Red de Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe
Plataforma virtual para la difusión de conocimiento sobre desarrollo social

Applying the Principles for Digital Development in Social Protection


Autor institucional : Digital Convergence Initiative
Autor/Autores: Madhumitha Hebbar
Fecha de publicación: Octubre 2023
Alcance geográfico: Mundial
Publicado en: Alemania
Descargar: Descargar PDF
Resumen: This document offers guidance on the application of the PDDs to social protection. After presenting the background and objectives, it sets out how each principle applies to digital social protection solutions. First, the original definition is presented for each principle, followed by the social protection perspective, and the key actions to apply it in practice. Barriers to implementation are highlighted and ways to overcome these barriers suggested. Country-level examples of good and bad practices, as well as additional resources, are provided throughout. Although the principles relate to the ‘design’ of digital solutions, this document concludes by looking at the ‘bigger picture’, outlining the overarching organisational factors to be considered while applying the PDDs. It is important to take these factors into account to ensure the ultimate success of digitalisation in the social protection sector.



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