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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Our Older People's Rights (Nuestros Mayores Derechos) (2009-)



Date: 2009
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: The presidential programme "Our Older People's Rights" aims to satisfy the demand for non-contributory social protection for older people. The objective of the programme is to promote family and community participation and social integration of older people, offering a series of interventions with an integral approach that allow them to access several services that promote the enjoyment of an active and healthy life.


Target population: Older aduts over 60 years.
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: 1) Categorical
Instrument of selection:
Registry of recipients:
Exit strategies or criteria:
Comments: The programme Our Older People's Rights is incorporated as a component of the conditional cash transfer programme "Comunidades Solidarias" (Solidarity in communities) as of January 2011; and from 2018, it is incorporated into the Poverty Eradication Strategy (EEP) of El Salvador.


Legal framework: Decree No 647 (Law of Development and Social Protection)
Responsible organization(s): Technical Secretariat of the Presidency
Executing organization(s): Social Investment Fund for Local Development (Fondo de Inversión Social para el Desarrollo Local, FISDL)
Source of funding: National budget, international loans (World Bank, Interamerican Development Bank) and grants from the bilateral cooperation.

1) Basic Universal Pension

Recipient(s): Older adults over 70 years who do not receive other contributory or assistance pension in the country.
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Cash delivery in public events
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Amount : see selected figures


2) Promotion of health and nutrition

Recipient(s): Older adults over 60 years.
Mode of transfer: 1) Services of promotion, prevention, primary care and rehabilitation; home healthcare; strenghtening of preventive medical actions and exercise of healthy lifestyles and nutritional check-ups and attention.
2) Community health teams, in order to warranty the quality of services provision.
Recipient of the transfer: Older adults over 60 years.


3) Learning together

Recipient(s): Older adults over 60 years.
Mode of transfer: 1) Literacy : implementation of literacy circles especially destined to women in order to reduce the gender gaps.
2) Training of profesional staff : creation of University courses and Master's in gerontology through agreements with foreign universities.
Recipient of the transfer: Older adults over 60 years.


4) Exercising rights and citizenship

Recipient(s): Older adults over 60 years.
Mode of transfer: 1) Comunication strategies: promoting the rediscovery and social recognition of older people through sensibilization and information in the media.
3) Legal consultancies for the promotion of rights: identification, processing, and resolution of the main legal issues of older people; legal assistance for obtaining ID cards; presentation of the legal reforms that promote the improvement of their rights.
Recipient of the transfer: Older adults over 60 years.


5) Recreating tradition and culture

Recipient(s): Older adults over 60 years.
Mode of transfer: 1) Development of recreative, cultural and fisical activities for older adults; promotion of intergenerational links.
2) Historical memory recovery through the creation of "people's books" and a publication with national coverage.
Recipient of the transfer: Older adults over 60 years.


6) Improving and fitting out spaces

Recipient(s): Older adults over 60 years.
Mode of transfer: 1) Fitting out of regional temporary shelters for immediate attention of older people in cases of natural disasters; attention to victims of violence (especially family and gender violence).
Recipient of the transfer: Older adults over 60 years.


7) Promotion of economic empowerment

Recipient(s): Older adults over 60 years.
Mode of transfer: 1) Promotion of entrepreneurship: identification of comunity products with market potential; support to the design and execution of productive projects and strenghtening of capacities for the production and administration of their initiatives.
2) Labour orientation and intermediation: participation of public and privates institutions willing to hire older people in decent conditions.
Recipient of the transfer: Older adults over 60 years.


Atacando la vulnerabilidad en los adultos mayores. Evaluación de impacto de la Pensión Básica Universal, Programa Nuestros Mayores Derechos en El Salvador

Author: Martínez, S., M. Pérez and L. Tejerina
Date: 2015
Publication info: IDB Technical Note Nº IDB-TN-883
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Atacando la vulnerabilidad en los adultos mayores. Evaluación de impacto de la Pensión Básica Universal, Programa Nuestros Mayores Derechos en El Salvador

Author: Martínez, S., M. Pérez and L. Tejerina
Date: 2015
Publication info: IDB Technical Note Nº IDB-TN-883
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


El Sistema de Protección Social Universal de El Salvador. Posibilidades para la articulación de sus componentes.

Author: Rivera Ocampo, Roberto
Date: 2016
Publication info: Project document, ECLAC
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Document


Documento base: Comunidades Solidarias

Author: Secretaría Técnica de la Presidencia
Date: 2012
Publication info: Official document
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General Information


Resumen Ejecutivo: Programa Presidencial Nuestros Mayores Derechos

Author: Secretaría Técnica de la Presidencia
Date: 2011
Publication info: Official document
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information




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