United Nations              
Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Social Prosperity Income Programme (Ingreso para la Prosperidad Social) (2011-2014)



Date: 2011-2014
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: This programme seeks that the member families of Red Unidos strengthen their capacities and competencies for income generation and develop work habits in order to advance in the fulfilment of achievement 6 of the same Network ("All persons of the household of working age reach a level of capacities that facilitates their link to a paid occupation or improves the conditions of the activity they are already carrying out").


Target population: Families belonging to the Unidos Network
Area of intervention: Technical and professional training
Remedial education
Direct job creation
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: Categorical: Heads of households or their spouses aged between 18 and 35 years old, members of Unidos Network
Exit strategies or criteria: Duration of stay limit: 4 years
In case of getting into formal employment, the participants do not receive the transfer, but they still participate in the "Competencies training" component
Comments: Families who are participants in Familias en Acción can receive this transfer and waive previous transfers, but they have to continue to comply with the education and nutrition conditionalities of Familias en Acción.
The prerequisites are to sign the acceptance agreement, to be enrolled in an educational institution or in SENA degree training and to have a current savings account.


Legal framework:
Responsible organization(s): Administrative Department for Social Prosperity
Executing organization(s): Social Income Direction of the Administrative Department for Social Prosperity
Source of funding: National Government of Colombia

1) Conditional Transfer

Recipient(s): Heads of household or spouses, between 18 and 35 years of age, with schooling between 5th grade (minimum) and 11th grade (maximum) and not formally employed.
Mode of transfer: Transfer according to consideration of size of city of residence
Periodicity of delivery: Bimonthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Maximum per household: None
Conditionalities: Compliance with each component of the programme
Sanctions: Immediate dismissal in case of unjustified absence from classes, social service and/or training sessions.
Comments: It is incompatible with other transfers granted by the Administrative Department for Social Prosperity
Amount : COP$ 300,000 (2017); see Data Excel format


2) Competencies training

Recipient(s): Heads of household or spouses, between 18 and 35 years of age, with schooling between 5th grade (minimum) and 11th grade (maximum) and not formally employed.
Description: Within a maximum of 4 years, the participant must complete the basic secondary education (2 years, two courses in one) and the degree course (2 years for a technical-technological degree). No course may be failed, otherwise the transfer is lost.


3) Social Service and Skills Development (“Mingas“)

Recipient(s): Heads of household or spouses, between 18 and 35 years of age, with schooling between 5th grade (minimum) and 11th grade (maximum) and not formally employed.
Description: This is collective work that seeks to generate added value for the local community. It must last at least 4 hours per week (16 hours per month) and cannot be hazardous activities. There is a coordinator who organises the activities, controls and reports the attendance of the people to the Programme's municipal liaison. Regarding the workshops, they must develop skills that promote human development.


4) “Prosperity Chain“

Recipient(s): Heads of household or spouses, between 18 and 35 years of age, with schooling between 5th grade (minimum) and 11th grade (maximum) and not formally employed.
Description: The Prosperity Chain aims at the fulfilment of 14 achievements of the United Network grouped in the following dimensions: Identification, Education, Health, Income and Work, Nutrition and Banking and Savings. The Programme will monitor the performance and fulfilment of these 14 achievements to evaluate the personal effort to overcome poverty.


5) Savings Promotion

Recipient(s): Heads of household or spouses, between 18 and 35 years of age, with schooling between 5th grade (minimum) and 11th grade (maximum) and not formally employed.
Comments: Banks must be authorised by the Ministry of Finance to process accounts through the Integrated Financial Information System (SIIF).
Description: The programme seeks to stimulate the financial inclusion of its participants through the opening of a bank account.




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