Red de Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe
Plataforma virtual para la difusión de conocimiento sobre desarrollo social

Global social protection scheme moving from charity to solidarity


Autor institucional : medico international and hélène-de-beir Foundation
Autor/Autores: Jens Holst, Editor
Fecha de publicación: Diciembre, 2012
Alcance geográfico: Internacional
Publicado en: Alemania
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Resumen: The idea of charity is still omnipresent in thinking about international assistance. The word donor is a witness of that: some countries donate or give; they do not see themselves as owing something to other countries or their inhabitants; nor do they see themselves as partners in a shared effort. Charity once was a driving force of what became social protection. It no longer is. Social protection is not about charity. When we pay our taxes or social insurance fees, we are not donors of aid, we are paying our dues; when we receive support in the form of subsidised health care or teachers for our children whose salaries have been paid, we are not recipients of aid. We pay our dues and we use our entitlements, and we consider it a collective effort to build a fair and equitable.



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