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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Chile Solidario (Solidarity Chile) (2002-2017)



Date: 2002-2017
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: Although it can be considered a conditional cash transfer programme (CCT) , this programme has particular characteristics relating to its psychosocial approach and the importance of family support through the Puente Programme. More specifically, it is a structure that seeks to coordinate the entire public offer of social services around its recipients. Since April 2011, new components focused on families living in extreme poverty have been incorporated through the Programa de Bonificación al Ingreso Ético Familiar (Social Allowance).


Target population: Vulnerable households and individuals
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: Proxy means testing (Quality of life index)
Instrument of selection: Social Household Registry (Decree 22, 2015)
Registry of recipients: Integrated Social Information System (SIIS)
Exit strategies or criteria: Graduation scheme with time limit and decreasing transfers. Family support = maximum of 2 years ; Transfer = maximum of 5 years.
Comments: The program Chile Solidario was replaced by the program Securities and Opportunities (SSyOO, also known as Ethical Family Income) in 2013. Recipients of Chile Solidario could become recipients of SSyOO if they met the requirements established by the Ministry of Social Development (http: //www.ingresoetico.gob.cl/). Once the SSyOO was in place, the recipients of Chile Solidario continued to receive the Protection and Graduation Grant, until completing 24 or 36 quotas, as appropriate.


Legal framework: Law Nº 19,949; Decree Nº 29 (2011); Law No. 20530; Decree No. 15 (2013).
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Social Development (which until 2011 was called the Ministry of Planning - MIDEPLAN)
Executing organization(s): Sub-secretariat of Social Services (until 2011 it was the Executive Secretariat of Social Protection of MIDEPLAN)
Source of funding: Government of Chile

1) Bono de protección (Protection Grant)

Recipient(s): All households users of the programme that are in monitoring phase.
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer, decreasing over time
Mode of delivery: Bank deposit or cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Adult woman
Maximum per household: One transfer per household
Conditionalities: According to household contract
Sanctions: Cancellation of the support in case of repeated breach of the commitment of participation or non-collection of the grant for 6 consecutive months in the case of cash withdrawal.
Comments: Performed during the family support period (maximum of 2 years)


2) Bono de egreso (Graduation Grant)

Recipient(s): All households users of the Subsystem Chile Solidario that completed the monitoring phase
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Adult woman
Maximum per household: One transfer per household
Conditionalities: To comply with the minimum requirements agreed upon during the support period.
Comments: It was performed once the period of support ended, and the grant was extended for three more years without additional conditionalities.


3) SUF (Subsidio Familiar / Family Allowance)

Recipient(s): Children under age 18, pregnant women, mothers with SUF causers and individuals with disabilities.
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Bank deposit and cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Woman with minors in her charge. If there are no women, the parent or guardian is assigned to receive the transfer.
Maximum per household: Does not have
Conditionalities: Does not have
Comments: The allowance is also available for families that do not belong to the programme and which do not receive family allowances for paid work, but also meet other requirements. Recipients of this allowance who have mental disabilities should not receive the Mental Disability Allowance.


4) PBS (Pensión Básica Solidaria / Basic Solidarity Pension)

Recipient(s): People aged 65 or older
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Bank deposit or cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Maximum per household: Does not have
Conditionalities: Does not have
Comments: This pension is also available for older persons who are not members of recipient households of Chile Solidario (now Securities and Opportunities) and belong to the 60% poorest population according to the pension targeting score, which is constructed from information in the Social Household Registry, and which also fulfill other requirements.


