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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Labour Hiring Bonus Programme (Programa de bonificación a la contratación de la mano de obra) (2001-2010)



Date: 2001-2010
Description: The programme promotes the reinsertion of unemployed workers into the labour market through training, coaching and participation in productive projects developed by private companies. The programme has two modalities, a subsidy to the company for hiring workers, and a one-time amount to finance training activities for workers hired under the programme.


Target population: Unemployed people
Area of intervention: Indirect job creation
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: Categorical


Legal framework:
Responsible organization(s): National Training and Employment Service (SENCE)
Executing organization(s): National Training and Employment Service (SENCE)
Source of funding: Government of Chile

1) Regular

Recipient(s): Unemployed population that does not belong to Chile Solidario
Description: It considers a bonus to companies corresponding to 40% of the monthly minimum wage, for a period of four months. The training bonus corresponds to CLP$ 50,000.


2) Chile Solidario

Recipient(s): Unemployed people in the Chile Solidario system
Description: It considers a bonus to companies corresponding to 40% of the minimum monthly wage, for a period of between one and four months. The training bonus corresponds to CLP$ 50,000.


3) Jovenes Chile Solidario

Recipient(s): Unemployed young people (between 18 and 24 years old) participating in the Chile Solidario system.
Description: The subsidy corresponds to 50% of the minimum wage for 5 to 12 months and training for an amount of CLP$ 60,000.


Evaluación de impacto: Programa de bonificación a la contratación de mano de obra

Author: AGROUC Foundation
Date: 2009
Publication info:
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation




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