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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Universal Child Allowance for Social Protection (AUH) (2009-)



Date: 2009-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: The Universal Child Allowance for Social Protection (AUH, by its acronym in Spanish) is a Conditional Cash Transfer programme (CCT) that aims to improve quality of life and access to education for children and adolescents. It has a strong emphasis on guaranteeing the right to social protection, given that it has an institutional framework that enables complaints mechanisms for those who cannot access the programme. As of May 2011, the Universal Allowance for Pregnancy for Social Protection is added to the AUH, which contributes to the reduction of child mortality of children under 1 year of age and to improvements in the quality of the process of pregnancy, delivery and puerperium. As of April 2015, the Annual School Allowance is added to the AUH, which is delivered for each child in school. Foreigners residing in Argentina could receive the AUH allowance by certifying a minimum of two years of permanent residence in the country.


Target population: Families with children under the age of 18 or sons and daughters with disabilities (no age limit) and / or pregnant women who are unemployed or work in the informal economy. Domestic employees and mono-taxpayers.
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: Categorical: Program selection criteria.
Registry of recipients: Database of people of the National Social Security Administration (ANSES).
Exit strategies or criteria: Due to reiterated breach of conditionalities in health and/or education. No recertification.
The amounts of the transfers, the budget and the coverage of this program position it as one of the most relevant assistance programs for children in the region. ANSES has paid several times an extraordinary grant, called "Christmas Allowance", to the families receiving the AUH. This bonus has been paid once in 2015 and in 2016 and twice in 2018 (see data in Excel for more information on the amounts).

As part of the measures to face the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing, on March 27, 2020, families receiving the Universal Child Allowance (AUH) and the Universal Pregnancy Allowance (AUE) received an additional amount equivalent to an allowance for each son or daughter. Additionally, the AUH card was used to accelerate the delivery of the food card transfer to those who did not have the food card, which is an instrument for users to receive an amount equivalent to the basic food basket.

Another measure to face the COVID-19 crisis that considers AUH and AUE users is the Emergency Family Income (IFE), which delivers ARS $ 10,000 to recipients of the AUH, AUE and Progresar, as well as to informal workers, domestic staff and monotaxpayer and monotax categories A and B. The first payment was delivered between April and May, the second between June and July and the third between July and August.

Since 2020, foreigners residing in Argentine must certify a minimum of two years of permanent residence in the country (before 2020 the minimum was 3 years of residence). This measure applies when all members of the family group are foreigners.

In 2020, an application form was enabled to request reincorporation to the Universal Allowance. Applies to the holders of children and adolescents who are suspended for not having presented the Book of 2017 or previous years. Likewise, the holders could collect in December 2020 the accumulated 20% of the 2019 and 2018 Universal Assignment Book.

In 2021, the information exchange between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education is optimized for the automatic accreditation of the annual controls of the Universal Assignment.


Legal framework: Decree No. 1602/2009 in November 2009 and Decree No. 504/2015 in april 2015, modifying the existing Family Allowances Regime Law No. 24,714; Decree No. 446/2011. Law No. 27,160, Decree No. 492/16, Decree No. 593/16. Decree 309/2020. Decree 840/2020.
Responsible organization(s): National Social Security Administration (ANSES)
Executing organization(s): National Social Security Administration (ANSES)
Responsible organization(s) for the registry of recipients: National Social Security Administration (ANSES)
Source of funding: Guarantee Fund for the Sustainability of the Argentine Integrated Retirement System; Integrated Retirement and Pensions System.

Universal Child Allowance for social protection

Recipient(s): 1) Children under 18 years
2) Unemployed or workers in the informal economy
3) Domestic employees, social mono-taxpayers and those enrolled in the programs We Do Future (Hacemos Futuro), Hands-on-Work (Manos a la Obra) and other compatible work programs.
Mode of transfer: Transfer according to area of ​​residence.
80% of the expected amount is paid monthly to the holders of the allowance and the remaining 20% ​​will be reserved in a Savings Bank in the name of the owner in the Banco de la Nación Argentina. The sums may be charged when the holder certifies compliance with the health and education conditionalities mentioned above.
Mode of delivery: Debit Card
Periodicity of delivery: 80% monthly, 20% annually
Recipient of the transfer: Parent, guardian or relative within the third degree of consanguinity
Maximum per household: Since 2020, the maximum limit of sons and daughters per family is eliminated. Before 2020, the allowance was paid up to a maximum of 5 children per family, prioritizing disabled and younger children.
Conditionalities: * Education: School assistance for children aged 5 to 18 years.
* Health: Children under 5 years of age must have the vaccination schedule completed or in progress for their age and be enrolled in the SUMAR program. For children between 5 and 18 years of age, a complete or ongoing vaccination schedule must be in place according to age and complete health controls. All health conditionalities must be accredited by a registered professional.
Sanctions: 20% retention of the transfer until conditionality compliance
Comments: The allowance for children with disabilities has no age limits. The conditionalities are recorded and verified in the Universal Assignment Book.
The differential amounts by area are applied since 2016 and were established in Law N ° 27,160.
Amount : The general value is ARS $17,093 per person (in 2023); see Excel data.


