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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Juntos (National Programme of Direct Support to the Poorest) (2005-)



Date: 2005-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: Conditional cash transfer programme (CCT) with emphasis on nutritional aspects. Since 2007, the programme is part of the National Strategy "Crecer", whose objective is the fight against poverty and child malnutrition, coordinating social programmes on the basis of three pillars: restitution of fundamental rights, promotion of productive development and social safety net. The participants have access to the Food Supplement Programme for Higher-Risk Groups (PACFO). In 2009, the programme established an automatic membership process for the participants (current and new) to the Integrated Health Service (SIS). Since 2012, the programme is managed by the Ministry of Social Development and Inclusion, in coordination with other Ministries related to social affairs, such as Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Women and Vulnerables Population. This enables participants to get involved with the public services.


Target population: Households in extreme poverty with pregnant women, widowed parents, elderly and / or children up to age 19. Before 2014 the age limit of the adolescents was 14. Indigenous families inhabitants of the Amazon.
Geographic scale: National, but mainly in rural areas
Targeting method: 1) Geográfica: Distritos y centros poblados con un nivel de pobreza mayor al 40% según el Índice de Ponderación Geográfico (IPG). In addition, the entire indigenous population of the Amazon (see comments).
2) Proxy means test: Families in a situation of poverty according to the Socioeconomic Classification of the Household Targeting System (SISFOH).
3) Categorical: The household must have at least one member of the target population and must have lived for more than six months in the district until the date of enrollment in the program. In addition, families must have an adult representative with a valid ID.
4) Community: The Communal Validation Assembly (ACV) is in charge of validating in public consultation the categorical criteria of households registered and not registered in their community.
Instrument of selection: Geographic Weighting Index (IPG) of the poverty maps of the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI); and the Unique Socioeconomic Card (FSU), with which information is obtained to make the Socioeconomic Classification of families and its incorporation into the Household Targeting System (SISFOH).
Registry of recipients: General Registry of Households (PGH) affiliated with Juntos, which is incorporated in the Household Targeting System (SISFHO).
Exit strategies or criteria: Due to reiterated breach of conditionalities in health and / or education. When the household loses eligibility.
There is a process of recertification. Recipient families can be part of the program for 4 years, point at which it is evaluated whether they have overcome their condition of poverty, those who have not achieved it remain in the program but considering a gradual reduction of of the grant.
Comments: The districts are selected by the Board of the programme based on a poverty map developed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and the application of variables such as violence, unsatisfied basic needs, poverty gap, extreme poverty and chronic child malnutrition. Then a Socio Economic Assessment is applied to shorten the list.
In 2009, the pilot program "Promoting Savings, through the use of their savings and access to financial services" was implemented. This includes non-monetary prizes for the promotion of savings.
Beginning in 2009 additional incentives for human capital formation were implemented in Valle de los Ríos Apurímac y Ene (VRAE), areas declared priority for public intervention. Two incentives exist: An annual incentive of $ 100 per child 14 years or older who has passed secondary grade and another of $ 68 per child 14 years old or older located in the upper third of the class at the respective secondary level (minimum score 14 out of 20).
The Central Focalization Unit proposed (in the 277-2014-MIDIS report) to categorize the entire indigenous population residing in the Amazon as extreme poverty, to facilitate their access to social programs.
As part of the measures to face the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and social isolation, the families of JUNTOS received an advance payment, equivalent to the value of the transfers for the second bymonthly payment (April-May) and the third (May -June) of 2020. Additionally, JUNTOS user families were part of the target population of the Universal Family Allowance, which delivered a transfer of PEN $ 760 (approximately USD $ 221), once per family, as of May 2020.


Legal framework: DS Nº 032 PCM-2005; DS Nº 062 PCM-2005; DS N° 036-2005-PCM; DS N° 012-2012-MIDIS; DS N° 09-2012-MIDIS and N°277-2014-MIDIS
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion
Executing organization(s): Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion
Responsible organization(s) for the registry of recipients: Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion
Source of funding: Government of Peru; Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)

1) Bono (Bonus)

Recipient(s): All participant households of the programme
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Delivery / Cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Bimonthly
Recipient of the transfer: Representative of the participating household (mother or father)
Maximum per household: One transfer per household
Conditionalities: Health: Health checks attendance for children 0 to 5 years, pregnant women and infants.
Nutrition: Participation in the programme of Food Supplement Programme for Higher-Risk Groups (PACFO) (children between 6 months and 2 years).
Education:85% school attendance for children 6 to 14 years
Identification: Enroll children to obtain their ID.
Comments: As part of the measures to face the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and social isolation, the families of JUNTOS received an advance payment, equivalent to the value of the transfers for the second bymonthly payment (April-May) and the third (May -June) of 2020. Additionally, JUNTOS user families were part of the target population of the Universal Family Allowance, which delivered a transfer of PEN $ 760 (approximately USD $ 221), once per family, as of May 2020.
Amount : PEN $200 (in 2020); see Data Excel format


2) Family accompanying

Recipient(s): All recipients households of the programme
Comments: Promotes the exercise of rights and duties in health, nutrition and education, through home visits and various collective actions.


