United Nations              
Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Guardian Angel Programme (2013-)



Date: 2013-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: This programme was introduced in 2012, while the social allowance began to be delivered from 2013. Through economic transfers, the programme seeks to enhance the quality of life and protect the rights of people with severe disability in condition of dependence and extreme poverty through an assistance monetary transfer. In order to obtain economic allowance, the active recipients must meet the conditionalities established by a technical team of the programme.


Target population: People with severe disability in condition of dependence and extreme poverty
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: 1) Categorical: Panamanian national or son/daughter of Panamanians, and condtion of disability
2) Proxy means test
Instrument of selection: Socioeconomic investigation
Registry of recipients: Single Registry of Beneficiaries (RUB)
Exit strategies or criteria: Death of active recipient
No collection of money during three consecutive payments
Comments: A socioeconomic investigation will be carried out by the Ministry of Social Development in collaboration with the National Secretariat of Disability, in order to detect the recipients. The registration process includes a home visit of the technical team, and the recipients are required to present the diagnosis of a competent public health institution.


Legal framework: Law No. 39 of 14th of June, 2012
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Social Development
Executing organization(s): Ministry of Social Development with the support of the National Secretariat of Disability
Responsible organization(s) for the registry of recipients: Ministry of Social Development
Source of funding: National Treasury, Special Fund for People with Disability in condition of dependency and extreme poverty

1) Allowance

Recipient(s): All participants of the programme
Mode of transfer: Monetary
Mode of delivery: Cash Delivery / Cash withdrawal
Periodicity of delivery: Bimonthly
Recipient of the transfer: Father or mother, guardian or legal representative
Maximum per household:
Conditionalities: *Health: Attendance to health check-up and to center of integral rehabilitation, if advised.
*Others: participation in lectures, courses and seminars for psychological and medical orientation, and accession to the education system in the case of minors.
Sanctions: Suspension of the allowance in case of use of money in gambling, alcohol, drugs and narcotics or for other usage by father or mother, guardian or legal representative.
Comments: The technical team will establish the conditionalities during the home visit considering the situation of each active recipient. If the recipient's condition of disability doesn't allow him/her to attend health centers, visits by technical team can be organized for health check-ups.
Amount : PAB $ 80; see Data Excel format




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