Red de Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe
Plataforma virtual para la difusión de conocimiento sobre desarrollo social

Libro OIT: "Trade Unions and the Global Crisis: Labour’s Visions, Strategies and Responses"


Autor institucional : OIT
Autor/Autores: Melisa Serrano, Edlira Xhafa, Michael Fichter (Editores)
Fecha de publicación: 2011
Alcance geográfico: Regional e Internacional
Publicado en: Suiza
Descargar: Descargar PDF
Resumen: Descripción: Colección de ensayos de conotados académicos y sindicalistas sobre el papel de las organizaciones sindicales en el actual contexto de crisis económica mundial, y sobre las estrategias vigentes y posibles para transformar el actual modelo económico y social. Resumen en inglés: If the recent global economic crisis has debilitated labour in many parts of the world, many segments of the trade union movement have been fighting back, combining traditional and innovative strategies and articulating alternatives to the dominant political and economic models. This book offers a composite overview of the responses of trade unions and other workers’ organizations to neoliberal globalization in general and to the recent financial crisis in particular. The essays here, by trade unionists and academics from around the world, explore the state of labour in Brazil, China, Nepal, South Africa, Turkey, North America and Europe. The authors offer a rich range of short-term strategies and actions, medium- and long-term policies, and alternative visions that challenge the current development paradigm. This book makes a stimulating contribution to the continuing debate on labour’s role as an economic, political and social force in building a more democratic and just society.



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