United Nations              
Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Auxílio Brasil Programme



Date: 2021-2023
Description: Auxílio Brasil was a social income transfer programme aimed at ensuring a basic income for the most vulnerable families, to reduce situations of poverty and extreme poverty and promote the development of children and adolescents. This programme integrated various public policies including social assistance, health, education, employment, and income support into a single programme. With the introduction of the Brazil Assistance programme in November 2021, the Bolsa Familia Programme (PBF) was discontinued. However, in 2023, the Brazil Assistance programme was terminated to give continuity to the Bolsa Familia programme.


Target population: Families living in poverty and in extreme poverty can receive the assistance. Families living in poverty can only receive assistance if they include pregnant women, nursing mothers or children and adolescents up to 21 years old.
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: Means test and categorical
Registry of recipients: The Unified Registry of Social Programs of the Federal Government (Cadastro Único para Programas Sociais do Governo Federal or CadÚnico).
Exit strategies or criteria: As part of the emancipatory measures, the Ministry of Citizenship announced that the families participants in Aid Brazil and whose monthly per capita family income increases up to two and a half times the poverty line (BRL $ 200) can remain in the program for another 24 months. In case of loss of additional income, the family returns to Aids Brazil with priority, without queuing, if they meet the established requirements to receive the assistance.
Comments: The family can receive, cumulatively, the 3 basic components (Early Childhood, Family Composition and Overcoming Extreme Poverty).


Legal framework: Provisional Measure No. 1,061/2021; Unique Registry is regulated by Decree No. 6,135; PEC 23/2021; Decree No. 10.852; Provisional Measure No. 1,076.
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Citizenship
Executing organization(s): Ministry of Citizenship, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation; Ministry of Education; Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission
Responsible organization(s) for the registry of recipients: The Ministry of Citizenship is the body responsible for the CadÚnico and the Caixa Econômica Federal is the body responsible for its operation.
Source of funding: Union Social Security Budget

1) Early Childhood Grant / Prestación por primera infancia

Recipient(s): Families with children from zero to 36 months.
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Magnetic identification card with deposit in bank account
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Head of household (Prefereably female)
Maximum per household: Paid per person in such situations. Up to a limit of 5 (five) payments per family.
Conditionalities: The criteria for compliance with the conditionalities are the monitoring of the nutritional status of children under seven years of age.
Sanctions: The misuse of the disclosed data will lead to the application of civil and criminal penalties, according to legislation.
Amount : BRL $130 (one hundred and thirty reais) per affiliate.


2) Family Affiliation Grant / Beneficio de Afiliación Familiar

Recipient(s): 1) Families with pregnant women 2) Families with people between 3 (three) and 21 (twenty-one) years old.
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Head of household (Preferably female)
Maximum per household: Paid per person in such situations. Up to a limit of 5 (five) payments per family.
Conditionalities: The family will only receive this component for its members aged between 18 (eighteen) and 21 (twenty-one) incomplete years if they are enrolled in basic education. A minimum monthly school attendance of 60% for children aged four and five years and 75% for recipients aged six to 21 years, in addition to compliance with the national vaccination schedule established by the Ministry of Health, monitoring the nutritional status of children under seven years of age and prenatal care for pregnant women.
Sanctions: The misuse of the disclosed data will lead to the application of civil and criminal penalties, according to legislation.
Comments: The aim is to encourage this group to remain in their studies to complete at least one level of formal schooling.
Amount : BRL $65 (sixty-five reais) per affiliate.


3) Grant for Overcoming Extreme Poverty / Beneficio por Superación de la Pobreza Extrema

Recipient(s): Family with monthly per capita income equal to or less than the value of the extreme poverty line (BRL $100)
Mode of transfer: According to family characteristics
Mode of delivery: Magnetic identification card with deposit in bank account
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Head of household (Preferably female)
Maximum per household: One payment per participating family.
Conditionalities: The family will only receive this component for its members aged between 18 (eighteen) and 21 (twenty-one) incomplete years if they are enrolled in basic education. A minimum monthly school attendance of 60% for children aged four and five years and 75% for recipients aged six to 21 years, in addition to compliance with the national vaccination schedule established by the Ministry of Health, monitoring the nutritional status of children under seven years of age and prenatal care for pregnant women.
Sanctions: The misuse of the disclosed data will lead to the application of civil and criminal penalties, according to legislation.
Amount : The amount is calculated on a case-by-case basis and the family receives the amount necessary to exceed the value of the extreme poverty line, set at BRL $100 monthly per person.


4) School Sports Aid / Auxílio Deporte Escolar

Recipient(s): Students between 12 and 17 years old who are members of families favouring from Brazil Aid and who reach third place in the official competitions of the Brazilian School Games system.
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Magnetic identification card with deposit in bank account
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly, for 12 months
Recipient of the transfer: Head of household (Preferably female)
Maximum per household: In the event that there is more than one eligible student in a family participating in the Brazil Aid Program, payment will be allowed by number of students.
Conditionalities: The criteria for compliance with the conditionalities are: minimum monthly school attendance of 75% for recipients aged six to 21 years, in addition to compliance with the national vaccination schedule established by the Ministry of Health.
Sanctions: The misuse of the disclosed data will lead to the application of civil and criminal penalties, according to legislation.
Amount : BRL $100. The family will also receive a one-time fee of BRL $1,000.