Universal Child with Disabilities Allowance

Recipient(s): Father or Mother living with a child with a disability (no age limit), who are Argentine and reside in the country or foreigners or naturalized who reside in Argentina for more than two years. Parents must be in any of the following situations:
1) Unemployed
2) Informal workers (not registered).
3) Social Mono-taxpayers
4) Registered domestic service workers.
5) Enrolled in one of the programs We Do Future (Hacemos Futuro), Hands-on-Work (Manos a la Obra) or compatible programs of the Ministry of Labour
Mode of transfer: Transfer according to area of ​​residence. 80% of the expected amount is paid monthly to the holders of the allowance and the remaining 20% ​​will be reserved in a Savings Bank in the name of the owner in the Banco de la Nación Argentina. The sums may be charged when the holder certifies compliance with the health conditions.
Mode of delivery: Debit Card
Periodicity of delivery: 80% monthly, 20% annually
Recipient of the transfer: Father or mother of child with disability
Maximum per household: Since 2020, the maximum limit of sons and daughters per family is eliminated. Before 2020, the allowance was paid up to a maximum of 5 children per family, prioritizing younger children.
Comments: As part of the requirements for children with disabilities, the child's parent, guardian or conservator must present the child's Unique Disability Certificate (CUD), as well as documentation that proves that the holder contributes to cope with the illness of the person with a disability.
The differential amounts by area are applied since 2016 and were established in Law N ° 27,160.
Amount : The general value is ARS $31,900 per person (in 2023); see Excel data


Universal Pregnancy Allowance for social protection

Recipient(s): Pregnant women who are Argentine nationals or residents and who have been legally resident in the country for at least three years prior to applying for the allowance::
1) Unemployed
2) Informal workers (not registered).
3) Social Mono-taxpayers
4) Registered domestic service workers.
5) Persons enrolled in any of the programs We do Future (Hacemos Futuro - Argentina Trabaja and Ellas Hacen), Hands on work (Manos a la Obra) or compatible programs of the Ministry of Labor
Mode of transfer: Transfer according to area of ​​residence. 80% of the expected amount is paid monthly to the holders of the allowance and the remaining 20% ​​will be reserved in a Savings Bank in the name of the owner in the Banco de la Nación Argentina. The sums may be charged when the holder certifies compliance with the health conditions.
Mode of delivery: Debit Card
Periodicity of delivery: 80% monthly, 20% annually
Recipient of the transfer: Direct Participant
Maximum per household: One transfer per pregnant woman. Does not accumulate in case of multiple pregnancies
Conditionalities: * Health: Scheme of vaccination and complete medical checks accredited on pregnancy monitoring card.
Sanctions: Withholding of 20% of the transfer up to conditionality accreditation
Comments: It is delivered from the twelfth week of gestation until the birth or interruption of pregnancy. The SUMAR Program constitutes the explicit health coverage for the holders of the allocation. Pregnancy must be accredited by the Nacer Plan of the Ministry of Health. The differential amounts by area are applied since 2016 and were established in Law N ° 27,160.
Amount : The general value is ARS $17,093 per person (in 2023); see Excel data


