United Nations              
Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
First Job Grant (Beca Primer Empleo) (2013-2018)



Date: 2013-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: To promote the integration into the formal labour market of adolescents and young people between the ages of 16 and 25 in urban and rural areas, in situations of poverty, extreme poverty and unemployment, through temporary hiring as apprentices. The programme has a total duration of eight months and is divided into two phases: 1) training of 5 hours per week for a maximum period of 60 hours and 2) internship in the assigned company. If the users comply with the established co-responsibilities, the Ministry of Social Development will deliver 2,000 quetzales in bank transfers and the employer will make a payment equivalent to 40% of the current minimum wage plus an incentive bonus of 250 quetzales.


Target population: Adolescents and young people aged 16 to 25
Area of intervention: 1) Professional and vocation training
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: Categorical
Registry of recipients: SAB Scholarship Management System.


Legal framework: Ministerial Agreement No. 64-2012
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Social Development
Executing organization(s): Ministry of Social Development
Source of funding: Government of Guatemala

1) Training

Recipient(s): Programme participants
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participants
Description: The Technical Institute of Productive Training -INTECAP- provides training to the users of the programme. The training consists of 5 hours per week for a maximum period of 60 hours during the first phase of the programme, which is a prerequisite for the young apprentice to be certified in a trade.


2) Professional internship

Recipient(s): Programme participants
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Conditionalities: Punctual attendance at the company assigned to the apprenticeship training, completing 35 hours per week, for the purpose of learning a trade.
Comments: The grant will be withdrawn when the user does not comply with the co-responsibilities
Description: For the purpose of learning a trade, the apprentice will carry out an internship in an assigned company for 35 hours per week.




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