 |
Publication info: | Journal of Public Economics, Volume 193, January 2021, 104313. |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Impact Evaluation |
Mecanismos de focalización de los programas de transferencias monetarias en América Latina: el caso del Uruguay
Author: | Lavalleja, M. and Tenenbaum, V. |
Date: | 2020 |
Publication info: | ECLAC office in Montevideo, Estudios y Perspectivas Series N° 43. ISSN 1727-8694 |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Program Analysis |
Programas de transferencias, condicionalidades y derechos de la infancia
Author: | Rossel, C., Courtoisie, D. and Marsiglia, M. |
Date: | 2014 |
Publication info: | ECLAC, Social Policies Series No. 215. ISSN 1564-4162 |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Program description |
The anatomy of behavioral responses to social assistance when informal employment is high
Author: | Bergolo, M. and Cruces, G. |
Date: | 2016 |
Publication info: | Discussion Paper No. 10197, IZA |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Impact Evaluation |
What are the economic impacts of conditional cash transfer programmes? A systematic review of the evidence
Author: | Kabeer, N., Piza, C. and Taylor, L. |
Date: | 2012 |
Publication info: | Technical Report 2013, Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPICentre) |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Impact Evaluation |
Intra-Household Behavioral Responses to Cash Transfer Programs: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design
Author: | Bergolo, M. and Galvan, E. |
Date: | 2016 |
Publication info: | IZA Discussion Paper No. 10310 |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Impact evaluation |
Cash transfers in Latin America: Effects on poverty and redistribution
Author: | Amarante, V., and Brun, M. |
Date: | 2016 |
Publication info: | WIDER Working Paper 2016/136 |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Evaluation |
El nuevo régimen de Asignaciones Familiares. Su impacto en la participación y permanencia en el ciclo básico de educación media.
Author: | Machado, A., Castaings, M., Chiossi, J., Dibot, G., Gonzalez, M., Moreno, M., Rojo, V., Ryan, M., and Terra, F. |
Date: | 2012 |
Publication info: | ANII working paper |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Impact evaluation |
Evaluación impacto del programa Asignaciones Familiares - Plan de Equidad y la Tarjeta Alimentaria del MIDES
Author: | Bérgolo, M., Dean, A., Perazzo, I., and Vigorito, A. |
Date: | 2014 |
Publication info: | MIDES working paper |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Impact evaluation |
Transferencias de ingreso y mercado de trabajo: El impacto de asignaciones familiares plan de equidad sobre la informalidad laboral
Author: | Falaiche, E., Giaccobasso, M., and Ramirez, L. |
Date: | 2016 |
Publication info: | Working paper of the students paper series DIE 01/2016. University of La Republica. |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Impact evaluation |
Principales resultados de la evaluación de impacto de las Asignaciones Familiares-Plan de Equidad
Author: | Vigorito, A. |
Date: | 2014 |
Publication info: | Seminars and Conferences Series n. 78. ECLAC |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Impact evaluation on formal labour |
Uruguay's income inequality and political regimes during 1981-2010
Author: | Amarante, V., and Vigorito, A. |
Date: | 2011 |
Publication info: | Working paper series UNU-WIDER Research Paper |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Impact evaluation on inequality |
Asignaciones familiares en Uruguay. Evaluación y propuestas de reforma
Author: | International Labour Office (ILO) |
Date: | 2007 |
Publication info: | [online] |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Evaluation/social policies |
Author: | Parlamento República de Uruguay |
Date: | 2008 |
Publication info: | |
Link: | |
Topic: | State Law |
Author: | |
Date: | |
Publication info: | |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: |
From Emergency to Social Equity: The social policies of the Government (2005-2009)
Author: | National Council for Social Policies |
Date: | 2009 |
Publication info: | [online] |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Social policies in Uruguay |
Boletín Estadístico 2010
Author: | Asesoría Económica y Actuarial del Banco de Previsión Social (BPS) |
Date: | 2010 |
Publication info: | [online] |
Link: | See Webpage |
Topic: | Statistical Information |