Annual School Allowance

Recipient(s): Parents who receive Universal Children Allowance and whose children meet the following requirements:
1) Children without disabilities must be under 18 years of age and attend educational establishments incorporated into official education.
2) Children with disabilities must have a valid authorization for the payment of allowances for children with disabilities issued by ANSES and must attend either educational establishments incorporated into official education (as in the case of children without disabilities) or receive differential or special education, attend Protected Workshops or Labor Training Institutions that help the development and insertion of the person with disability, or receive rehabilitation in official or private establishments.
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Debit Card
Periodicity of delivery: Annually
Recipient of the transfer: Parent, mother or legal representative of the child
Maximum per household: This allowance is paid up to a maximum of 5 children, giving priority to children with disabilities and children of a younger age.
Conditionalities: Accreditation of schooling. In the case of children with disabilities between 5 and 17 years, parents must submit the 'National Social Security, Health and Education Book' or the Form "Universal Assignment - Health, Education and Sworn Statement" (which must be submitted annually to collect the accumulated 20% of the Universal Assignment for a child or a child with a disability for social protection).
Comments: According to Decree 504/2015, Annual School Allowance is delivered since April 2015. As part of the requirements for children with disabilities, the child's parent, guardian or conservator must present the child's Unique Disability Certificate (CUD).
Amount : ARS $8,210 per person per year (in 2023); see Excel data


Christmas Allowance

Recipient(s): Recipients of Universal Child Allowance or Universal Child with Disabilities Allowance and Universal Pregnancy Allowance.
Mode of transfer: Transferencia plana
Mode of delivery: Debit Card
Periodicity of delivery: Annual, in 2015, 2016, 2018 y 2019.
Recipient of the transfer: Father, mother or legal representative of the child or direct recipient in the case of the Pregnancy Allowance.
Amount : ARS $2,000 in 2020


Extraordinary Allowance (due to covid-19)

Recipient(s): Recipients of Universal Child Allowance or Universal Child with Disabilities Allowance and Universal Pregnancy Allowance.
Mode of transfer: Transfer according to family characteristics
Mode of delivery: Debit Card
Periodicity of delivery: Single transfer
Recipient of the transfer: Father, mother or legal representative of the child or direct recipient in the case of the Pregnancy Allowance.
Maximum per household: A maximum of 5 children for recipients of the Universal Child Allowance and the Universal Child with Disabilities Allowance. One transfer per pregnant women for recipients of the Universal Pregnancy Allowance.
Comments: This transfer is part of the measures to cope with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing.
Amount : ARS $3,100 (in 2020) per child and pregnant woman. In the case of a child with a disability, the amount is ARS $10,111 (in 2020)


Emergency Family Income (IFE) (due to covid-19)

Recipient(s): Recipients of the AUH, AUE and Progresar, as well as to informal workers, domestic staff and monotaxpayer and monotax categories A and B.
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Deposit in bank account
Periodicity of delivery: Bimonthly, in three installments. The first payment was made between April and May, the second between June and July, and the third between July and August 2020.
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Maximum per household: Only one person per household can receive the transfer. The recipients of this measure cannot receive income from retirements, pensions or withdrawals of a contributory or non-contributory programme; Social Plans; Boost Work Programme or other national, provincial or municipal social programs.
Comments: This transfer is part of the measures to face the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing.
Amount : ARS $10,000


Boletín IFE I-2020: Caracterización de la población beneficiaria

Author: ANSES
Date: 2020
Publication info: ANSES newsletter report
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Midiendo el efecto distributivo de la Asignación Universal por Hijo en Argentina: Efecto directo, indirecto y potenciales mejoras.

Author: Garganta, S.
Date: 2019
Publication info: Económica, La Plata, Vol. LXV, Nro. I.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation and analysis of design


Sistemas de protección social mixtos: pisos de protección social e interacciones con el mercado de trabajo

Author: Boffi, S.
Date: 2015
Publication info: FLACSO: State and Public Policy Area
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Master's Thesis


The impact of a conditional cash transfer programme on education outcomes beyond school attendance in Argentina

Author: Edo, M., y Marchionni, M.
Date: 2019
Publication info: Journal of Development Effectiveness
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


The impacts of a child allowance program on the behavior of adults in the labor market: the case of Argentina

Author: Maurizio, R. and Vázquez, G.
Date: 2012
Publication info: Nueva Orleans, Population Association of America
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


Evaluation of the impacts of the Universal Child Allowance on the work behavior of adults and the generation of income

Author: Maurizio, R. and Monsalvo A.
Date: 2018
Publication info: IIEP working paper No. 34.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


The massiveness of income transfers and the margins of the bureaucracy to recreate public policy. A look at the Universal Child Allowance in Argentina

Author: Arcidiácono, P.
Date: 2017
Publication info: Journal Revista de Ciencia Política, Vol. 55, No. 1. pp 135-154.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Analysis of normative and institutional design


Universal Assignment by Child: scope and impact by regions of the country

Author: Bustos, J.M.; Giglio, G. and Villafañe, S.
Date: 2013
Publication info: Serie Estudios 11.indb 17
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Access to Universal Assignment by Child in the indigenous peoples of northern Argentina.

