Red de Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe
Plataforma virtual para la difusión de conocimiento sobre desarrollo social

Innovative global and regional partnerships are essential for youth employment


Autor : International Labour Organization
Fuente: International Labour Organization
Fecha: 2016-06-15 17:08:16
Descripción: Millions of young people worldwide are having difficulty finding a decent job. Many in the informal economy are facing poverty and few prospects for a brighter future. At a High-Level World of Work Summit at the 105th International Labour Conference, ILO Director-General Guy Ryder told delegates that investment in young people is investing in the future of entire societies. At the Summit, delegates heard a number of concrete steps to bring more young people into the world of work including building strong national and international partnerships that promote green jobs, focus on young people in rural areas and create opportunities to enhance digital skills.



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