Red de Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe
Plataforma virtual para la difusión de conocimiento sobre desarrollo social

Global Forum 2023 | Disparity Origin and Consequence of the Latin American Pre-Development Trap


Autor : Pearson Institute
Fuente: Pearson Institute
Fecha: 2023-11-02 12:06:59
Descripción: At The Pearson Institute, our mission is to convene international leaders and world-renowned academics at the Pearson Global Forum to explore rigorous research and analysis to influence solutions, strategies, and policies for reducing and mitigating conflict to achieve a more peaceful world. This year's forum features sessions and conversations on the topic of disparity and how it impacts people in places such as Iran, Afghanistan, Mexico, and more Featured Speakers: Ernesto Zedillo: Former President of Mexico (1994-2000); Senior Fellow and Frederick Iseman ’74 Director, Program for the Study of Globalization, Jackson School of Global Affairs; Professor, Economics, Political Science; Adjunct Professor, Environmental Studies, Yale University The 2023 Pearson Global Forum was held on October 20, 2023.



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