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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Bono Madre Niña-Niño Juana Azurduy (Juana Azurduy de Padilla Mother-and-Child Grant) (2009-)



Date: 2009-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: Conditional cash transfer programme aimed at ensuring the fundamental rights of access to health and integral development to reduce maternal and infant mortality and chronic malnutrition in children under two years of age. The programme aims to provide incentives for mothers to use health services during pregnancy and childbirth, and to comply with comprehensive growth and development protocols for the child from birth to two years of age.


Target population: Pregnant women and infants, uninsured.
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: Categorical: Uninsured women and children.
Instrument of selection: Information System -Bonus Juana Azurduy
Exit strategies or criteria: The assistance is extended until the child turns two years old
Comments: As part of the measures to face the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and social isolation, in March 2020 the National government announced the delivery of the Family Basket (Canasta Familiar), which granted food, or its equivalent in money (BOV $ 400), to users of the Dignity Income, the Juana Azurduy de Padilla Mother-and-Child Grant and to people with disabilities. The amount equivalent to the basket was delivered in conjunction with transfers from the aforementioned programs.


Legal framework: Supreme Decree no. 0066 (2009), Supreme Decree 0426 (2010)
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Health
Executing organization(s): Ministry of Health and Service of Development of the Public Productive Companies (SEDEM)
Source of funding: General Treasury of the Nation - Internal resources , World Bank (52 municipalities), IDB (30 municipalities)

1) Bono control prenatal (Grant for prenatal care)

Recipient(s): Pregnant women
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Mother
Maximum per household: Four grants
Conditionalities: Health: Attend prenatal controls at the assigned health centre, according to a timetable delivered at the time of registration. Follow and comply with medical recommendations. Attend meetings and educational activities.
Amount : BOB $50. Up to 4 grants during pregnancy (BOB $200), in 2021; see data Excel format


2) Bono parto institucional y control posnatal (Grant for institutional delivery and postnatal monitoring)

Recipient(s): 1) Pregnant women
2) Children under 2 years of age
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Single payment
Recipient of the transfer: Mother
Maximum per household: One transfer per household
Conditionalities: Health: To have an institutional delivery (performed in a health center). Carry out a postpartum control up to ten days after delivery. Comply with medical instructions
Amount : BOB $120 lump sum (in 2021); see Data Excel format


3) Bono controles integrales de salud (Grant for comprehensive health checks )

Recipient(s): Women with children under 1 year of age
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Bimonthly
Recipient of the transfer: Mother
Maximum per household: 12 grants in 24 months
Conditionalities: Health: Attend comprehensive health checks at the assigned health centre. Compliance with nutritional recommendations and vaccine schedule. Mothers must attend sessions and educational activities.
Amount : BOB $125 Paid every two months up to a maximum of 12 grants in 24 months (BOB $1,500), in 2021; see data Excel format


4) Universal Prenatal Allowance for the Life

Recipient(s): Any woman who is in the 5th and 9th month of pregnancy, enrolled in the BJA programme, and without short-term social security.
Mode of transfer: In-kind
Mode of delivery: Food Basket
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly, after complying with the required medical checks:
The first package is delivered after the second medical control of BJA co-responsibilities, which occurs between 4 and 5 months of gestation.
The second package is delivered the following month, once the control has been carried out with the Community Physician.
The third package is delivered after the third medical control of BJA co-responsibilities, which occurs between 6 and 7 months of gestation.
The fourth package is delivered the following month, once the control has been carried out with the Community Physician.
Recipient of the transfer: The pregnant woman
Maximum per household: N/A
Conditionalities: Health checks, collection and adequate consumption of the products delivered from the food package.
Sanctions: a) The double receipt of the allowance will be sanctioned with the total refund in money.
b) The participants who are caught selling, marketing or exchanging the Allowance products will be subject to the confiscation of the products by the SEDEM in coordination with the National Police and with definitive suspension of the allowance. In rural municipalities, health personnel in coordination with originating authorities may proceed with the forfeiture, and must immediately notify the National Coordination so that the assistance is suspended.
c) Third persons who are caught selling or marketing the allowance products, will be subject to the seizure of these by SEDEM. In the cases of rural municipalities, health personnel in coordination with originating authorities may proceed with the forfeiture. Confiscated products will be delivered to Social Benefit Institutions.
Comments: The replacement of food products that were not in optimal conditions can be done in the period of one week.
In the event that the recipient pregnant woman is under 18 years of age, she must register at the time of the registration to the BJA an adult with an Identity Card as the holder of the collection or receipt of the Subsidy.
In the case of disability, absence, illness or any impediment that prevents the presence of the pregnant woman, an alternate person may be registered with the BJA for the delivery of the subsidy food package.
There can be no more than one month of receipt of the subsidy.
Priority is given to municipalities with the highest rate of food vulnerability.
Amount : 4 packages equivalent to a BOB $300, in 2021


Subsidio Universal Prenatal por la Vida: Reglamento Operativo

Author: Unidad Ejecutora del Bono Juana Azurduy
Date: 2015
Publication info: Official regulation
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Program description


Can Small Incentives Have Large Payoffs? Health Impacts of a National Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Bolivia

Author: Celhaya, P. A., Johannsen, J., Martinez, S., and Vidal, C.
Date: 2017
Publication info: Working paper from CEDLAS
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Impact Evaluation Maternal and Child Health Program Juana Azurduy

Author: UDAPE
Date: 2015
Publication info:
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation


Cartilla Informativa

Author: Ministry of Health and Sports
Date: 2009
Publication info: [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General Information




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