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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Pension for the Well-being of People with Permanent Disabilities (2019-)



Date: 2019-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: The programme Pension for the Well-being of People with Permanent Disabilities seeks contribute to improve the quality of life, the social well-being and equality of people with permanent disabilities in a situation of vulnerability, through a bimonthly non-contributory pension, prioritizing children and adolescents as well as the indigenous population.


Target population: 1) Children and youth between 0 and 29 years of age. 2) Indigenous people between 30 and 64 years of age. 3) Adults between 30 and 67 years of age.
Area of intervention: Non-contributory pension
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: Geographic: Priority is given to people who live in areas classified as indigenous, areas with the highest degree of marginalization or areas with high rates of violence. Categoric: People who meet the eligibility criteria of age, status of permanent disability and geographical location, according to the following order of preference: 1) children and youth; 2) indigenous people; and 3) non-indigenous adults.
Instrument of selection: Identification document, a domiciliary supporting document (home service bill or receipt), the application form to join the programme Pension for the Well-being of People with Permanent Disabilities and a document proving permanent disability issued by any public institution in the federal, state or municipal health sector.
Registry of recipients: As of 30/07/2020, the Single Registry of Beneficiaries was established. Before 2020, the Register of Beneficiaries of the Pension for the Well-being of People with Permanent Disabilities was used.
Exit strategies or criteria: 1) Loss of eligibility conditions; 2) Proportion of false information; 3) Voluntary resignation; 4) The user ceases to have a disability; 5) Change to a permanent or temporary residence abroad.
Comments: As part of the measures to face the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and social isolation, the payment equivalent to 4 months of the Pension for the Well-being of People with Permanent Disabilities . The first advance was made in March, covering payments from March to June; the second in July, covering payments from July to October. The domiciliary supporting document can be a home bill or a statement signed by two witnesses, which can have a maximum of six months of antiquity. The document proving permanent disability must have the minimum requirements of a medical certification from a public institution and must indicate the status of permanent disability. This certification is not necessary when the disability is noticeable or obvious (the disability certificate is requested only in case of doubt about the status of permanent disability).


Legal framework: Agreement by which the Operation Guidelines of the Pension for the Well-being of People with Permanent Disabilities are issued, for the fiscal year 2019 (Official Gazette of the Federation, Diario Oficial de la Federación, 28/02/2019).
Responsible organization(s): Secretariat of Well-being
Executing organization(s): Secretariat of Well-being through the Undersecretary of Social and Human Development.
Responsible organization(s) for the registry of recipients: Secretariat of Well-being, through the General Directorate of Geostatistics and Beneficiary Registers (DGGPB)
Source of funding: Government of Mexico

1) Economic allowance

Recipient(s): All programme users with permanent disabilities.
Mode of transfer: Monetary
Mode of delivery: Bank transfer or through other payment method.
Periodicity of delivery: Bimonthly
Recipient of the transfer: The person with pemanent disability, the person in charge or auxiliary adult.
Maximum per household:
Conditionalities: nan
Sanctions: Suspension of the transfer when: 1) after three home visits, on different days and times, the user or the person in charge are not located at their registered address; 2) no transactions or bank operations are registered in the bank account for six months (three bimesters); or 3) there are inconsistencies and / or incorrect information in the personal data and / or documents provided by the user or the person in charge.
Comments: The users could officially delegate a responsible person, or auxiliary adult, in charge of the procedures of the pension. In cases of emergency or disasters, an additional month of economic allowance may be delivered, only in a single occasion and according to budgetary capacity, in order to mitigate the priority needs of people with permanent disabilities who are affected by the emergency. The amount of the monthly economic allowance corresponds to 49.6 percent of a Measurement and Update Unit (UMA).
Amount : 1,350 MXN monthly, in 2021


Evaluación de diseño con trabajo de campo del Programa Pensión para el Bienestar de las Personas con Discapacidad Permanente 2019-2020

Author: Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social (CONEVAL)
Date: 2020
Publication info: CONEVAL report
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Programme description


Acuerdo por el que se emiten Lineamientos de Operación de la Pensión para el Bienestar de las Personas con Discapacidad Permanente, para el ejercicio fiscal 2019

Author: Secretariat of Well-being
Date: 2019
Publication info: Diario Oficial de la Federación, 27 de febrero de 2019
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Programme description




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