Red de Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe
Plataforma virtual para la difusión de conocimiento sobre desarrollo social

Modeling Public Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean


Autor institucional : ECLAC and IDB
Autor/Autores: Carlos de Miguel, José Durán Lima, Paolo Giordano, Julio Guzmán, Andrés Schuschny and Masakazu Watanuki, Editors
Fecha de publicación: September 2010
Alcance geográfico: Regional
Publicado en: Regional
Descargar: Descargar PDF
Resumen: This book includes a selection of studies discussed in past annual regional meetings on modelling. They deal with issues such as trade policy, regional integration, trade in services, fiscal policy, the impact of food price surges and climate change; are based on comparable methodologies; and shed light on the implications of crucial policy alternatives that Latin American regional policymakers are currently facing.

With this publication, ECLAC and IDB hope to disseminate the studies broadly among policymakers and to encourage new generations of modellers to further analytical work in this area. In doing so both organizations reaffirm their commitment to support this line of research so that stakeholders can take better informed policy decisions.




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