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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Job Skills Equalization Programme (Programa Nivelación de Competencias Laborales (PNCL)) (1999-2008 )



Date: 1999-2008
Description: The overall objective of the programme is to help recipients, preferably young and old in poverty, improve their employability through the certification of their abilities. Recipients receive free three support texts prepared by the Ministry of Education and financed and distributed by FOSIS.


Target population: People of 15 years and more, without complete basic education
Area of intervention: Remedial education and school retention
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: Categorical (population over 15 years without complete basic education or does not have 1st and / or 2nd secondary education, under the poverty line (according to the criteria established by MIDEPLAN)).
Comments: In both components a module (or subcomponent) of socio- labour training is included, which seeks to develop in participants social and labour skills to perform better in those fields.


Legal framework: Decree Nº6835, Supreme Decree Nº131
Responsible organization(s): Solidarity and Social Investment Fund (FOSIS) jointly with the Ministry of Education
Executing organization(s): Municipalities, private institutions (foundations, corporations, NGOs, trade associations, consultants), higher education institutions and social organizations with legal personality
Source of funding: Government of Chili

1) Leveling of primary education

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Description: This level is geared to the acquire of basic proficiency in reading, writing, and leveling from 1st to 4th grade, as well as the final level of basic education (7th and 8th). It is necessary to carry out classroom activities and tutorials supported by monitors and/or teachers. The basic leveling should consider a minimum of 140 hours of classroom activities and 60 hours of tutorials, to be completed over a period of 5 months. To sit examinations of this level, students must meet a minimum of 70% of attendance.


2) Leveling of secondary education

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Description: It consists of the development of a flexible teaching and learning process that enables participants to catch up with their studies in the first cycle of secondary education (1st and 2nd). Proposals for secondary leveling must include a minimum of 260 teaching hours and 90 tutorial hours to be developed in a maximum period of 7 months.


Author: Bravo , David
Date: 2003
Publication info:
Link: See Webpage


Author: Dirección de Presupuestos
Date: 2003
Publication info:
Link: See Webpage




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