Red de Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe
Plataforma virtual para la difusión de conocimiento sobre desarrollo social

Talent Report: What workers want in 2012


Autor institucional : John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development
Autor/Autores: Cliff Zukin Mark Szeltner
Fecha de publicación: Mayo, 2012
Alcance geográfico: Internacional
Publicado en: Estados Unidos
Descargar: Descargar PDF
Resumen: Most people say that having a job that makes a social impact on the world is an important life goal. In fact, students say it is more important than having children, a prestigious career, being wealthy, or being a community leader — ranking only below fi nancial security and marriage. Professionals show similar prioritization, with having children rising higher on their list of goals.



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