Investing in Young Children: Two New Resources on ECD In recent years, a broad consensus has emerged on the fact that investing in young children is one of the best investments countries can make. And yet while investments in early childhood development (ECD) should be a priority, many countries fall short. 2014-12-16 12:34:08
“Peace has a face, and that face is youth” said Irina Bokova, UNESCO The meeting in Libreville also allowed for the consideration of a long-term strategy. Young participants from the Network concluded the event by singing the song that guided their Forum: “War does not pay; peace wants our arms”. 2014-12-16 12:28:47
La ONU pide más preparación contra desastres Una década después de que un tsunami matara a 230.000 personas en el sureste asiático, la máxima responsable de Naciones Unidas para la gestión de desastres naturales dijo que el mundo debe hacer más para prepararse para fenómenos meteorológicos extremos. 2014-12-16 11:52:54
Disponible publicación de The Lancet: Violence against women and girls The Lancet Series on Violence against women and girls shows that such abuse is preventable. Five papers cover the evidence base for interventions, discuss the vital role of the health sector in care and prevention, show the need for men and women to be .. 2014-12-16 11:12:10
Disponible publicación FAO Panorama of Food and Nutritional Security 2014 To achieve this goal, 2.75 million people must overcome hunger in the region during 2015, which requires that governments redouble their efforts, considering that the average reduction over the last twenty years has been 1.4 million people per year 2014-12-15 13:36:17
Latinoamérica esta envejeciendo La eternamente joven América Latina también está envejeciendo, debido al aumento de la esperanza de vida y la caída de nacimientos. 2014-12-15 12:08:25