5) Subsidio Cédula de Indentidad (ID Allowance)

Recipient(s): All families users of the Intersectoral System of Social Protection
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Discount on the ID value
Periodicity of delivery: One time only
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Maximum per household: Does not have
Conditionalities: Does not have
Comments: It is also supplied to foreigners with permanent residence


6) SAP (Subsidio Agua Potable / Potable Water Subsidy)

Recipient(s): All recipient households of the programme
Mode of transfer: Differentiated transfer according to families' socioeconomic level and monthly consumption
Mode of delivery: Discount on the monthly bill
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Maximum per household: One transfer per household
Conditionalities: Does not have
Comments: 'This allowance has a target population greater than that of the subsystem of Securities and Opportunities, and the allowance amount is differentiated according to the socioeconomic level of the families. In the case of the families of Securities and Opportunities, the allowance covers 100% of the value of the water tariff of a consumption of up to 15 cubic meters per month.


7) Subsidio pro retención escolar (School retention allowance)

Recipient(s): Holders of Municipal Educational Establishments, State-subsidized Private Institutions and Technical Educational Institutions.
Periodicity of delivery: Annual
Maximum per household: Does not have
Conditionalities: Does not have
Comments: 'The allowance is paid to holders who prove that they retained children and adolescents in the school system. The allowance is used by the holders to perform actions to retain students in the educational system.
Description: Financial allowance that is given to educational institutions for having achieved the incorporation and retention of students.
Amount : Fluctuates according to the student's educational level, between CLP $61,108 and CLP $146,657 (2008).


8) Programas de apoyo psicosocial (Psychosocial support programs)

Recipient(s): All participating households of the programme
Comments: The psychosocial support programme consists in family support sessions for a period of up to 24 months. During these months, families work to achieve social protection floors grouped in dimensions related to the improvement of the quality of life considered in a welfare matrix.
Description: Intervention strategy through the action of professionals ("family support") in charge of working together with the recipients in the development of capacities and achievement of goals related to the improvement of their living standards. The intervention offered 4 psychosocial support programs for specific target populations: i) "Puente" (2002), for families in extreme poverty; ii) "Vínculos" (2005) for older persons; iii) "Calle" (2006) for homeless people; and iv) "Abriendo caminos" (2009) for children whose parents are inprisoned. The supports also have the function of generating links between the subsystem's users and the public program's overall offer.


9) Vinculación con otros programas (Link to other programmes)

Recipient(s): All participating households of the programme
Description: The recipients of Chile Solidario (and currently of Seguridades y Oportunidades) have preferential and free access to the whole range of services and public programs.


10) Asignación base (Basic Allowance)

Recipient(s): All the persons / families in the phase of psychosocial support or receiving the Protection grant.
Mode of transfer: Transfer according to the characteristics of the recipient / household (previously based on the score of the Social Protection Record and currently based on the Social Household Registry and administrative databases)
Mode of delivery: Bank deposit or cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Adult woman
Maximum per household: Does not have
Sanctions: In the case of cash withdrawal, a family that does not collect the transfer for 6 consecutive months without any justification will be removed from the list of active recipients.
Comments: All families in extreme poverty are elegible. "The components of the Social Allowance was delivered from April 2011 until September 2012, when the decree of the Ministry of Social Development that regulates the cash transfers of the Ethical Family Income program comes into force " (Larrañaga, Contreras and Cabezas, 2014).
Amount : Average of CLP $5,000, the amount is variable according to the income gap that occurs between the potential per capita income and the extreme poverty line (CASEN 2009). See selected figures in excel format.


11) Bono por Asistencia Escolar (Schooling Allowance)

Recipient(s): Children between 6 and 18 years of age
Mode of transfer: Transfer provided according to recipient's / household's characteristics (previously based on the score of the Social Protection Record and the time the family has been in Social Assignment; currently based on the Social Household Registry and administrative databases)
Mode of delivery: Bank transfer or cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Adult woman
Maximum per household: Does not have
Conditionalities: * Education: Enrollment in an educational establishment recognized by the Ministry of Education and minimum attendance of 85%, certified by the holders of educational establishments
Comments: The accreditation for the payment of the allowance is made through administrative information registered by the holders in the platform of the Ministry of Education.


