Bolivia: Gobierno promulgó ley que ratifica convenio 189 de la OIT El Convenio 189 ofrece protección específica a las trabajadoras y los trabajadores de casa particular. Establece los derechos y principios básicos, y exige a los Estados tomar una serie de medidas 2012-11-22 12:16:48
Disponible el Informe "Caribbean Human Development Report 2012" Crime has become one of the main challenges threatening economies and livelihoods in Caribbean countries, but the right mix of policies and programmes can halt the problem. 2012-11-16 10:02:08
Disponible artículo : "Sub-national Revenue Mobilization in Mexico" This paper estimates potential Mexican sub-national tax revenues using a stochastic frontier model. Results suggest that states are exploiting their current tax bases, particularly the payroll tax, appropriately. while Mexican municipalities fail at it. 2012-11-16 09:57:10