Author: Isla, Alejandro and Vezza, Evelyn
Date: 2013
Publication info: OIT, UNICEF Argentina y FLACSO
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Gaps in the social protection of children and adolescents

Date: 2018
Publication info: Project bulletin 5 Analysis of proposals and improvements to extend Universal Assignment for Child 2017.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General Information


Analysis and characterization of conditionalities in education and health established by the AUH

Date: 2018
Publication info: Bulletin 4 of the project Analysis of proposals and improvements to extend the Universal Assignment for Child 2017.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General Information


The protection system for children in Argentina: Alternatives for reform

Date: 2018
Publication info: Project bulletin 3 Analysis of proposals and improvements to extend the Universal Assignment for Child 2017.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General Information


The impact of the AUH on household income

Date: 2018
Publication info: Project Bulletin 2 Analysis of proposals and improvements to extend the Universal Assignment for Child 2017.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information and impact evaluations


General characterization, background and fiscal cost of eventual reforms.

Date: 2018
Publication info: Project Bulletin 1 Analysis of proposals and improvements to extend the Universal Assignment for Child 2017.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General Information


Analysis of proposals and improvements to extend the Universal Assignment for Child 2017

Date: 2018
Publication info: Official Document. ISBN: 978-92-806-4915-4
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information and impact evaluations


Analysis of proposals and improvements to extend the Universal Assignment for Child 2017

Author: ANSES, Ministry of Social Development, UNICEF, UBA, CEDLAS and National Council of Social Policies of the Presidency of the Nation
Date: 2018
Publication info: Official document. ISBN: 978-92-806-4915-4
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information and impact evaluations


Policies of social protection and economic participation of the Argentine population (2003-2010)

Author: Groisman, F., Bossert, F. y Sconfienza, M
Date: 2011
Publication info: VI Conference of Young Researchers, Gino Germani Research Institute, UBA
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact assessment on the labor market


Approach to possible effects of Universal Assignment by Child on the labor market

Author: Castillo, N., Musante, B. y Mendoza Jaramillo, A.
Date: 2013
Publication info: VII Conference of Young Researchers, Gino Germani Research Institute, UBA
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact assessment on the labor market


"Income transfer policies. Its impact on the labor market "Experiences in Latin America and the cases of the Universal Assignment for Child and the Pension Inclusion Program in Argentina

Author: Boffi, S.
Date: 2013
Publication info: Research Advances No. 16, Center for Research in Labor, Distribution and Society
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact assessment on the labor market


Cash transfers and female labor force participation: the case of AUH in Argentina

Author: Garganta, S., Gasparini, L. y Marchionni, M.
Date: 2017
Publication info: Journal of Labor Policies (2017) 6:10, IZA
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation on female labor participation


What transfers does the State make to families with children and adolescents in Argentina? A proposal from equity

Author: Díaz, G., y Acuña, M.
Date: 2016
Publication info: Document No. 174 of the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies for Equity and Growth (CIPPEC)
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General Information


The great challenge: Break the trap of inequality since childhood. Lessons from Universal Assignment by Child.

Author: Kliksberg, B., y Novacovsky, I.
Date: 2015
Publication info: 1a. ed. - Autonomous City of Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation


School attendance and labor participation of adolescents in Argentina: the impact of Universal Assignment for Child

Author: Jiménez, M., y Jiménez, M.
Date: 2015
Publication info: Working Document Series 11. International Labor Office
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact evaluation on attendance and labor participation rates


Conditional Cash Transfer Programs and Enforcement of Compulsory Education Laws. The case of Asignación Universal por Hijo in Argentina

Author: Edo, M., y Marchionni, M.
Date: 2015
Publication info: Documento de Trabajo No. 190. Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Evaluación de impacto en tasas de asistencia


Universal Assignment for Child for Social Protection in Argentina. Between the satisfaction of needs and the recognition of rights

Author: Pautassi, L., Arcidiácono, P., y Straschnoy, M.
Date: 2013
Publication info: Social Policies Series n. 184 [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information. Rights Approach


Argentina: effects of the Universal Allocation by Child program in the work behavior of adults

