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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean



Date: 2014-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: The programme's goal is to articulate a set of employment actions, in order to promote and facilitate the labour inclusion of young people and unemployed adults. A set of tools will be promoted and strengthened, including the Productive Recovery Program, the Employment Services, Job Placement Program and On-site Training Programme. In addition, the articulation of these tools with PROGRESAR will allow the insertion in decent jobs and increase youth employability through education, training and work experience in the local labor market.


Target population: Young participants of the programme PROGRESAR, Programa Jóvenes con Más y Mejor Trabajo, Seguro de Capacitación y Empleo employees, and unemployed people.
Adults in vulnerable situation and unemployed people who participated in any of the professional training courses offered by the Ministry Of Labour, Employment and Social Security
Area of intervention: Indirect job creation
Vocational and professional training
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: Categoric


Legal framework:
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Production and Labour
Executing organization(s): Ministry of Production and Labour
Source of funding: Government of Argentina

1) Protection of Jobs

Recipient(s): Participants of the programme
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Conditionalities: The company cannot make dismissals of workers
Description: Through the Productive Recovery Program (REPRO), PROEMPLEAR seeks to contribute to the maintenance and promotion of genuine employment, supporting the recovery of sectors in crisis. If a company certifies a crisis situation and agrees not to make layoffs, it will be supported with direct transfers to workers for a maximum amount of $ 2,000 up to 12 months.
Amount : Maximum ARS $2.000


2) Labour inclusion

Recipient(s): Vulnerable young and unemployed adults
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Description: Besides the articulation with PROGRESAR, financial assistance of ARS $ 2,000 per month will be awarded to support the insertion of young people in internships. They must work up to 4 hours per day and for a maximum period of 6 months. On the other hand, a benefit to hire new workers will be provided in order to cover part of the salary paid by the employer. The transfer reaches a maximum of ARS $ 2,700 per month up to 12 months.
Amount : $2.000 (internships) and up to $2.700 (subsidy for hiring new employees)


3) Formal job creation

Recipient(s): Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs)
Recipient of the transfer: Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs)
Comments: Régimen de Contribuciones a la Seguridad Social para Microempleadores and the Régimen de Promoción a la Contratación de Trabajo Registrado, including in Law No. 26,940
Description: Through the Régimen permanente para microempresas, companies with a maximum of 5 workers will pay them 50% of employer contributions from the general regime. The regime also sets a limit on the fees that the insurance companies can charge within the sector. On the other hand, the Régimen para la contratación de nuevos trabajadores offers discounts on employer contributions for companies with up to 80 workers to new staff.




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