United Nations              
Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
About this database

Conditional cash transfer (CCT) programmes aim to reduce poverty and strengthen the human capacities of its recipients. This database provides data on expenditure, coverage and amount of the monetary transfers, as well as detailed information on the different components of CCTs in Latin American and Caribbean countries.

This database has been developed by the Social Development Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) thanks to the collaboration with the Social Component of the ECLAC-BMZ/giz project “Recover better: Overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic consequences in Latin America and the Caribbean” and the ECLAC-BMZ/giz project "Sustainability of co-responsibility transfer programmes" (GER/001/09); the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), through the cooperation programme "Social protection and inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean" (SWE/09/002); and the Ford Foundation through the project “Social inequality and the future of workers in Latin America in the context of post-pandemic recovery”. The "Time for equality: Strengthening the Institutional Framework of Social Policies" (ROA 235-8) and "Promoting equality: Strengthening the capacity of select developing countries to design and implement equality-oriented public policies and programmes" (ROA 315-9) projects financed by the United Nations Development Account contributed to the update of previous versions of this database. Until the year 2020, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) provided English translation of the contents of the database.

Data have been obtained from official country documents, unless other sources are cited.

The ECLAC document "Conditional cash transfer programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean: Coverage and investment trends" analyses the evolution of the population coverage and investment of these programmes up to 2016 and presents the methodology used to harmonize the CCT programme coverage and investment data series for the region‘s countries, as well as the steps taken to generate the aggregate data on regional coverage and investment. Furthermore, the ECLAC document "Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes: The recent experience in Latin America and the Caribbean", the section on "Conditional cash transfer programmes and the labour market" of the ECLAC-ILO bulletin no. 10 on the employment situation in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the document "Programmes de transferts monétaires conditionnels en Amérique latine et les Caraïbes" (available in French) have been prepared on the basis of information from this database.

For citations, please refer to "Non-contributory social protection programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean database, Social Development Division, ECLAC". Please send comments and suggestions to the following email address: desarrollosocial@un.org



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© United Nations - ECLAC - Social Development Division