5) Youth Scientific Initiation Scholarship / Beca de Iniciación Científica Juvenil

Recipient(s): Students with good performance in academic and scientific competitions and who are favouring of Aids Brazil
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Magnetic identification card with deposit in bank account
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly, 12 times.
Recipient of the transfer: Head of household (Preferably female)
Maximum per household: There is no maximum number of recipients per household.
Conditionalities: The criteria for compliance with the conditionalities are: minimum monthly school attendance of 60 per cent for children aged four and five and 75 per cent for recipients aged six to 21, in addition to compliance with the national vaccination schedule established by the Ministry of Health.
Sanctions: The misuse of the disclosed data will lead to the application of civil and criminal penalties, according to legislation.
Comments: Joint action of the Ministries of Citizenship and Science, Technology and Innovation.
Amount : BRL $100. The family will also receive a one-time fee of BRL $1,000.


6) Citizen Care for Children / Atención Ciudadana para la Infancia

Recipient(s): Families with a child between zero and 48 months who cannot obtain a source of income and do not find a vacancy in the public or private nurseries of the collaborating network. Users must submit: 1) An increase in income identified through paid activity or proof of formal employment relationship; and 2) the absence of a vacancy in the public or private network that meets the needs of the family.
Mode of transfer: According to the characteristics of the members of the family group.
Mode of delivery: Magnetic identification card with deposit in bank account
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: The amount will be paid directly to educational nursery establishments, with and without profit, when there are no vacancies in the public or private educational network associated with the Government.
Maximum per household: The amount will be paid until the child reaches 48 months of age and the limit per family unit will continue to be regulated.
Conditionalities: Monitoring of the nutritional status of children under seven years of age.
Sanctions: The misuse of the disclosed data will lead to the application of civil and criminal penalties, according to legislation.
Amount : BRL $200 for children enrolled part-time and BRL $300 for full-time children.


7) Help for Rural Productive Inclusion / Ayuda a la Inclusión Productiva Rural

Recipient(s): Families participants of Aid Brazil that have farmers in their family composition.
Mode of transfer: Flat Transfer
Mode of delivery: Flat Transfer
Periodicity of delivery: Magnetic identification card with deposit in bank account
Recipient of the transfer: Head of household (Preferably female)
Conditionalities: The criteria for compliance with the conditionalities are: minimum monthly school attendance of 60% for children aged four and five and 75% for recipients aged six to 21 years, in addition to compliance with the national vaccination schedule established by the Ministry of Health, monitoring the nutritional status of children under seven years of age and prenatal care for pregnant women.
Sanctions: The misuse of the disclosed data will lead to the application of civil and criminal penalties, according to legislation.
Amount : BRL $200


8) Help for Urban Productive Inclusion / Ayuda de Inclusión Productiva Urbana

Recipient(s): Families assisted by the Brazil Aid Program who have a family member who accredits a formal employment relationship.
Mode of transfer: Flat Transfer
Mode of delivery: Magnetic identification card with deposit in bank account
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Head of household (Preferably female)
Conditionalities: If it maintains the other requirements of Aid Brazil, it will be supported by the Federal Government. The criteria for compliance with the conditionalities are a minimum monthly school attendance of 60% for children aged four and five and 75% for recipients aged six to 21 years, in addition to compliance with the national vaccination schedule established by the Ministry of Health, monitoring the nutritional status of children under seven years of age and prenatal care for pregnant women.
Sanctions: The misuse of the disclosed data will lead to the application of civil and criminal penalties, according to legislation.
Amount : BRL $200


9) Transitional Compensatory Grant / Beneficio Compensatorio de Transición

Recipient(s): Families who were on the payroll of "Bolsa Família" and lost part of the amount received as a result of qualifying for Aids Brazil
Mode of transfer: According to family characteristics
Mode of delivery: Magnetic identification card with deposit in bank account
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Head of household (Preferably female)
Maximum per household: It will be awarded during the implementation period of the new program and will be maintained until there is an increase in the amount received by the family or until it no longer meets the eligibility criteria.
Conditionalities: The criteria for compliance with the conditionalities are: minimum monthly school attendance of 60% for children aged four and five and 75% for recipients aged six to 21 years, in addition to compliance with the national vaccination schedule established by the Ministry of Health, monitoring the nutritional status of children under seven years of age and prenatal care for pregnant women.
Sanctions: The misuse of the disclosed data will lead to the application of civil and criminal penalties, according to legislation.
Amount : These families will receive an additional amount.


10) Financial Education Program / Programa de Educación Financiera

Recipient(s): Families in poverty situation. Children, adolescents and adults will favour from public and private networks.
Mode of transfer: Flat Transfer
Mode of delivery: Online platform and face-to-face classes.
Recipient of the transfer: Teachers and Students
Conditionalities: The criteria for compliance with the conditionalities are: minimum monthly school attendance of 60% for children aged four and five and 75% for recipients aged six to 21 years, in addition to compliance with the national vaccination schedule established by the Ministry of Health, monitoring the nutritional status of children under seven years of age and prenatal care for pregnant women.
Sanctions: The misuse of the disclosed data will lead to the application of civil and criminal penalties, according to legislation.
Comments: The Ministry of Education (MEC) in partnership with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) available to people to achieve socioeconomic emancipation.


11) Extraordinary Grant / Beneficio Extraordinario

Recipient(s): Families participating in Aid Brazil Program
Mode of transfer: According to family characteristics
Periodicity of delivery: Magnetic identification card with deposit in bank account
Recipient of the transfer: Head of household (Preferably female)
Maximum per household: One payment per family
Conditionalities: The criteria for compliance with the conditionalities are: minimum monthly school attendance of 60% for children aged four and five and 75% for participants aged six to 21 years, in addition to compliance with the national vaccination schedule established by the Ministry of Health, monitoring the nutritional status of children under seven years of age and prenatal care for pregnant women.
Sanctions: The misuse of the disclosed data will lead to the application of civil and criminal penalties, according to legislation.
Comments: It is up to the Ministry of Citizenship to implement the Extraordinary Payment for the participants families of the Aid Brazil Program.
Amount : It will be equivalent to the amount needed to reach BRL $ 400 (four hundred reais)




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