(Un)Conditional Love in the Time of Conditional Cash Transfers: The Effect of the Peruvian JUNTOS Program on Spousal Abuse

Author: Días, J.J. and Saldarriaga, V.
Date: 2021
Publication info: Journal of Economic Development and Cultural Change, forthcoming.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation


Unjust Conditions: Women’s Work and the Hidden Cost of Cash Transfer Programs

Author: Cookson, T.P.
Date: 2018
Publication info: Oakland: University of California Press, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/luminos.49
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Program analysis


Do Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) raise educational attainment? An impact evaluation of Juntos in Peru

Author: Gaentzsch, Anja
Date: 2019
Publication info: Development Policy Review
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Conditional cash transfers, payment dates and labor supply: evidence from Peru

Author: Fernández, F. and Saldarriaga, V.
Date: 2013
Publication info: CEDLAS, Working Paper, N° 140, Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Incentivo de JUNTOS para el desarrollo de capital humano en el VRAEM

Author: MIDIS
Date: 2017
Publication info: Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (MIDIS), Lima
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Study


El Impacto del Programa JUNTOS en el acceso a servicios de salud y educación y en la reducción de la brecha de pobreza. Documento de política.

Author: MIDIS
Date: 2017
Publication info: Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (MIDIS), Lima
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact on health and education


Evaluación de impacto del piloto Esquemas Alternativos de Transferencias (EAT) del programa JUNTOS - Línea de base

Author: Consorcio Macroconsult - Cuánto
Date: 2013
Publication info: Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (MIDIS), Lima
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Evaluación de Impacto del programa JUNTOS – Resultados finales. Informe de evaluación.

Author: MEF
Date: 2017
Publication info: Prepared by Álvaro Monge, Janice Seinfeld and Yohnny Campana. Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (MIDIS), Lima
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Evaluación de Impacto del programa JUNTOS - Línea de base

Author: Consorcio Santiago Consultores and MVI Social
Date: 2012
Publication info: Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (MIDIS), Lima
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Estudio cualitativo sobre el incentivo monetario del programa JUNTOS al desarrollo de capital humano en el VRAEM

Author: Yeckting, F.T. and D. Villafuerte.
Date: 2016
Publication info: Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (MIDIS), Lima
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Study


Evaluación del proceso de afiliación del programa JUNTOS

Author: Guerrero, E. and C. Velarde.
Date: 2015
Publication info: Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (MIDIS), Lima
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Evaluation


Evaluación del rol de las Madres Líderes del programa JUNTOS

Author: Guerrero, E. and C. Velarde.
Date: 2015
Publication info: Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (MIDIS), Lima
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Evaluation


The unseen gender impact of conditionality: extra-official conditions

Author: Cookson, T. P.
Date: 2017
Publication info: One pager No. 345 of the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


The Most Effective Means of Social Protection? An Evaluation of the Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on Schooling and Child Labour in Peru

Author: Tercelli, I.
Date: 2013
Publication info: Basic Income Studies 2013; 8(2): 173–202
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Cash transfers in Latin America: Effects on poverty and redistribution

Author: Amarante, V., and Brun, M.
Date: 2016
Publication info: WIDER Working Paper 2016/136
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Evaluation


Participation in the Juntos Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Peru Is Associated with Changes in Child Anthropometric Status but Not Language Development or School Achievement

Author: Andersen, C., Reynolds, S., Behrman, J., Crookston, B., Dearden, K., Escobal, J., Mani, S., Sanchez, A., Stein, A., and Fernald, L.
Date: 2015
Publication info: The Journal of Nutrition
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


The Impact of the Juntos Conditional Cash Transfer Programme in Peru on Nutritional and Cognitive Outcomes: Does the Age of Exposure Matter?

Author: Sanchez, A., Melendez, G., and Behrman, J.
Date: 2016
Publication info: Young Lives, Working paper No. 153.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Juntos en cifras 2005-2014

Author: MIDIS
Date: 2014
Publication info: Report of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General Information


5 years in Juntos: New evidence on the program's short and long-term impacts

Author: Perova, E. and Renos, V.
Date: 2012
Publication info: Revista Economía, Departamento de Economía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation on education and nutrition


Implementación del Programa Nacional de Apoyo Directo a los más Pobres “Juntos“

Author: Lizarzaburu, P.
Date: 2008`
Publication info: PNUD Perú [on line]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Process evaluation


Microsimulador de transferencias condicionadas en educación para el programa Juntos

Author: Díaz, J. J.
Date: 2009
Publication info: Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE) [on line]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Ex-ante evaluation


Informe compilatorio: el programa Juntos, resultados y retos

Author: Aramburú, E.
Date: 2010
Publication info: Programa Juntos [on line]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: results evaluation


Diseño de una estrategia de graduación diferenciada de los hogares beneficiarios del programa Juntos

Author: Alcazar, L.
Date: 2010
Publication info: Programa Juntos y Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE) [en línea]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: evaluation


Más tiempo en el programa, mejores resultados: duración e impactos del programa JUNTOS en el Perú

Author: Perova, E. and Vakis, R.
Date: 2011
Publication info: Programa Juntos y Banco Mundial [en línea]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: impact on health, nutrition and education


Estudio de evaluación: Efectos del Programa JUNTOS en la economía local de las zonas rurales a cinco años de intervención en la Regiones Apurímac, Huancavelica, Ayacucho y Huánuco.

Author: Segovia, G.
Date: 2011
Publication info: International Health Group [on line]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: impact on local economy


Impacto del programa Juntos sobre nutrición temprana

Author: Sánchez, A. y Jaramillo, M.
Date: 2012
Publication info: Serie Documentos de Trabajo, Banco Central Reserva del Perú
Link: See Webpage
Topic: impact on nutrition


Perú: Programa Juntos en Transferencias con corresponsabilidad. Una mirada latinoamericana, E. Cohen y R. Franco (coords.)

Author: Francke, Pedro and Armando Mendoza
Date: 2006
Publication info: Mexico, FLACSO/SEDESOL [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Welfare impacts of the -Juntos- Program in Peru: Evidence from a non-experimental evaluation

Author: Perova, Elizaveta and Renos Vakis
Date: 2009
Publication info: World Bank [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation




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