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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Poverty and Disability (1999-)



Date: 1999-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: The Poverty and Disability program seeks to contribute to the quality of life of people with disabilities in situations of abandonment and / or social risk, in order for them to build their own life project and understand the needs that derive from disability and unmet basic needs. Specifically, the program seeks to transfer economic resources to people in two types of situations. On the one hand, it supports people in situations of poverty to access services and improve their quality of life. On the other hand, it supports people with disabilities in situations of abandonment and / or social risk, based on the characteristics and particular needs of each.


Target population: People with disabilities in situations of poverty, abandonment and / or social risk
Area of intervention: Non-contributory pension
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: Categorical
Instrument of selection: The technicians and professionals of the National Council for Rehabilitation and Special Education (CNREE) must apply a guide for the analysis and selection of potential beneficiaries of the Poverty and Disability program, which includes the Basic Basket Derived from Disability, the Basic Normative Basket, Poverty status and the definition of disability. Among other documents, as part of the user selection process, the Social Inclusion Card (FIS), which is the instrument for the collection of socioeconomic information of families, and the Certificate of Disability issued by CONAPDIS are requested.
Registry of recipients: CNREE allowance database, which is incorporated into the National System of Information and Unique Registry of State Beneficiaries (SINIRUBE).
Exit strategies or criteria: Transfer can be suspended temporarily or permanently in the event that any of the following situations occurs: 1) When the person with disability does not require the support of the transfer according to a technical recommendation verified by the CNREE or by the NGO in charge. 2) If the investment of the transfer departs from the approved 3) If the transfer was granted based on false information. 4) IIf the person receives financial support from other public institutions for the same purposes that is not complementary to the support offered by the CNREE. 5) If there is a change in family income that allows the recipient to cover the expenses that gave rise to the monetary transfer granted by CNREE. 6) When the recipient does not provide the required investment vouchers 7) Death of the person As for the validity of the subsidies, the subsidies will be effective as of the moment of their approval by the authorities of the CNREE and may not be retroactive. They will be valid for one year extendable for up to three additional periods. Once the extension has been completed, and if deemed necessary, the recipient selection and analysis procedure will be applied again. The subsidies may be extended in amount, according to the results of the follow-up or by the variation of the needs of the recipients.
Comments: As of May 2012, in accordance with DM-252-12 of MIDEPLAN endorsing CNREE's institutional reform proposal, the program is transferred to the Directorate of Regional Operations and, as of the partial reform, the latter is known as the Directorate of Regional Development from July 2017.


Legal framework: Law 7972, Law 5662, Law 8783
Responsible organization(s): National Council of Persons with Disabilities (CONAPDIS), National Council of Rehabilitation and Special Education (CNREE), Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements
Executing organization(s): Directorate of Regional Development of the National Council of Persons with Disabilities (CONAPDIS)
Responsible organization(s) for the registry of recipients: National Council of Persons with Disabilities (CONAPDIS) and National Council of Rehabilitation and Special Education (CNREE)
Source of funding: Fund for Social Development and Family Allowances (FODESAF), through agreement of law No. 8783, as well as pre-existing resources of Law No. 7972 and the Ordinary Budget of the Republic

1) Axis of Protection

Recipient(s): People with disabilities from 18 to 65 years old, who are in situations of abandonment and / or social risk, for which they will require, in addition to the monetary transfer, a residential option to be able to develop a dignified and independent life. This axis also includes people with disabilities of the selected families in the Bridge to Development Plan strategy, with the aim of preventing abandonment, due to the presence of indicators of poverty or extreme poverty and the support is granted to meet needs derived from disability.
Mode of transfer: Monetary
Mode of delivery:
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly, during an average period of 12 months.
Recipient of the transfer: Recipients of the program
Sanctions: In case of non-compliance by the person to the provisions of the Regulations, the Board is authorized to conduct a study to determine whether or not revocation of the transfer is appropriate.
Comments: Monetary transfers are granted to these recipients to live in different residential alternatives that promote autonomy. The residential alternatives considered are the following: 1) Residential Alternative: it is offered by natural or legal persons to the user. 2) Residential Modalities: residential options in the community. 3) Multifamily Home, which includes i) Multifamily parental home: made up of a family nucleus where both parents or their children have disabilities; ii) Multifamily subsidiary household: composed of family groups where siblings live independently and have disabilities; and iii) Multifamily peer household: Composed of persons with disabilities with a relationship of frienship. 4) Solidarity Family: based on a family or affinity system that provides an atmosphere of family life, attention to basic needs and facilitates the integral development of the person with disabilities. This family system may be by relationships of consanguinity affinity from third grade onwards but never less. 5) Single-person household: constituted by a single person with disabilities that want and, by its functional capacity, can live independently. 6) Home of Coexistence in Couple: composed of two people who qualify as recipients of the Poverty and Disability Program who wish to become a couple. 7) Private Residences: managed by natural persons outside the Council, who provide a place of family living at a community level to a maximum of 12 people with disabilities in a situation of proven abandonment, in a welcoming environment, in which their personal skills are enhanced and support is provided for the full exercise of their rights, through affection, integration and participation. 8) Group Home: managed by a non-governmental organization of or for people with disabilities or relatives of people with disabilities, that provide a place of family life at the community level to a maximum of 12 people with disabilities in situations of abandonment, in a cozy atmosphere, in which personal skills are enhanced and support is provided for the full exercise of rights, through affection, integration and participation. 9) Prevention: Modality in which the person with disabilities lives with his family in a condition of poverty and / or social vulnerability. The transfer is granted in order to meet the needs arising from the disability.
Amount : Maximum amount reviewed annually


2) Axis of Development

Recipient(s): Population with disabilities in a situation of poverty, Costa Rican and foreign legal residents in the country, from the ages of 0 to 65. Unlike adults, this component includes minors with disabilities and in a situation of poverty, even if they lack a regular immigration status in the national territory, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Children and Adolescents.
Mode of transfer: Monetary
Mode of delivery:
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly, during an average period of 10 months.
Recipient of the transfer: Participants of the program
Sanctions: In case of non-compliance by the person to the provisions of the Regulations, the Board is authorized to conduct a study to determine whether or not revocation of the transfer is appropriate.
Comments: The purpose of this sphere is to facilitate access to services, various supports with the purpose of contributing to the development of individual capabilities. Subsidies are received for the following investment destinations: 1) Nutritional supplements 2) Specialized drugs 3) Diapers 4) Monthly 5) Teaching material 6) Transportation 7) Recreation Agreements are established with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), which according to the Subsidies Regulation are private non-profit organizations, directed by and for people with disabilities, their relatives or friends, and whose aims and objectives are aimed at promoting and defense of equal opportunities, protection and provision of support for people with disabilities. With these NGOs a line of cooperation is established in which they contribute to the investment of the economic transfers of the participant population of each region.
Amount : Maximum amount reviewed annually


Reglamento para el otorgamiento de subsidios para personas con discapacidad en condición de pobreza y abandono

Author: National Council for Rehabilitation and Special Education (CNREE)
Date: 2005
Publication info: Norm developed by the National Council for Rehabilitation and Special Education (CNREE) of FODESAF
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Program description


Ficha descriptiva del programa Pobreza y Discapacidad, 2019

Author: Fund for Social Development and Family Allowances (FODESAF)
Date: 2019
Publication info: Document prepared by the General Directorate of Social Development and Family Allowances (DESAF) of FODESAF
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Program description




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