Red de Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe
Plataforma virtual para la difusión de conocimiento sobre desarrollo social

Summary Progress Update 2021: SDG 6 — water and sanitation for all


Autor institucional : United Nations
Autor/Autores: UN-Water Integrated Monitoring Initiative on SDG 6
Fecha de publicación: Febrero 2021
Alcance geográfico: Mundial
Publicado en: Estados Unidos
Descargar: Descargar PDF
Resumen: This report has been produced by the UN-Water Integrated Monitoring Initiative on SDG 6 (IMI-SDG6), which brings together the United Nations organizations that are formally mandated to compile country data on the SDG 6 global indicators. Through IMI-SDG6, the United Nations seeks to support countries in monitoring water- and sanitation- related issues within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and in compiling country data to report on global progress towards SDG 6. An important part of this work is to provide standardized methodologies for monitoring the different indicators, to ensure that data are comparable across countries and over time. Learn more about SDG 6 monitoring and reporting here:



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