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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Food Pension Program for Elderly People in Situations of Social Vulnerability (2009- )



Date: 2009-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: Food Pension Programme consists of transfer of basic monthly economic income to all people of 65 years old who live in situation of poverty in order to satisfy their basic needs. Also, it considers as recipients to Chaco War veterans, their heirs, and police and military fallen in service


Target population: Adults older than 65 years living in poverty.
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: 1) Proxy means test.
Instrument of selection: Life Quality Index
Registry of recipients: Household Registry
Exit strategies or criteria: When eligibility conditions are lost or death of a recipient. A time limit does not exist in this programme.
Comments: As part of the measures to face the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and social isolation, in March 2020, the payment of the pension was anticipated. Since 2012, the programme coverage is extended to indigenous older people, with no need to prove poverty condition due to their structural marginality.


Legal framework: Law n°3728 of 2009; Decree n°4542 of 2010; Law N° 6.381/2020; Decree N° 3.816 of 13th of july of 2020; Law N° 7.232/2024; Decree 1675 of 2024
Responsible organization(s): Non contributory pensions Directorate of the Ministry of Finance
Executing organization(s): Ministry of Economics and Finance
Source of funding: Government of Paraguay

1) Food pension

Recipient(s): All participants of the programme.
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Maximum per household:


Another brick on the Wall: On the Effects of Non-Contributory Pensions on Material and Subjective Well Being

Author: Bando R., Galiani S. and Gertler P.
Date: 2021
Publication info: National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 28318
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Impacto redistributivo de la pensión alimentaria para adultos mayores en situación de pobreza (Paraguay)

Author: Bruno, S.
Date: 2018
Publication info: MERCOSUR journal of social policy - ISSN 2523-0891, Vol 2, pp. 265-286.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


El efecto de las ayudas sociales en la población de adultos mayores sobre las tasas de pobreza

Author: Rodriguez, L., and Benítez, G.
Date: 2018
Publication info: Working paper from CADEP, CONACYT and PROCIENCIA
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Descriptive and comparative analysis


Incidencia de la Pensión Alimentaria a Adultos Mayores en Paraguay. El acceso al sistema de protección social

Author: Rojas Viñales, A.
Date: 2014
Publication info: Revista latinoamericana de investigación crítica, No. 1.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


La Política de Pensión Alimentaria para Adultos Mayores en el Paraguay. Resultados y desafíos

Author: Ministry of Finance
Date: 2013
Publication info: Ministerio de Hacienda, Unidad de economía social
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information




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