Red de Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe
Plataforma virtual para la difusión de conocimiento sobre desarrollo social

Inequities in access to health care in different health systems: a study in municipalities of central Colombia and north-eastern Brazil


Autor institucional : International Journal for Equity in Health 2014
Autor/Autores: Irene Garcia-Subirats, Ingrid Vargas, Amparo Susana Mogollón Pérez, Pierre De Paepe, Maria Rejane Ferreira da Silva, Jean Pierre Unger, Carme Borrell, Maria Luisa Vázquez1
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Alcance geográfico: Internacional
Publicado en: Internacional
Descargar: Descargar PDF
Resumen: It was concluded that communication inequality might form part of the socioecologically and socioeconomically embedded processes that affect HIV/AIDS-related outcomes. The findings suggest that the media and message effects that are related to HIV/AIDS behavior change communication can be viewed from a structural perspective that moves beyond the more reductionist behavioral approaches upon which most present-day HIV/AIDS communication campaigns seem to be based.



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