12) Bono por Control de Salud Niño Sano (Healthy Children Control Allowance)

Recipient(s): Children between 0 and 6 years of age
Mode of transfer: Transfer provided according to recipient's / household's characteristics (previously based on the score of the Social Protection Record and the time the family has been in Social Assignment; currently based on the Social Household Registry and administrative databases)
Mode of delivery: Bank transfer or cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Semiannual/Annual
Recipient of the transfer: Adult woman
Maximum per household: Does not have
Conditionalities: Health: Health checks attendance
Comments: Accreditation of the child's health control must be registered in an online computer platform in the municipalities that correspond to the domicile of the recipient family.


13) Subsidio al Empleo de la Mujer (Women Employment Allowance)

Recipient(s): Initially, the allowance was delivered to women over 18 years of age. Currently Seguridades y Oportunidades delivers it to women over 25 years of age and under 60 years of age.
Mode of transfer: Transfer according to recipient's characteristics (according to salary)
Mode of delivery: Bank deposit or cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Annual. Currently, the Subsystem of Securities and Opportunities offers provisional payments for dependent workers and annual payments for independent workers.
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Maximum per household: Does not have
Conditionalities: Prevision: the grant is paid for the months that the woman quotes for pensions and health
Comments: "The components of the Social Allowance was delivered from April 2011 until September 2012, when the decree of the Ministry of Social Development that regulates the cash transfers of the Ethical Family Income program comes into force " (Larrañaga, Contreras and Cabezas, 2014).


14) Permanent Family Contribution (March Grant)

Recipient(s): All recipient families of the program. Currently, it is delivered to families that are recipients of the Family Allowance, Family Allowance and Securities and Opportunities.
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Annual. In March
Recipient of the transfer: Recipient of asociated services
Maximum per household: One per family. Currently, in the case of users of the Subsystem of Securities and Opportunities who do not receive charges because there is no presence of minors in the family group, a grant is paid per family.
Comments: It is a transfer that makes part of the Social Protection System, consisting of a cash payment, especifically in March of every year, for the families of lowest incomes
Description: It is a benefit that makes part of the Social Protection System, consisting of a cash payment, especifically in March of every year, for the families of lowest incomes.
Amount : The cash transfer for 2017 is CLP $44.209 per family. But the amount is adjusted the 1st of January of every year.


The Long(er)-Term Impacts of Chile Solidario on Human Capital and Labor Income

Author: Neidhöfer, G. y Niño-Zarazúa, M.
Date: 2019
Publication info: Population and Development Review
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation


Conclusiones de la evaluación de Chile Solidario

Author: Galasso, E. and Carneiro, P.
Date: 2012
Publication info: Santiago, Ministry of Social Development [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation


What are the economic impacts of conditional cash transfer programmes? A systematic review of the evidence

Author: Kabeer, N., Piza, C. and Taylor, L.
Date: 2012
Publication info: Technical Report 2013, Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPICentre)
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation


Evaluating CCTs from A Gender Perspective: the Impact of Chile Solidario on Women’s Employment Prospect

Author: Scarlato, M., d’Agostino, G. and Capparucci, F.
Date: 2014
Publication info: Munich Personal RePEc Archive. MPRA Paper No. 59414
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Cash transfers in Latin America: Effects on poverty and redistribution

Author: Amarante, V., and Brun, M.
Date: 2016
Publication info: WIDER Working Paper 2016/136
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Evaluation


Cómo funciona el Ingreso Ético Familiar? Mejores prácticas en la implementación de Programas de Transferencias Monetarias Condicionadas en América Latina y el Caribe.

