United Nations              
Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Manos a la Obra (Let’s Get to Work programme) (2003 - )



Web: Official website of the programme
Description: This initiative seeks to strengthen socio-economic organisation and promote the professional development of workers in the Social Economy. Through this tool, subsidies are granted for the purchase of inputs and equipment. The aim is to consolidate the productive activities carried out by associative groups, cooperatives, producer associations, recovered enterprises and aboriginal communities. It also seeks to constitute a system of promotion, organisation, and support for local development with a strategic regional and national perspective from the Social Economy. The project submitted must promote the development of commercial, industrial, and service activities that will generate income, create new jobs, and encourage the emergence of new products or services that meet local and regional needs.


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Responsible organization(s):







Cooperation with:

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