United Nations              
Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Productive Investment Program (1996 - )



Date: 1996 -
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: The purpose of this programme is to provide financial support to productive enterprises with difficulties accessing credit through the purchase of machinery and/or tools that contribute to creating and improving working conditions. The financing is flexible and adaptable to the needs of each project; payment in instalments for the equipment acquired is used to establish Departmental Revolving Funds that promote new local enterprises. This programme is implemented through the Technical Employment Centres and the Departmental Administrations, in conjunction with the DINAE-MTSS Employment Policies Division, according to pre-established criteria using a local and sectoral development perspective. Each year a call for applications for the Programme is made at the national level, and it is implemented in the different departments and strategically defined localities in accordance with the commitments made by the Departmental Administrations and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, as a guarantee of its management.


Target population:
Geographic scale: Regional


Legal framework:
Responsible organization(s):





Cooperation with:

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