Red de Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe
Plataforma virtual para la difusión de conocimiento sobre desarrollo social

The Comprehensive Health Impact of Cash Transfers, Social Pensions and Primary Care in Brazil: An Integrated Evaluation and Forecasting Analysis to Mitigate the Effects of the COVID19-Related Economic Crisis


Autor institucional : The Lancet
Autor/Autores: Temidayo James Aransiola y José Alejandro Ordoñez
Fecha de publicación: Junio 2022
Alcance geográfico: Nacional
Publicado en: Estados Unidos
Descargar: Descargar PDF
Resumen: Background: In the past few years, Brazil has implemented some of the world`s largest Conditional Cash Transfers(Bolsa Familia Program -BFP), Social Pensions(Benefício de Prestação Continuada -BPC), and Primary Health Care(Family Health Strategy –FHS). We evaluated their comprehensive impact on morbidity and mortality indicators over the last two decades. We then forecasted their mitigation effects on the adverse health impact of the economic crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: In the retrospective impact evaluation, we used fixed-effects negative binomial models with a cohort of Brazilian municipalities from 2004-19 to estimate the impact of BFP, BPC, and FHS coverage on hospitalizations and mortality, adjusted for all relevant demographic, social, and economic factors. Subsequently, we integrated the longitudinal dataset and parameters with validated dynamic microsimulation models, projecting hospitalization and mortality trends up to 2030 according to different intensities and durations of the economic crisis, and alternative policy responses.



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