Red de Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe
Plataforma virtual para la difusión de conocimiento sobre desarrollo social

The Broker Dossier on inequality


Autor institucional : The Broker – Connecting Worlds of Knowledge
Autor/Autores: The Broker – Connecting Worlds of Knowledge
Fecha de publicación: December 2012
Alcance geográfico: Mundial
Publicado en: Países Bajos
Descargar: Descargar PDF
Resumen: TThe Broker is an independent platform and online magazine on globalization and development, bringing together cutting-edge knowledge and expert opinions from researchers, policymakers and practitioners. The core of the Dossier is formed by three articles by editors from The Broker team. These articles include a world map of inequality and aim to give a clear idea of what inequality, offering a bird’s eye view of the debate. Other articles spotlight specific dimensions of inequality. Most of the articles have been co-read by academics and specialists in the field. The Dossier will be kept up to date and supplemented by an online debate.



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