Author: Maurizio, R. y Vázquez, G.
Date: 2014
Publication info: Revista CEPAL n. 113 [en línea]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact Evaluation on employability


The impact of a social program on labor informality: the case of the AUH in Argentina

Author: Garganta, S. y Gasparini, L.
Date: 2012
Publication info: Working Document n. 132. Center for Distributive, Labor and Social Studies [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact assessment in labor informality


Universal assignment per child. Evaluation of the impact on household income and the labor market

Author: Bustos, J. y Villafañe, S.
Date: 2011
Publication info: Work, Occupation and Employment n. 10 [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact assessment on employability and family income


Monetary Transfers for Children and Adolescents in Argentina: Characteristics and Coverage of a ‘System’ with Three Components

Author: Bertranou, F. y Maurizio, R.
Date: 2012
Publication info: IPC-IG Policy Brief No. 30 [en línea] http://www.ipc-
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General Information


Universal Assignment for Child for social protection in Argentina

Author: ANSES
Date: 2012
Publication info: Observatory of Social Security [online]
Topic: General Information


Universal Child Allowance (AUH): extension of family allowances

Author: Roca, E.
Date: 2011
Publication info: Public Debate Magazine. Reflection of Social Work [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Social protection / Ex-ante evaluation


The Universal Assignment by Son. Conquest of new rights? Old or new female identities?

Author: Goren, N.
Date: 2011
Publication info: 10 National Congress of Labor Studies - Argentine Association of Specialists in Labor Studies [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Gender


Universal Assignment for Child: Impact on labor formality

Author: Garganta, S.
Date: 2011
Publication info: Master's Thesis in Economics, University of La Plata [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Labour Impact


Design evaluation of the Universal Child Allowance for Social Protection

Author: Colombo, P.
Date: 2012
Publication info: Thesis III Latin American Master in Public Policy Evaluation of the International University of Andalusia [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Design evaluation


Universal Assignment for Child for Social Protection: an inclusion policy for the most vulnerable

Author: D'Elia, V., Calabria, A., Calero, A., Gaiada, J. y Rottenschweiler, S.
Date: 2010
Publication info: Social Security 260 [online]
Topic: General information / Impact on poverty


Analysis and evaluation of the educational aspects of Universal Assignment by Child (AUH)

Author: Ministry of Education
Date: 2011
Publication info: Ministry of Education [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Education


The universal child allowance one year after its implementation

Author: Basualdo, E., Arceo, N.,González, M. y Mendizábal, N.
Date: 2010
Publication info: Center for Research and Training of the Argentine Republic (CIFRA) Working Document n. 7 [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information / Impact assessment on poverty and inequality


Bicentennial without hunger: evaluation of the program "Universal Assignment for Child for Social Protection" in its first 4 months of implementation

Author: Rameri, A., Haimovich, A. y Straschnoy, M.
Date: 2010
Publication info: Institute of Studies and Training - Central de Trabajadores de Argentina [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Impact on inflation


Universal Assignment for Child: Lecture Series

Author: Argentine Association of Social Policies and the Argentine Citizen Income Network
Date: 2010
Publication info: UNICEF [en línea]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Conference


The impact of the Universal Assignment for Child in Argentina

Author: Agis, E., Cañete, C. y Panigo, D.
Publication info:
Link: See Webpage


Semi-conditional cash transfers in the form of family allowances for children and adolescents in the informal economy in Argentina

Author: Fabio Bertranou y Roxana Maurizio
Date: 2012
Publication info: International Social Security Review, Vol. 65, 1/2012
Topic: General Information


Assignment for pregnancy for social protection: a tool to reduce maternal and infant mortality

Author: Cogliandro, Gisell
Date: 2011
Publication info: Observatory of maternity: newsletter of the observatory 42
Topic: General Information


Universal Assignments by Child: Impact, Discussion and Alternatives

Author: Gasparini, Leonardo y Cruces, Guillermo
Date: 2010
Publication info: CEDLAS Working Paper 102, July 2010 [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information / Evaluation


Programs of Conditional Transfers the Universal Assignment for Child for Social Protection in Argentina

Author: Rodrigo González
Date: 2010
Publication info: IDEAL [online]
Topic: General information / Evaluation


The Universal Child Allowance Program for Social Protection and the changes in the Conditional Transfer Programs

Author: Cogliandro, Gisell
Date: 2010
Publication info: Siena Foundation, notes March 12, 2010 [online]
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information / Evaluation




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