Author: Vargas, L. H., Cueva, P., and Medellín, N.
Date: 2017
Publication info: IDB, Social Protection and Health Division. Technical Note No. IDB-TN-1163.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


El sistema de protección social de Chile: Una mirada desde la igualdad

Author: Robles, C.
Date: 2011
Publication info: Proyect report CEPAL
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Analysis of the program


Sistema Chile Solidario y la política de proteccion social de Chile: Lecciones del pasado y agenda para el futuro

Author: Raczynski, D.
Date: 2008
Publication info: IFHC and CIEPLAN working paper
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Conceptos fundamentales sistema de protección social Chile Solidario

Date: 2004
Publication info: MIDEPLAN report. System of social protection Chile Solidario
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Chile Solidario y combate a la pobreza

Author: Larrañaga, O., and Contreras, D.
Date: 2010
Publication info: PNUD Working paper
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Pobreza en las políticas públicas

Author: Larrañaga, O.
Date: 2013
Publication info: PNUD Working paper
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Políticas contra la pobreza: de Chile Solidario al Ingreso Ético Familiar.

Author: Larrañaga, O., Contreras, D. and Cabezas, G.
Date: 2014
Publication info: PNUD Working paper
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Impact evaluation of Chile Solidario: Lessons and policy recommendations

Author: Larrañaga, O., Contreras, D. and Ruiz-Tagle, J.
Date: 2012
Publication info: Journal of Latin American Studies, No. 44. pp. 347-372.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Addressing Access and Behavioral Constraints through Social Intermediation Services: A Review of Chile Solidario and Red Unidos

Author: Camacho, A., Cunningham, W., Rigolini, J., and Silva, V.
Date: 2014
Publication info: Policy Research Working Paper No. 7136, The World Bank.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Analysis of the program


Informe de sistematización de evaluaciones cualitativas del programa Puente y Sistema de Protección Chile Solidario

Author: Nun, E., and Trucco, D.
Date: 2008
Publication info: PNUD working paper
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Qualitative evaluation


The impact of providing psycho-social support to indigent families and increasing their access to social services: evaluating Chile Solidario

Author: Carneiro, P., Galasso, E., and Ginja, R.
Date: 2009
Publication info: UCL Working Paper
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Public Accounting 2014-2015. Summary Document

Author: Social Development Ministry
Date: March 2016
Publication info:
Topic: Summary of Social Projects of the Social Development Ministry


Permanent Family Contribution

Author: Chile Atiende
Date: 2016
Publication info:
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Program description


Tackling Social Exclusion. Evidence from Chile

Author: Carneiro, Pedro; Galasso, Emanuela; Ginja, Rita
Date: 2015
Publication info: Policy Research Working Paper n. 7180
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Innovative features in conditional cash transfers: an impact evaluation of Chile Solidario on households and children

Author: Bruno Martorano and Marco Sanfilippo
Date: 2012
Publication info: Unicef IWP
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Alleviating extreme poverty in Chile: the short term effects of Chile Solidario

Author: Galasso, E.
Date: 2011
Publication info: Estudios de Economía 38 (1) [on line]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Evaluating the Chile Solidario program: results using the Chile Solidario panel and the administrative databases

Author: Hoces de la Guardia, F., Hojman, A. and Larrañaga,O.
Date: 2011
Publication info: Estudios de Economía 38 (1) [on line]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Chile Solidario: Pasado y futuro de la vía chilena a la protección social (2003-2011)

Author: Vargas, Luis Hernán
Date: 2011
Publication info: Revista CIS n14. Fundación Un Techo para Chile, Santiago [on line]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Evaluación de impacto de Chile Solidario para la primera cohorte de participantes

Author: Larrañaga, O., Contreras, D. y Ruiz-Tagle, J.
Date: 2009
Publication info: UNDP Chile [on line]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


"With their effort and one opportunity": Alleviating extreme poverty in Chile

Author: Galasso, E.
Date: 2006
Publication info:
Link: See Webpage


Los programas de alivio a la pobreza Puente y Oportunidades. Una mirada desde los actores

Author: Arriagada, Irma and Charlotte Mathivet
Date: 2007
Publication info: Social Policy- Series (134), Santiago. ECLAC [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Evaluation



Author: Ministry of Planning (MIDEPLAN)
Date: n/d
Publication info: [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Collection of documents




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