Red de Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe
Plataforma virtual para la difusión de conocimiento sobre desarrollo social

Education First The United Nations Secretary-General’s initiative to ensure quality, relevant and transformative education for everyone.


Autor institucional : UN, ONU
Fecha de publicación: Septiembre, 2012
Alcance geográfico: Internacional
Publicado en: Internacional
Descargar: Descargar PDF
Resumen: Education is the basic building block of every society. It is a fundamental human right, not a privilege of the few. It is no coincidence that parents around the world demand education for their children as their first priority. Children themselves yearn for the opportunity to fulfill their dreams. Just ask them what they wish to be when they grow up. They want to be nurses, teachers, musicians, mathematicians, painters and farmers. Education is the gateway to learning the skills and values necessary to fulfill those aspirations. In our knowledge-based world, education is the single best investment countries can make towards building prosperous, healthy and equitable societies. It unleashes the optimal potential in people, improving individual livelihoods and those of future generations. If all students in low-income countries acquired basic reading skills, 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty, equivalent to a 12% cut in world poverty.



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